Apparently, a Word of the Year is the new New Years resolution.
Basically, you choose one word that has the potential to inspire you and create intention in your life, all year long.
My word for 2012 is up, and it was recently inspired by these two…
…who also bought a house that needed lots of TLC…
I saw the movie “Up” for the first time a couple of weeks ago (Thanks to several friendly Twitter peeps for recommending it!), and MAN did it have a powerful effect on me. I loved the story, and the adventure…and how fun and fearless little Ellie was.
(It actually inspired the Up-themed photo shoot we did with Kev’s parents I blogged about the other day, too!)
I also chose the word up because it symbolizes a positive direction and will serve as a powerful reminder to be excited about, and up for trying things I’ve never tried before. (Especially if they’re outside this slightly-agoraphobic gal’s comfort zone!) This year, I’m going to make a point to harness my inner-Ellie by doing some of the things I said no to, out of fear, in 2011.
The word up will also remind me to be more intentional about giving. Among other things, up means “a feeling or state of happiness, exuberance, or elation“. I can’t think of a more fitting group of words to describe the feelings that go along with giving, and I hope I can do lots more lifting up this year, too.
Last but not least, I’ll look to the word up to encourage me widen my horizons this year. There are no boundaries up in the sky, and as life loop-de-loops this year, I’m going to try to be better about keeping my hands loose on the wheel.
Or should I say garden hose?
I’ve found that there’s no better way to put a plan into action than by putting it down on paper (or ‘puter!) first- so I’m hoping that writing this post will help to kick-off to a up-inspired 2012!
I’d love to hear all about which Word you chose chose you this year, too- so I’m throwing a “This Little Word Of Mine (I’m gonna let it shine!)” link party on Monday, January 16th. I really hope you swing by and share your Word post- the more positivity loop-de-loopin’ around out there, the better! Which reminds me, if you do link up, you’re welcome to use the badge below to invite more play-along peeps to the party…
And if you don’t have a blog post to link up, (*cough* Mom, Katie, Aunt Chriss *cough*) I’d love to read about the words you chose in the comments sections that day!
Here’s to a transformative 2012!
Pssst! Having trouble choosing one word? Choose one that will serve as a guide as you make decisions throughout the year!
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LOVE the word you chose. I’ve been doing this for the last four years and it is such a wonderful practice! This year I chose the word OPEN. If you’re looking for an online community, join the Ali Edwards-lead class here: it is a wonderful way to actively engage your word into your life each month Have fun!
Last year, my word was PERSEVERANCE. It was a fabulous word. So fabulous, I wanted to have this word tattoo’d on my arm! That’s alot of ink and pain. 🙂
It got my husband and I thru a year of job searching and “hanging in there”. (Actually, he searched for 2 1/2 years) Jobs in Central FL were few. Especially for a 63 year old man!
This year, we are living in a new area, my DH has a new job, a job that he LOVES —– and we are living each day with an extremely grateful heart. I’m working on my 2012 word!!!!!
It won’t be “UP” for us ——- but things are certainly looking “UP”. OK, now back to thinking…………hummmmmmmmmmm
What a great word! I saw the movie last year and totally loved it…in fact, someone commented on Pinterest that it was the greatest 8 (?) minute love story …even better than the Twilight series and I agree. I might just plagiarize you, Layla. Thanks for the inspiration!
I LOVE that you chose a preposition for your word of the year! We’re doing this this year too – for the first time – just wrote about it on Wednesday. Looking forward to the link-up!
Your posts lift your readers higher, than we’ve ever been lifted before.
Keep it UP!
Quench our desires
And we’ll love you forevermore….
what a fabulous idea~i adore the movie up. such a beautiful beginning. makes me cry every time. 🙂
Oh, gosh, I cried in the first fifteen minutes of this movie! I loved it!
I love your word! It’s very appropriate!
My word for 2012 is RENEW.
When you’ve lost 200 lbs, you tend to just keep on doing your thing but I’d like to renew our commitment, enthusiasm and passion for new things this year and see where it takes us!
The first 15 minutes of that movie just slays me. Every time. I haven’t come up with my word yet. I am leaning toward Hope.
Oh my! That’s our favorite family movie! My husband and I love it, as do the kids. They often quote from it. Such a wonderful message that you don’t need to go looking for adventure, it’s right in front of you happening everyday with the ones you love. Enjoy your adventure in the New Year! Here’s to “UP!”
Great word! Great movie! I came up with my word a few weeks ago during all of the holiday chaos. SIMPLICITY. In my home, in my artwork, in the foods I eat, and the way I live in general. I hope simplicity will be as simple as it sounds. 🙂 I’ll try and remember to stop by on the 16th.
I cried like a baby with that movie and just thinking about it makes me tear up. I held my husband’s hand for the remainder of the movie. I definitely need to think of a word this year 🙂
What a great idea and I LOVE your word of the year and the movie!
You’ve got me thinking…
I love that movie. I cry every time. Love the music too. Good word for the year. A good reminder where to always look when hope seems futile.
Love this- The post, the movie, your word of the year! I picked “discipline” a couple years back, but sorta crashed and burned with that one 🙂 I listed several words I hope will describe 2012 on my “new year” blog header picture … but now to choose just one….hmmm. 🙂
I absolutely love this! I have picked a word every year for the past 3 years – or maybe I should say God has picked it for me 😉
Thank you so much for sharing yours, and encouraging us to be accountable and get our own choice in writing! Although I wish I could just steal yours – it is pretty good!
Hi again Layla – will you be releasing the code for your link up badge before the party on the 16th?
Hi Danielle! I’ll include the button and code to the party post the day it goes up. Thank you for asking, and see you then! 😀
Great! Thanks!
Funny you should mention a new word for the year – I was just thinking I needed to find a new and different word to use in place of “awesome” or “wonderful” or ‘lovely’ or some of the other words I use. They just lose effectiveness when you use them repeatedly. I think I need to go to the thesarus and find a good one now! Happy New Year focusing on ‘up!’
I LOVE UP and love the word you chose!!! GREAT INSPIRATION!!
e n c h a n t i n g
–be enchanting, treat others as if they are enchanting, animals are enchanting, children are truly enchnting, look for things that fill your soul with smiles for they are enchanting, surround yourself with people that are enchanting. i guess it just brings me back to an era where life was more about beautiful things and ideals. it reminds me of times when people treated each other with more respect and dignity and daily shows, news, events were not always so negative. i think of musicals and lovely dresses and people that were enchanting in their conversations. i think this is why i really love your blog for it is truly enchanting.
best for 2012,
Good word!!!
oooh…enchanting is GOOD!
Great idea for a linky party!
I love that movie too, We’ve watched it several times and I cry every.single.time!
Last year my word was ENJOY because I needed a reminder to enjoy all the little things that I sometimes take for granted. When we had 21 relatives visiting from out of town and they were driving me batty, I reminded myself to ENJOY this time with them because I wouldn’t see them for another year. When my kids left their dirty laundry on the floor I reminded myself to enjoy them being little because they grow up too fast.
Still praying and thinking about this years word….hopefully I will have it by the 16th 🙂
Oh, I love the intro to that movie! Just watched it again on YouTube, and now that I know about you and Kevin, the first part really reminds me of you two, decorating your lovely home.
I think my word for this year needs to be POSITIVE. I can be quite negative sometimes. Your blog is so positive and upbeat, and you seem to make such wonderful progress! Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration!
I find with the New Year this year I am in graditude for so many things and people. So If I am to pick a word for this year, 2012, it is ” awe “. I am in awe of the beauty of all my surroundings and the people I am friends with and all I come in contact wth evertday. AWE is my word.
My word last year was “open.” It is amazing how many times I thought about the word before making a decision. This year I have a short phrase…”Step in” as in take an action step of faith. I am excited to see what transpires! -Becky
That was really cool…the movie up…said more in their non-verbal segment of the movie than most movies do in two hours! You got me thinking what my word would be….I think IGNITE will be my word. IGNITE my life to live more passionately for God…and to IGNITE those around me to love life…and live it to the fullest!!
Great idea & great word! Happy 2012! 🙂
The first word I thought of was HEALTHY. I lost 30 pounds last year, losing along with the weight the diagnosis of pre-diabetic. My numbers are all great, however, I have a ways to go to get to a healthy weight. I have learned to cook more healthy, and I want to establish is at a lifestyle.
This is something I have wanted to try. I think I have my word chosen but I am still thinking about it.
I love how you took the word “up” so simple and gave it such depth and inspiration for your new word. It is a word that many would never consider. I, too, loved this movie. It was such a heartwarming story.
I like your word! Looking up can be hard to do sometimes, but it’s a good idea to stop our navel-gazing and “lift our eyes unto the hills, whence cometh our help.”
I’m excited about your party–I actually HAVE chosen a word for this year, and this is the first time I’ve ever done it! I feel so fashionable now! 🙂
Last year’s word was POSSIBILITIES. This year….jury is still out. When we hear it, we will both know! We’ll check back and let you know!
~Kristin & Chris Ann
Have been doing a word with my home church group for several years. My foundational one is “rejoice.” This year, though, with my leaving a 20-year career in communications at the end of this month to something all my own–the word is “adventure.” And like all adventures there will be soaring exhilaration along with the anxiety of the unknown that is to be handled through courage to keep on keepin’ on. Love reading your thoughts Layla. “Up” is a great word.
Loved the movie and excellent “word” choice. After reading your post I’ll have to ponder over my “word” just a bit. Happy 2012!
I absolutely love that movie. When I teach college courses I often show it now! It is one of my favorites. We saw it in the theatres when our (then) 3 yr old daughter was fighting cancer. I sat and balled. It totally captured how I want to get out “there” and grab hold of life and live BIG! 🙂
Good word and cute movie! I did my word of the year earlier this week: Simplicity
Love it Layla! I will be pondering my word for the year for the remainder of the day – although UP is such a good one I may have to use it as well. For the last few years instead of a resolution I’ve assigned a theme for the year. One year was Raise The Bar – do everything just a little better and set new goals, another year was Get Closer where I made a point of strengthening bonds with my female friends, spending time with elderly relatives, and telling people how much I love and appreciate them. One year my theme was Kick Some Butt, and boy did I!! Lots of good changes that year. This year my theme is simply Peace Love and Happiness. I’m walking away from drama and negativity and embracing the positive, and pursuing happiness.
My best wishes to you this year that you live it up, love it up, and keep your face up – into the sun, with a smile 🙂
I love this Layla and think I’m gonna choose the word “GRATEFUL” because I need to remind myself to be through difficult times. I have a lot to be grateful for and if I remember that, the rest seems a lot easier to take. Thanks for this post. I love your word, too.
If we were in 3rd grade – I would SOO copy you and make you my new BFF. I love your word “up”! I think my 2012 word will be GROW. Grow our family strong. Grow strong financially. Go outside of my comfort zone, Grow personally! I think “UP” would be a close second! I can’t watch that movie without crying – just love it 😉
Once again you have made my day and inspired my life.
Aunt Chriss
Up is a super cute and fun movie! I love that you choose up as your word this year. Hmmm, I’ll have to think of one for me!
The “One Little Word” idea comes from Ali Edwards – you can read more about it here and see some info on her class – I have taken it and it is seriously amazing!!!!!
Love your word and your concept! Can’t wait to follow along with you this year. 🙂
Isn’t it great how in about 8 minutes they told an entire love story. Most of the time, Hollywood can’t do that in two hours.
Fearless in 2012!
Precious is the word for that movie. I also cry every time. It makes me think of not looking only to my needs but loving others(even unexpected others) well. The word that has been resinating in my heart is has been gratitude but out of that I think my word will be (Serve). How can I serve others better this year. Love on them well. My family..husband,children,girlfriends but also the not so easy ones,the outcasts, the ones that bring me out of my clean,safe,easy bubble of life.Thanks Layla inspiring us to look UP!
Judging from all the comments, we’re just going to have to see that movie! Can hardly wait…I’m going to spend a few days really thinking about my word and about posting about it. I love reading about all the words here in the comments. All so inspiring. So looking forward to this little project!
I haven’t decided on my word(s) for this year. I started this last year and what a year it was with two words. I choose joy and (selfishly) husband. I choose those two because I needed to be set free from obsessing about not being married and to have joy in my life. (I was 34 and struggling with being single) I decided that I would start praying more for my future husband (not obsessing) and that joy would fill me and share in others joy. Well, February came and I started dating an amazing man. Nine months later we married two days after my birthday. My year truly was filled with joy. Just wanted to share my experience with choosing a word(s) for the year. Hmm should I choose baby this year. (don’t think I’m ready yet, ha). When I have one or two I will post. Looking forward to another great year.
In December I was inspired to create a slogan or mantra to focus on for 2012….mine is, Business is Booming…Life is Improving!
so I think to reduce that into a word it’s IMPROVING. For two and a half years my family has been on the unemployment rollar coaster, finally we have a good job and a vision for recovery. I hope to IMPROVE in all areas.
I love your word! Happy 2012 Layla. Up,up,up!
I didn’t know about this trend and have to think about a word for myself! I like this trend! But I can’t believe no one has told me to see the movie up yet because my 2 peanuts-almost 3 and 1 and a half are named Karl and Ellie! Now I have to watch it!
Wow, what a lovely and inspiring post this is! I’ve never chosen a word before for a new year, but you got me thinking… I think I’ll have to go with ENJOY. I was in doubt about GROW, and even though there’s always room to grow personally & professionally. And ideas and dreams can grow too…
But maybe the biggest trick this year is to learn to enjoy the little things in life more! I don’t always have to make a fuss about some things, which I do sometimes. 🙂
My parents are getting older and I still have to enjoy more time with them because my dad isn’t all too well. So maybe this year has to be about enjoying time, enjoying the company, enjoy the ride, the adventures and what 2012 has got in store for us. Also, my baby boy just got 1 years old and time goes so fast… I sometimes forget to enjoy watching him grow! 🙂 And I definitely have to sit down and enjoy UP for the very first time in my life, if you say it’s such a great movie! 🙂
Thanks so much for this post, it was so inspirational. I hope 2012 will bring you more inspiration, passion and UPlifting moments than ever!
Love, Inge x
My favorite word, every day, every year, is OPPORTUNITY. It’s always there,… it’s just up to me to make the choice to take it. A great lesson for my kids, too.