We went with a color called November Rain on the walls in the dining room. We used it in one of our previous homes, and thought it would be a nice, fresh choice for the dining room here at TLC, too. It’s a pale green/gray, and it’s really neat because depending upon what time of day it is, and what the sun is doing, sometimes it looks more green…
…and sometimes it looks more gray…
…and sometimes it looks green/gray!
It’s a Benjamin Moore color, but we had ours mixed at True Value. We’ve been really happy with their EasyCare paint.
According to the folks at TV, it’s “formulated to the most rigid of VOC regulations and exceeds the strictest industry standards, so you not only get a truly green product, you also get a long-lasting, durable finish backed by a lifetime warranty“. Sweet!
We got our wall color in a satin finish and we’re going to paint the kitchen with some more of it next week!
We painted our ceiling a color called Moonlight White (also a Benjamin Moore color) and plan to paint the wonder wall with that same color when we’re finished caulking it all out. (Tthe wonder wall is currently painted a Sherwin Williams color called Alabaster, which is slightly warmer than Moonlight White.)
But right now, we’re just concentrating on cleaning up the dust-lake in our kitchen.
Tile removal is a messy job, y’all.
This post is a part of our True Value DIY Blog Squad series!
PS- You can find more info True Value (and the entire DIY blog squad!) on Facebook and Twitter!
Disclaimer: We were selected by True Value to work on the DIY Blog Squad and have been compensated for our time commitment to True Value-related blog posts. We’ve also been given a gift card to purchase the materials needed for our True Value-related projects, however, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive reviews!
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Layla, I LOVE your dining room curtains. Did you make them or buy? I have seen other people ask about them on your site, but haven’t found where they are from…..
Thanks Heather! They’re made by Pottery Barn and the pattern is called Medici. I got them on eBay! 🙂
true value is the only brand we buy.. we love it!
Yay! We love it, too! 😀
It’s a lovely colour. We have a subtle cream which changes with the light too. Sometimes it looks really warm and soft and at others it is quite cool and crisp.
Good luck draining your dust pool!
Thank you, Kristine! Gotta love those chameleon colors! 😀
We used all True Value paints in our new house! We also chose a green-gray for our guest room and dining room! I think I like your color a little better than the one in our dining room though! lol
High five for True Value paint! 😀
Ya’ll weren’t channeling Axl Rose & Guns N Roses when you picked that color were you? (BTW, love that song!)
Nice! I actually painted my living room Sherwin Williams’ Alabaster and love it ! It’s a great white!
I thought I remembered that paint colour name. I painted November rain a few years ago in our hallway. Then this year we had to re-stain our board and batten siding and I wanted a change from the colonial blue. I went with Dry Sage. A grayish green colour and noticed it was on the same chip as November Rain. My house now looks awesome in Dry Sage with a dark purple front door. It’s funny how that one chip came back to me twice. There are so many colours but I got drawn to that one twice.
I love your ceilings and the wood slats! Envy!! 😉 And the fact that it ties into your blog background is inspired. PS – My blog is turning ONE this month, so there are giveaways this week… stay tuned!!
I am in awe of your ceiling. 🙂 I would love to finish my mudroom ceiling like that. On a side note; I have a similar bell, but I am unsure where to put it in my house.
Thanks, Sandra! 😀 It was tricky to decide where to hang our bell too, but it seemed to make sense in our dining room! Soup’s on! 😀
love me some dual toned colors!
Me too, Darlene! 😀
Oiy, dust from that type of job is no good. Keep the brooms a sweeping and work a movin’. I recently had ceiling fans installed in my bedrooms and I couldn’t believe the sheetrock dust those teeny tiny ceiling holes made. I was sneezing like crazy.
I am going to have to try out that paint because my Bennie Moore dealer just flew the coup and the next way is way far me to drive to.
I’m looking for a color that is bright, almost white, maybe gray, that would be great for our combined living/dining room areas. Going to check out this color. A hint of green is always good for a bit of life.
Maybe you are being sponsored by True Value, but their paint is not exactly green. VOC stands for volatile organic compounds, so to be as green as possible, you should look for a paint that is low or zero VOC, such as Benjamin Moore’s Natura paint, not a paint that according to True Value, that stays within the standards of the United States of America. That is not being green. Just saying.
Kudos to you for getting that tile out. I have a huge kitchen with some of the ugliest tile that I’m dying to get out of my house. It’s a pinkish color mexican tile with grout lines that are about an inch wide and permanently yucky colored. I always feel terrible after I mop because dirty or clean it still looks about the same. You need to loan out your laborers for the removal job! HA!
We also used the color November Rain from Benjamin Moore and loved it. The color is like a chameleon taking on the color of light coming into the room. Looks good.
Curious about your “wonder wall” and your ceiling …. my experience tells me that these planks you show are found in older homes, before sheetrock, as a base for plaster. Am I right? The question is, if you take everything off to the planks, then is all you have is planks between rooms, and on the ceiling side of the insulation? Doesn’t the sound carry horrifically between rooms? Can you see through the walls?
Is your house older? Because the before pictures do not look like it was an old house. I have never seen an exterior shot, so it is hard to tell. I love the look of the planks and I can easily see how adding the look to existing walls would be Lov.Er.Ly.
Hey Claire! There isn’t any space between the planks. There’s drywall on the other side of the wonder wall. 🙂
Most of our house was built in 1950, but the kitchen/laundry/master bedroom and master bath was added on in 2003. You can see exterior shots by searching for the word “exterior” in the search box in our sidebar! 🙂
I learned something new…as I’ve been following your stories, I always thought that you created your wonderwall frame from scratch. I just watched your video and realized it was the existing wall frame underneath the drywall. I had been drawing out a frame design for my dining room wall, based on your wonderwall…but I was going to mount it over the existing drywall…or over a layer of bead board paneling. With your experience…do you think I would recreate your look, in that manner? (I think I can hear my husband groaning in anticipation of what’s coming for his next project.) Oh boy, I think I’m going to have to submit my dining room for one of your switchity-do-da presto chango’s to figure out if it could work. 🙂
I think that would work fine! As a matter of fact, I’ve seen a few other folks do exactly what you’re describing and it looked great! 😀
Thank you! That’s great and was just the inspiration I needed to keep moving forward with the plan. I have to admit that my heart sank when I realized yours was part of your house structure…and not added on after the fact.
Love that whisper of a color, wonderful!
Love your color really~
I love the calmness of your color choices. I have mostly warm tones in my house because I needed the color. I’m sometimes weary of doing such soft colors as yours – though I just absolutely love the end results! I also LOVE the red that’s in that Ikea pillow in the reading room. I’m always drawn to that! Keep up the great work.
“DUST LAKE” Oh my…what a scary thought!! I haven’t a clue how you get a dust lake…did one use a hose on the kitchen floor? My eyes bulged out of my head when I saw the pic!
Love this color – subtle but beautiful.
Ahh, True Value. I used to work for a True Value… part of the time in the paint department! Back 10, 12 years ago, in high school. You wouldn’t believe some of the colors people chose… *shudder* Well, maybe you would believe it 😉
One shade lighter is called Icicle and it’s my favorite “old” white. Perfect for old homes!
oh how i love paint that changes color based on the light and the surroundings! i’m dating a painter who did a decorative finish in my office and i love that depending on the time of day it may have a greenish tint (lots of plants in the windows) or show more of its natural silver color or even let through some of the gold first layer. wild!
the room really looks great. thanks for sharing some secrets.
Pretty wall color. Looks lovely!
Oooh, November Rain is one of my favorite colors in the BM fan deck – our Florida kitchen was painted that color, with white cabinets. I had matched the color off a tea bag I liked – November being my favorite month, the color was IT!
Love, love, love your blog. Found my way here from The Pioneer Woman. Have been contemplating same tile removal project you just completed. I have never been interested in “feathering my nest” until I discovered your site. My inclinations have always been cooking and baking. Recently moved to a much smaller home (Pennsylvania to Houston, TX) and believe this home can be made more suited to my tastes. I do think that I must temper my improvements because neighborhood values seem to be in certain range. Should I start with the tile floor removal and move on from there? Would be very appreciative of any wisdom that you might offer. Thank you.
War Eagle!
I love that color! It so pretty!
I absolutely <3 the dinner bell!!!
my son painted one of my living room walls with a paint by Miller Paint called Glass. i say it’s green he says it’s blue – and during the day it does change colors – sometimes it’s more fun to watch the wall change colors than it is to watch tv! thank you so much for sharing your house changes. it’s great fun.
War Eagle!
Be very careful taking a color from one manufacturer and having it mixed at another store. The base mix is not the same, so the color will definitely not be the same. It might be close, but not exact. Good Husband (who is a contractor) taught me that.
Hey Victoria! Yeah, we learned that lesson the hard way a while back with a color we used to have on the ceiling in the dining room! :-O It was ok in this situation though, because we were starting from scratch with this color. 🙂
Hey Layla,
Love love love your blog. My sister and I are avid followers 🙂 I am looking to buy a bell like yours for my sister for christmas. Would you be able to tell me where you got yours and how big is it?!?!