I started my ‘Simple, With A Hearty Side Of Significant‘ mission by gathering up some art supplies…
…and this sticky note set I got last year from our friends at Live-Inspired.com:
The quote inside the circle reads, “Treasure and notice today“. How totally simple with a hearty side of significant is that? I love it! Reading it made writing out my notes feel even more fun, and when I was finished, I set my sights on the mail center in our neighborhood. Everyone who lives in our (rural) community picks up their mail there, so I thought it would make for a great location to surprise a few different people at one time.
It turned out to be quite the adventure. Because I wanted the notes to be surprises, I didn’t want anyone to see me leaving them. I had to be quick, quiet, and covert! I staked out the area by car first, and when I was sure that the coast was completely clear, I scurried up onto the porch and quickly scanned the area for the perfect place to hang the first of my four notes.
I hung one on the rocking chair closest to the door…
…and tied my second note onto the back door handle.
Next up, it was sticky note time. There are mailbox rooms on the left and right sides of the building, and they’re separated by a center hall. I had decided the night before that I would just go with my gut and walk into one of the rooms and stick my note onto whichever mailbox my hand led me to first.
This is where the adventure started to get a little more…adventurous.
RIGHT before I stuck the sticky note to the mailbox, a mail man came walking through the door, and I panicked. I blurted out something about a “photo project” before he even asked why I was standing there with a camera in one hand and a sticky note in the other.
The next 3 minutes is sort of a blur. I think I just walked around and “worked on my photo project” while he finished up whatever it was that he had swung by to do.
I don’t know why I was feeling so sweaty about the whole thing, but he didn’t stay long, and I was still acting busy with my “photo project” when he turned to me on his way out the door and asked, “What kind of photo project is it?“.
Oh boy.
“Uh…it’s about the power of a handwritten note, and hopefully making folks smile”, I blurted (again).
“Oh!“, he said as he made his way out the door. (smiling!) #yay!
(Insert: “whew!” and re-cue Mission Impossible music, here.)
After that, I checked to make sure there wasn’t anyone else coming, and since there wasn’t, I went back to the mailbox I had chosen and stuck my sticky note on it:
The last note I wrote out involved finding a hiding spot for a “just for fun” little gift the note would lead to. I decided the note (a piece of cloud-covered paper, folded in half) should go on the bulletin board in the center hall.
The paper itself came from Hobby Lobby, and I used a Sharpie marker to write this message on the inside of it:
After I had it wedged into the bulletin board frame, I high-tailed it over to the gazebo to hide the surprise: a notepad, inside a zip lock bag- just in case it started to rain.
I raced home and ran upstairs to share my adventure with Kevin and Josh (who were working on their next Shoot Fly Shoot e-class at the time), and it was so much fun re-enacting the whole thing for them- ha! The experience made me feel cheerful and childlike, and I highly recommend that kind of “pausitivity”!
Later yesterday afternoon, while I was uploading all of those photos, my best friend in the neighborhood sent me a text message asking if I was involved in the shenanigans…
…and after we got done screaming back and forth, I asked her how she knew about it. She said one of our other neighbors had posted about it on Facebook, so I scooted over there to see what she had written. Her message was so kind, and I was so excited to see these photos she posted of her little boy finding the notepad:
I hadn’t planned to let the cat out of the bag, but I wanted to ask her permission to post her sons photos here, so I sent her a message and confessed. I’m so glad I did too, because I wound up having the most pleasant conversation back and forth with her last night, and I made a wonderful new cottage-lovin’ friend in the process!
If I hadn’t ever found out who found the notepad, that would’ve been okay too- ’cause like I said to the mailman: this whole thing was really just about the power of a handwritten note and (hopefully) making folks smile.
I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable about blogging about it because I didn’t want it to come across as a “look what I did” kind of a thing. But here’s why I’ve decided to allow myself to push the publish button on this post.
My blog is my playground, and passion pushes my swing posts. Sharing and discovering fun ideas and photos is probably my favorite thing about the internet, so I feel like this kind of inspiration is okay to put out there today…and any day!
Happy week!
So glad your shared your adventure with us! I have a note card and stickers all ready to go – just waiting for the right moment and person to share it with this week. I definitely agree we should do things like this more often.
And your mail center – swoon!!!
Yay! Have fun with it, Mindy! I’d love to read about it if you decide to blog about it! 😀
Did it and blogged about it – thanks so much for the inspiration! I am not stopping with this project yet although in keeping it secret I probably won’t blog about it again. Such fun!
Evan G Cooper
I was just saying the same thing!! I love you Layla!!!
[email protected]
I really enjoyed your post. it sounds like such a fun thing to do and the little boy who found the note pad – so cute! Oh my, be still my heart! Your mail center is to die for. I wouldn’t mind going to the post office if mine looked like that.
OMG you are too cute for words!! How fun is that! When you were telling the story of being all sneaky like, I was reading and I found myself all hunched over trying to be sneaky as well I guess (without even realizing I was doing it 🙂 Such a cute idea! I truly want you guys for my neighbours!
Myra @ MyBlessedLife.net
I LOVE this, sweet Layla! 🙂 Two years ago I did 29 Random Acts of Kindness on my birthday and it was SO rewarding. I’m so inspired!! Thanks girl! 🙂
hello haha narf
this made me squeeeeeeeeeee!
if you have a minute, please check out http://www.secretagentl.com/
(along similar lines of what you are doing, a friend here in pittsburgh has received national recognition for her little project that now has affiliated agents in countries around the world!)
I love this idea! I always write little notes, and love paper! I really should do this for fun! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 Angie
Haven’t done this yet, but when you posted your idea several days ago I had just watched “The Letter Writer” on Netflix. Great movie!
Clean, and with a Christian message. YOU WOULD LOVE IT. It is basically this same idea!
I want to start doing this! What a wonderful way to spread some cheer!
Sadie Grace
I watched this movie recently on Netflix too! It was a great inspirational movie. With all our (wonderful) technology, we have lost the art of handwritten notes and the power that they have. I love staying in touch with friends through FB and email, but oh, when I receive a handwritten note in the mail it makes my heart sing and those are the keepers. I used to be better at sending notes to others. A few years ago I was facing surgery and as a way to take the focus off me and not worry, I sent notes of encouragement to friends and family or people in my church. It was very rewarding and I need to get back into that. Thanks, Layla, for the motivation!
The place where you get your mail is quite lovely! I love this and it was so sweet.
Rebecca Miller
I did a personel thank you note. Nothing fancy but I made sure to explain how grateful we were for them. It feels sooooooo good to express thoughts for others in writting!
🙂 Amazing how doing something (small or large) for someone else makes your heart feel so full it could just bust.
You’re incredible! So sweet uidea! You mad eme smile sooooooo fullmonthly!!!! 🙂
This is awesome. I love the whole idea of it. And I love that that little boy was the one to go on a just for fun hunt. I mean, look at his face! Sweet. I’m totally down to get in on this. I’ll holla back when I do.
YOU made me smile! Have a blessed day!
This puts a BIG smile on my face. Hmmm, it has me thinking too!! 😉
I so have to get over my “what would people think” mentality! Thank you for this post
I love what you did…How you almost got “busted”…And found out who had fun recieving your gift!
You handled Mr.Mailman way better than I would have. I’m still not comfortable taking my camera out and taking pictures of random things in very public places. I’m hoping to get there….:)
I read the comments above mine, the letter writer movie is cheesy, but pretty inspiring. Noone has to stay a stranger and letters are such a great way to connect!
Becky Wood
Great post, Layla! In fact, your entire blog is always a fresh spurt of inspiration. 🙂
What an honest and pure intentioned act of TLC for someone. Happy little accidental pun, there! Not letting one hand know what the other is doing- hard struggle when wanting to share your joy of an experience but not wanting to share so that the focus remains on the One and not yourself! Very cool and I cannot imagine how much fun it was!! 🙂
Denise Cosgrove
Write it on your heart, Layla. God loves a precious soul such as yours and will soon place one of His special angels in your care. Thanks for inspiring us all to look for those moments to bring cheer to others and to go about doing good. XoXo Denise
Layla, thank you for inspiring your readers, including me, to random acts of kindness!
And like others have posted, I absolutely LOVE your neighborhood mail station! You are blessed to live in such a beautiful community.
Love the note idea. What a fun thing to do!
I know all too well the panicky feeling of holding a camera while standing around PO boxes. lol
We have a small PO near us that still has the vintage metal boxes. They’re gold and ornate and really cool looking. Photo worthy.
I went in last summer to try and get a few shots of them, but before I could, someone walked in, looked at me a little oddly, and I panicked! lol Plus, I know there are no doubt security cameras around, and I kept thinking, what is the person watching this going to think when they see me? That I’m scouting out the place? Getting ready to break into the lock boxes?
I never did get a good shot, and would like to go back some day, if I ever get up the courage. lol
Kristin Taylor
I absolutely love this idea and will be implementing it in my own life at some point soon. So fun and yet such a sweet way to love on neighbors.
Jessica Kirkland
You are TOO cute! We’d be best friends for sure! I LOVE a handwritten note and I love surprising people. Did you see the Year of Gratitude Kits by Compendium (aka Live-Inspired)? It’s to encourage sending a handwritten note of gratitude every week – to anyone – for the entire year. Comes with a little journal too. Powerful stuff. Here’s my blog post with all of the details:
I’m SO glad you posted about this – and even more excited that you actually found out who participated in your little scavenger hunt! How lucky was that!! Love it!
Thanks for your ongoing inspiration. I’m always left uplifted by the things you share! Hugs!
That has got to be the cutest little-boy-smile I have ever seen – and I have two of my own with precious smiles of their own!
About a year ago, we were splurge-dining at P.F. Chang’s with our three kids and about half way through our meal, the manager approached us w/ a gift card from an anonymous patron w/ a note that said, “Enjoy your bunch, times goes too fast. Dinner is on us, plus a little extra”! The gift card covered our meal plus our next one! The kind gesture really touched us deeply and we’ve enjoyed paying it forward any chance we get!
Katy @ Lolly Linens
You are so precious Layla! When I grow up, I want to be just like you 🙂
Thank you for your inspiration, I pray more people have your kind, kind spirit.
Layla, that’s awesome! Made my day just reading about your handwritten notes. I’m still smiling!
Layla! I LOVE handwritten ANYTHING!!! I love all aspects of writing….the handwriting itself, the paper it’s written on, the pen or instrument it is written with, the envelope (if applicable) that is used (and of course the handwriting on the envelope), the stamps used, the return address used (handwritten or label), the stack of addressed envelopes waiting to be mailed and putting the whole bunch into the mailbox!! What you’re doing reminds me of a movie I watched recently called The Letter Writer. It’s about a random note that reached a young girl EXACTLY when she needed it and the friendship that developed. You can find it on Netflix. I’ve been inspired recently to write one snail-mail piece per day and I’m happy to say that I’m a little ahead of my goal. I plan to do this for the whole year. These little projects give US as much joy as they give the recipient! Keep it up and keep sharing your projects! Hugs!
This warms my heart and to see the excitement on that little guy’s face. My boys and I need to get back to our once a week handwritten note. It was to people we know because we had addresses but I think this calls for a new twist on things.
How fun! Glad you shared it! I may have to try this–I am so smiling just reading about it, I bet it would be a total hoot to do! 🙂
KMP Modern
First off, that is the most beautiful post office I have ever seen. Sometimes I forget that many of the rural parts of America are just gorgeous. I absolutely love this idea. Real paper notes beat tech any day!
Such a pretty thing to find–unexpected acts of kindness brighten the world 🙂 Lovely idea!
So, SO fun!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Alex Collins
I think it’s wonderful that you took on this project and shared it with everyone. Your small acts of kindness and positivity are enormously inspiring, and I hope that it warms others’ hearts the way it has warmed mine. One small act of kindness and sincerity lead to another, and hopefully this is a start of a larger domino effect with your blog followers who will go on to share the love with others! What a beautiful idea!
this is awesome. i think we might do a valentine’s version of this. i can’t commit to anything this month because i am already going batty but this would be so sweet to leave a little v-day note ;D
Ter'e Crow Lindsay
I love this!
Are there any houses, “For Sale” in your neighborhood? LOL.
Have you ever had a penpal? A real penpal? I got a letter, today, from my TX penpal!!!!!!!! e have met one time in the past 18 or so years!
We love our letters, shopping for stationary and sharing gifts back and forth, as we can. Two 64 yr olds just having fun. And yes, we are very silly.
Tina Schiefer
That little guys smile is PRICELESS!!! This is something worth sharing!!! Random acts of kindness are awesome….reminds me of the old guy at the end of Under the Tuscan Sun…even grumpy old men who would like to remain all private and stuff have heartstrings! Sometimes they just needs a little tug! …and a friendly hug!!! xoxoxo
Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule
Oh my, how many ways can I say how much I love this!!! I just LOVE it! I smiled the whole time reading it. Your notes to others, miles away from me, made ME smile! What a wonderful idea…:)
And I totally pictured you and the mailman while you were trying to be all covert and all….lol…so funny.
LOVE this entire post!!! I especially love the photo of the little guy with his new notebook 🙂
This is so sweet. I’m glad you live in a safe neighborhood that they appreciate it 🙂 Maybe if more people did this the world would be peaceful place……..
haven’t been here in a while and popped in today- what FUN!!
thanks for making me smile….and for spreading so much happy.
Loved this! Thanks for inspiring us to think about how simple it is to be more child like ( as a kindergarten teacher, being child like is the supremo tops to me) and kind! I love the spirit with which you did this :)! Thank you for brightening my day and making me smile!
Lisa W.
THIS is awesome, I love LOVE love it!!!! I totally “get” how it makes you feel good! It’s amazing what someone’s smile and warmth, kindness can do. !! Thanks Layla for being one of those special people that actually THINK of this kind of stuff. I wish I lived by you, we would have all kinds of kindness crafty, decorating kind of fun!!!!
OMG. Totally going to do this. Usually do it in the days leading to Halloween with candy left on unsuspecting homes. Please post things like this. It inspires the rest of us.
aw, what a great surprise for your neighbors. I love it. You have inspired me. Thank you.
Heather Patterson
I think you are so sweet and kind and you keep doin’ whatcha doin ‘ because you are inspiring me 🙂 I will leave a secret note tomorrow and I can’t wait!!
Mandi W
I want to live in your neighborhood!! It would have totally made my day to go check the mail expecting bills and to find a cheery note. What a great way to spread some smiles 🙂
Cottage By The Sea
I thought our post office was cute until I saw yours – as my daughter would remark! Adorbs! That little boy was adorable too! This is such a good idea and works for me. I have always written notes by hand and I always will. I still send my grown kids notes just to tell them how much I love them, what a proud momma I am and why, etc. I even include my son-in-laws. Now they all can’t wait to see who will get a note next. They really are fun aren’t they?!
I’m SO glad you shared…that you share frequently. I enjoy reading about your life, it distracts me from mine. Thank you.
cindy barganier
I had no idea what you were up to but that is so much fun. I wish I had thought of it. Made me smile just reading about. Proves one thing… I ‘m gonna have to get my very own key to the mailbox so that I will see happy notes too.