I had a hair appointment in Atlanta on Thursday, so while we were over that way, we made a quick trip up to Athens to see David Cook and Gavin DeGraw perform. Here’s some footage of David singing ‘Fade Into Me‘ at the end of his set…
He’s always been my favorite ‘American Idol’, so it was awesome to finally get to see him play in person! His show was incredible and I definitely want to see them again next time they’re in our neck of the world.
Gavin hit the stage after David’s set, and I was blown away by how crazy talented he is, too…
I heart live music.
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The year David Cook was on American Idol was the only season I ever watched. I love David Cook too but I’ll admit that I was hoping David Archuleta would win π How cool that you got to see him in concert.
SUCH a great season, wasn’t it?! π
David C. had me at audition week! π
I so agree with Alyssa that that was the best season of Idol…nothing else has measured up since to me. You lucky people getting to see David Cook !
I love David Cook. I just recently started listening to Gavin DeGraw. I live in Athens and we always have such amazing music here. I hope you had a great time in our wonderful city.
I am SO SUPER DUPER jealous of you right now! (but in a good kind of way) I’m glad you had a great time. And like you, I love live music.
I am so glad to hear that you’re a Cook fan, too! I was a definite Cougar from day one! When Simon said he was boring, I almost put my hand through the TV screen.
Thanks for the video! Just got the disk from my sis!
Love you guys!
Awesome you got to see them! David had me from auditions week too!
Hope you had fun! I LOVE those two, so I’m sure it was awesome!
Lucky Lucky, Kevin and Layla,
Thanks for sharing *sigh* back
Gavin has been a fave of mine forever. His concert performances are amazing -such a talented guy! As for girls have you ever listened to Ingrid Michaelson – she is my very fave girl performer! Here is a post I wrote about her! http://happenstanceathome.blogspot.com/search/label/Ingrid%20Michaelson Hope you are having a great weekend!
Wow…how surprised I was to see David Cook’s picture when I opened your blog. Our family are huge fans of David, he is a local boy and my husband was a co-worker of his mom so we were rooting for him from day one.
I’m a huge Gavin DeGraw fan. I saw him open for Barenaked Ladies 7 years ago before anyone knew who he was.
But the real topic at hand…I want to see your hair!
So maybe this is a little weird, and I’m okay with that, but when I saw you came into Athens, there was a part of me that thought, “Man, I wish I had known that, they could have come given us some pointers/ideas on our kitchen remodel ideas.”
But alas, maybe next time you are up this way…
I went to college in Athens and graduated from the great UGA. Wonderful music scene there! Home of REM and the B52’s!
The lead singer of the band that opened for David said they’ve always wanted to play Athens because he loved all the music that’s come out of that area! π
Thanks for sharing, Layla! David’s my favorite American Idol, too! The next time you head toward Hotlanta, swing through Jacksonville and I’ll make us a glass of iced tea! I live in a 100-year-old farmhouse that’s a fixer-upper, too! My front porch is always open for company. π BTdubs, my daughter lives in Buford and shops at Queen of Hearts ALL the time! Why, girl, we’re practically family! LOL
Ooh! A 100-year-old farmhouse…we’ll be there tomorrow- LOL!!! π
The invitation is very real, and I’ll even sweeten the pot by telling you that this is just down the road… the historic Aderholdt Mill! When the owner is grinding corn, I can sit on my porch and listen to the water wheel turn. Bliss!
Oh my goodness, it’s AMAZING! Kev and I looked at a mill for sale in our neck of the woods…it was about $100,000 above our price range though! π
Hope you enjoyed Athens! My hometown! Can’t imagine ever living anywhere else…..and how crazy is it that I had no idea David Cook was going to be playing here??
We definitely did! I LOVED the energy downtown, and can see why you love living there!
The current owners couldn’t decide between a mill or a lighthouse. I’m so glad they bought the mill because they’re AWESOME neighbors! They turned the ground level corn crib into the most amazing residence! (I actually have lived on this road all my life and I was thrilled that they took it under their wing!) They got it for a song but they’ve spent a lot fixing it up!
I think you guys would totally dig this band-they just created their first CD :
David Cook is going to be in my area in a few weeks. I was on the fence about going but I think you just talked me into it!
Yay! You will have SUCH a good time…he is so talented, and seems to have such a great personality. I can’t wait to see him again!
I am trying not to be super jealous! David Cook is my favorite idol! In fact, my husband buys me tickets to see him perform anytime he comes to our area!!!
Sigh is right! We caught that show last month in Dallas…I heart Gavin something fierce, so we see him every time he’s in town. Could he be any more talented…those pipes and the piano, too!? We’re from Nashville and my hubs used to be a prof musician, too, so we’ve got a heart for pure talent like that. And he’s cute. π
I went to college with David. I LOVE his music and he is a super nice person. Γ’ΛΒΊ
That’s so cool! He seems very down-to-earth, and I ADORE his music too! π