I love our “backyard” neighbors. I found this note stuck to our back door the day we started moving things into our house this past October:
I’ve still got it stuck next to my computer, and it still makes me smile every time I see it.
Cindy, and her husband Jeff, own an interior design business and lucky for me and Kevin, they live in the house on the other side of our back alley:
It’s so fun to talk design with Cindy whenever we bump into each other out there!
Check out these beautiful homes she and her team (Cindy Barganier Interiors) worked on. This first one is located in Watercolor, Florida…
…and this next one is located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida…
Pretty fantabulous, huh?
This past Friday, Kevin and I got to tag along with her and her team for a fun photo shoot at the Blount Conservatory in Montgomery:
We were there to fluff and photograph Cindy’s new line of fabrics…
…and she didn’t have to ask me twice if I wanted to be involved! #IHeartFabric
We got there around 9am, and went straight to work setting everything up…
After Jeff, Marilyn, Cindy and I had everything all “joojed”, Kevin and Josh (Shoot Fly Shoot) photographed everything…
Rumor has it Cindy’s hosting an exciting fabric-themed giveaway over at her blog today. At least that what the word on the street alley is.
Love the fabric! And the note? Really gracious. You’re lucky to have such sweet neighbors.
Oh! Forgot to say, Sweet and TALENTED neighbors. Those homes are absolutely beautiful!
So beautiful and so glad you shared!
I’m so in love with those long drapes in the Watercolor house!
I think you hit the jackpot in the neighbor department!
WOW! What amazing designs and if I had spaces as big as those I think I’d roll around on the floor from end to end every couple of hours. Right now if I tried that I’d get in 1 roll from the love seat and then be under the tree!
Wow, amazing and beautiful! Every room was gorgeous! And the fabric speaks for itself!
Just beautiful! You are so lucky to have a friend nearby that you can share all of this great design with!!
How funny that you two talented families live next door to each other! It’s meant to be.
man, did you pick your new neighbors well! so generous and so talented! i am in love with the fabrics you were playing with at that shoot. speaking of fabrics, those drapes in the watercolor, fl home are fantastic. love!
Haha – I say “joojed” too and wondered how I would spell it if I ever had to!!! Having wonderful neighbors means so much..: )
Have a great week!
These rooms are so beautiful. I love the loonnnnggg draperies in the first house, and the soothing atmosphere of all the rest of the room, and on the second I love how the carpet grounds everything so nicely! Beautiful beautiful! And super nice neighbors too..wow! Good for you!
Wowzer! You two are a match made in Heaven. Your new neighborhood looks and sounds like it is made just for you and Kevin. Congratulations.
Wow what awesome neighbors! You are very lucky. Hold onto them tight.
Wow Layla. What an awesome post. We love you guys and can’t wait to move on to the next project together! Woo hoo. See you at the fire pit.
It must be so wonderful to have a neighbor with so much in common…you must have been in heaven with all that fabric!….Her work and fabrics are stunning!!!…
What great Neighbors! Good and friendly ones truly are a blessing.
Love the fabrics and those places she and her team designed…WOW!
What wonderful neighbors you have! And the creativity between those two houses must create sparks in the air! 😉
I LOVE fabric and hers is amazing!!! I could use all of them somewhere in my house!! Beautiful!
I’m feeling some real fabric lust in my heart today. Gorgeous. Loved the note pinned to your door.
I am so happy for you and Kevin. I loved your old home very much but your beautiful new home has room for your growing family and amazing views and wonderful neighbors. Neighbors not are something you can buy and pick for yourselves . I am glad you two and your fur babies have been so blessed. Sending love from California!
Gorgeous fabrics. And how lucky is she to have you two as neighbors! I see lots of collaborations in the future : )
i knew exactly who you were talking about before you said it! i love their work and how lucky she’s your neighbor!
LOVE her fabrics.
wow. the fabric colors and patterns are gorgeous!
absolutely gorgeous. my word, i’m swooning. and love your puffy vest. 😉
That’s the happiest fabric i have seen in a long time. it made me want to eat it. That’s a sign of beautiful fabric. kind of a cross between watermelon and cantaloupe salad from a street vendor in Mexico. (That’s a great thing in my book). Delicious yummy colors. Love.
Missy…….I love your cute lil fur trimmed vest too. But you could wear a burlap bag and be cute!!!!!!
Cindy sounds like a keeper.
Absolutely gorgeous!
Does that mean that you don’t have a backyard? – I’m confused. #sillyaussie
Cindy’s work is fab, and I love her fabrics. Wonder if they’re “for the trade” only, or mass marketed, because they’re wonderful! I see them on a re-do of my sewing chair – been wanting something cheery like that! I’m off to visit her blog – thanks! Love and missed you the last few days!
Beautiful fabrics! They take me right back to college. I majored in interior design in college and we had a project where we had to design 3 fabrics of our own and then apply them to a rendering of a room. I pulled out my watercolors and came up with a similar color palate. I had soooo much fun doing that project. Rainbow sherbet! Yum! 😀
Your neighbor is Celestine Prophecy. You were meant to move next door to her for a reason. I see good things for the two of you with your new kindred spirits across the alley!
Love the fabric….also when are we getting a new house tour?
Hi Crystal! We blogged about it all shortly after we moved in. Here are links to the posts! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Looks like I missed a lot when my family was fighting colds and the flu a while ago. Love the house, can’t wait to see what you do with it – to make it your own.
I’m dying over how beautiful this all is! Lucky you to be neighbors with each other!!!!
Those are the types of neighbors I’ve always dreamed of (though have pretty much given up on). My parents had them. The ones who welcome you to the neighborhood with a note, a welcome basket, a kind hello. We always seem to move into neighborhoods where people prefer to keep to themselves. We know who our neighbors are, and we keep an eye out for each other in quiet ways, but there’s never any socializing.
Love the colorful fabric!
that canNOT be an accident that you two ended up as neighbors…unreal! You guys are probably like a fine oiled machine
working together…how sweet.
fun fabrics, huh?!!!
I love her use of patterns in that beach house. Beautiful.