Apparently, a Word of the Year is the new New Years resolution.
Basically, you choose one word that has the potential to inspire you and create intention in your life, all year long.
My word for 2012 is up, and it was recently inspired by these two…
…who also bought a house that needed lots of TLC…
I saw the movie “Up” for the first time a couple of weeks ago (Thanks to several friendly Twitter peeps for recommending it!), and MAN did it have a powerful effect on me. I loved the story, and the adventure…and how fun and fearless little Ellie was.
(It actually inspired the Up-themed photo shoot we did with Kev’s parents I blogged about the other day, too!)
I also chose the word up because it symbolizes a positive direction and will serve as a powerful reminder to be excited about, and up for trying things I’ve never tried before. (Especially if they’re outside this slightly-agoraphobic gal’s comfort zone!) This year, I’m going to make a point to harness my inner-Ellie by doing some of the things I said no to, out of fear, in 2011.
The word up will also remind me to be more intentional about giving. Among other things, up means “a feeling or state of happiness, exuberance, or elation“. I can’t think of a more fitting group of words to describe the feelings that go along with giving, and I hope I can do lots more lifting up this year, too.
Last but not least, I’ll look to the word up to encourage me widen my horizons this year. There are no boundaries up in the sky, and as life loop-de-loops this year, I’m going to try to be better about keeping my hands loose on the wheel.
Or should I say garden hose?
I’ve found that there’s no better way to put a plan into action than by putting it down on paper (or ‘puter!) first- so I’m hoping that writing this post will help to kick-off to a up-inspired 2012!
I’d love to hear all about which Word you chose chose you this year, too- so I’m throwing a “This Little Word Of Mine (I’m gonna let it shine!)” link party on Monday, January 16th. I really hope you swing by and share your Word post- the more positivity loop-de-loopin’ around out there, the better! Which reminds me, if you do link up, you’re welcome to use the badge below to invite more play-along peeps to the party…
And if you don’t have a blog post to link up, (*cough* Mom, Katie, Aunt Chriss *cough*) I’d love to read about the words you chose in the comments sections that day!
Here’s to a transformative 2012!
Pssst! Having trouble choosing one word? Choose one that will serve as a guide as you make decisions throughout the year!
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I’ve picked a word for the last three years. This year is embrace. Life has been oh-so-difficult for several years so I’ve been doing more surviving than living. As things are improving (I started my dream job on January 2nd!) I want to remember to cherish and enjoy it all, little and big things, people and experiences. I want to be open and welcoming. And I wouldn’t mind hugging a lot more too 🙂
I’ve been thinking about this and my word is going to be “wait”. I tend to react instead of “wait” a day, Speak my mind instead of “wait” a moment . Panic instead of “wait” a minute for the answer…you get the drift 🙂 Inspiring post about “up”! I like it 🙂
kelly in georgia
That word is PERFECT for you! Like everyone else, I loooved that movie! We have 2 disney/pixar addicts in the house – the oldest even flew to California to tour the Pixar studios and see the very premiere of one of the Toy Story movies there.. The word that has chosen me is the NEXT Disney/Pixar film release – BRAVE. I am fearless with alot of things – open my mouth too much when I am knowledgeable or experienced – but that is not really true bravery. I want to learn more and do more so that I can be brave in new areas. (i.e. a blog, photography, ….) Kind of scares me that the word has “chosen me” – makes me wonder what God has in store for me this year!
Thanks for the up-lifting post!
This is by far my favorite movie besides Cars from Pixar and i bought it the day it came out on DVD and that was before we had our son 🙂 we have a dog his name is hunter but he is exactly the same as the dog in this movie and i absolutely LOVE Russel!!
Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality
Hey, Layla, I’ll put it on my schedule and join the party. I don’t have a word yet, but I will have one by then. I’m feeling might optimistic about the new year, and it will be impactful from what I’ve been through last year. Can’t wait for more & more this year!
Loved UP, great movie, so sweet! xoxo
This is my third year to choose a word:
my word of 2012 is Diligence
I saw the movie with my husband. We shed a tear or two when he realized that he had given her an adventure of a lifetime! I’m at ways telling my husband how thankful I am that I got in the car with him.
I love the idea of choosing a word for the year.
For many reasons….My word for 2012 is “Believe”.
Up is me and my husband’s favorite movie. I cry every time in the beginning…and the middle…and the end. We just found out we’re expecting our first baby and we’re going to do an Up inspired nursery.
Great word & great thoughts. The first thing I thought of when I read your post was to look “up” to God. Let him lead your life, and he will take you further than you could ever imagine! Blessings!
Jenny BD
My word for 2012: THRIVE! As in don’t just survive, THRIVE!
Jenny, We have the same word. Check out my blog to see my Thrive art canvas.
Hope you thrive this year!!!
“Finish” I’m amazed how choosing one word has changed me already.
I have a few projects I’d like to complete this year. I tend to finish 99.9% of tasks I start. We moved into a new home a year ago. Six months later we were faced with a health crisis with one of our children. Making our house a home was set aside as her treatment required my attention. I intend to finish getting settled in. What I didn’t realize is how repeating the word in my daily tasks has created a sense of “completeness” within myself. Simple things such as hanging my coat and putting my purse away when I come home rather than throwing it on a chair, finishing putting the laundry away or really finishing kitchen clean up after a meal (rather than leaving a pot or two to soak). To “finish” what I’ve started has kept me in the moment. As I repeat the word in my daily interactions with my children I hope they see how rewarding “finishing” something can be. Thank you for your post, it has allowed me time to reflect on the rewards of making a change.
Debbie K
Reduce, as in everything in my life. We have been doing the 40 bags in 40 days that I saw on a blog, as in a bag a day to the Goodwill. Wow my kitchen and pantry look amazing. Started on closets even have my husband in on this one and he is blazing through things he has saved for years. We emptied the attic of yarn my mother brought to us 25 years ago and it has never been touch, except by mice. GONE Try it you will feel so liberated.
Ali Edwards also chose “up” for her one little word of 2012. Check out her blog to read what she wrote-
My word is intentional.
Dee's SmallHouseLife
Well, no.. I haven’t thought of a word.. but love the concept.. so now I will.
Since your word is ‘up’ I thought I’d share my vanity license plate, “exalt”.. Whenever people ask what it means, first thing I do is lift my arms up as I explain.
dee 🙂
My word for the year is WISDOM. God says if we ask for it, He will give it . . . and boy, do I need it!
Lynn Fagan
I am going to pick the word “flourish.” I was going to pick the word “expand” but thought that might happen to my waistband.
Tina Fleetwood
Embrace. Because there is peace is being grateful for where you are with what you have. This year I will embrace my blessings rather than yearning for more.
You would love to see the replica of the “UP” house. I wrote a post about it here
Great word for the new year!
My word would be ‘Faith’. We never know what the future will hold so it’s important to “walk by faith,not by sight.” ~2 Corinthians 5:7
I still need to see that movie, I’ve heard great things about it! 🙂
mrs mctuckerson
I have done this for a few years… last year my word was grateful…this year i am thinking about joyful or joyfilled…. something that i want to work on more in my life.
Love your site…i have never blogged before…another thing i want to do this year…
Ann e mullins
HAPPY is my word. Although I AM happy, I know I forget to act like it and show it sometimes. I get caught up in a mini-frustration of the moment. I want my family and those around me to SEE the happy that I am!!
Hmm. What an interesting idea. Having just finished a year long treatment for breast cancer on December 27, I think I will just choose the word LIVE. That seems to be most important to me at the moment and if I could add one more word it would be INTENTIONALLY. Life is truly good.
I choose BOLD. No playing it safe this year. Gonna take some BIG risks this year and not hold back…
What a wonderful post! Makes me want to see the movie again….it’s been a long time. I’m raking my brain now for a word. YES keeps popping into it but I realize I may be in trouble if I say YES to everything! I do remember one time a tennis instructor told me to say “yes” as I hit the ball even if it’s under my breath. It a positive flow of air and you can’t help but smile as it leaves your lips. It does have a positive effect on my tennis game! Another word that comes to mind is JOY. Ashley (LittleBlueBoo) has inspired this.
Perhaps I’ll will choose the two……YES, JOY!!
I LOVE Up! That movie is the sweetest. I guess my word would be “Focus.” On what I need to do, and what I want to do. Great post. 🙂
Gail Hyatt
This is the year for me to discover what direction I will be pointing my life in for the next third of my life. I’m in my 50’s and I probably have another good 30 years in me. My kids are all over the age of 21. 3 of the 5 are married. 1 engaged. A husband embarking on his new direction. What’s for me? I’m setting out to discover what that looks like.
Thank you so much for this post. And what a fabulous site!
Fantastic word, Gail!
I’ve become e-friends with your daughter, Meg, over the past few months- and it’s so nice to see your comment from you here today! 😀
Adapt: word of the year.
Psalm 94:17-19: Scripture of the year.
This may sound so insignificant but I cut my long hair to my shoulders and worried about it later! It will grow again right? But it was not something I really wanted to do. I just went for it and decided a change would do me good! I was so happy that my husband liked it! He said I looked like a “new woman”-I guess that’s good! I am loving the find your word topic on some of the blogs I read. I really like your’s Layla. I am not ready to reveal mine yet. I think living up to a word will be my challenge but it
will be fun, too!
I had not heard about this until I read your post. What a great idea! I gave it some thought and used a worksheet I found online. My word for 2012 will be Freedom!
Happy 2012!
i absolutely adore this, and that movie! it’s so much more inspiration than people think while they are watching it, but their love and adventure was just too perfect. i think i want my word to be progress. i think it’s so important for us to always be progressing, no matter how big or little. thanks for the motivation!! 🙂
xo TJ
Love your word!! The movie is so sweet and the pictures you have are awesome!
Love this!
(Love that movie, too!)
Happy New Year!
Natalie H.B.
Just as I am looking at this entry in your blog and trying to figure what my word for this year will be Up! is playing on TV. I have never seen this movie it sounds wonderful. As for my word I have read all the other entries and marked alot of them down. I will have to let them sit a while. I love this concept of choosing a word instead of making a New Year’s resolutions.
Keep looking Up!
My word? DOING!
Not observing or planning or procrastinating…but doing.
kristin mccullough
I enrolled in ONE LITTLE WORD by big picture classes (link here; ) to help me in focusing & documenting my year-long journey with my word which is CELEBRATE. I turned 50 this year which I approached with both terror and triumph. My sister died at 50 and I am exceedingly grateful to be here happy, healthy & alive!!!!! I plan to celebrate this year. Every day, every relationship, every accomplishment or lazy day. I plan on hosting more suppers, popping more corks, baking more cakes & toasting more gatherings. This year I will celebrate.
I FINALLY rented this movie and watched it the other night. I have to say it is a favorite now. Love to see your word for the year. My word for 2012 is intentional. I feel like I’ve just been living from day to day just reacting to life and I’ve decided I’m not going to let that happen anymore. I’m going to be making intentional decisions and it’s going to be my best year yet!
Love this idea. My word for 2012 is SMILE. I’m going to SMILE at people I pass in the mall, on the street, anywhere. Just a little SMILE can make the difference in someone’s day, not to mention your own. Happy New Year!
My word for this year is FLY.
I grew up in a very, shall we say uber-critical environment. For most of my life, I’ve been told what a failure I was and how I couldn’t do anything right so why did I bother? With the help of an amazing therapist – and the love and support of my amazing husband – I’ve come a long way but I’ve continued to allow others to dictate my self-worth and, as a result, I’ve allowed my wings to be clipped and done everything I can to stay “safe” and grounded. I stopped putting myself out there and trying to achieve any goals because, after all, I’d only wind up failing so what would be the point, right?
So this year, 2012, my word is FLY because I finally intend to get out into this beautiful world and finally start LIVING instead of merely going through the motions and playing it safe by staying almost entirely indoors in my house.
I wish you all luck and hope you live up to your own chosen words and that 2012 is the best year yet for us all! 😉
Doncha love it!? Our church does a sermon series dedicated to One Word at the begining of ever year…it’s such a renewing time. Looking forward to the linky:)
Lesli DeVito
1. I LOVE “UP”
2. My word is…”EMERGE” i…t is on a little Beth Mueller vase that my Best Friend gave me after my Mom died…4 years ago…and back then it meant to me…come out of the depths of sadness, but now as I am strong and I have done that I want to take it to an NEW level. Words can mean something different at different points in time… it means something different to me now, and I will make it my mantra!
The word of the year is the OLD New Resolution for me~ I’ve been doing this for years…and I’m glad to see others doing it too.
I’m HAPPY to see a party now!
I’m ALL in–
A great word because you can always go up. The first word to come to mind is COURAGE. I am going to link up my post … you have enCouraged me to think…
My word for the year is CONTENT. Instead of looking for ways to seek more, I am working on being content with what I have, thus also being grateful!
I love this idea. This is the first year that I’ve blogged and just found this linking party via Miss Mustard Seed’s email. I would have to say that my Word Of The Year is HAPPY. Like many cancer survivors, I am HAPPY to be alive, I am HAPPY to be here, I am HAPPY to have found blogging, I am HAPPY that people like what I do, I am HAPPY that I have found so many friends via blogging, I am HAPPY to be refinishing, restyling, repurposing, recycling, and reinventing my way through life. Heather
PS. This may sound a bit cheesy but it’s all so true, I’m HAPPY!
I love your word, Heather, and I’m so HAPPY that you stopped by and left me such an UPlifting comment today. XO 🙂
My word for 2012 is Thrive. Wrote about it on my blog and created an mixed media art canvas so I can remember to thrive. I love your blog!
For the last 4 years the Lord has given me a word each year to learn and be taught by. I have had the words, Joy, Peace, Hope and this year it is Mercy. Last year I lost 5 very close friends and my dear sister in law who was only 39. Believe me I really understand the power of Hope now. And the power of God’s word. God is faithful and continues to teach me so very much. So I know he has something to teach me with Mercy . So excited others are doing this and great reading others Word of the year.