“I wanted to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”
-Sylvia Plath
Y’all!!!! My phone dinged again!!!! SONNY HAS A VISA APPOINTMENT!!!
The email came in around 9am yesterday (Monday) morning. Kevin and I were on our way to our workroom downtown, and had just pulled into a parking spot at Chick-Fil-A. Kevin wanted a “half-n-half” (half sweet, half unsweet tea) and I thought I’d check my email while he went inside to get it.
The email popped up before he got out of the car so we had a little celebration right there in the car. 😀 Kevin was actually on the phone with his mom at the time, so she got to hear the news right as it came in which was really fun too. I sent some emails and texts while he went in to get his tea and the two of us have been floating around ever since. 🙂
Now that we know what day and time Sonny’s visa appointment is, we’ll *probably* be able to book our homecoming trip as soon as the end of next week. (!!!) I’ll be over here cleaning house and trying figure out how on earth I got to be the luckiest girl in the world in the meantime. 😉
PS- Friendly reminder: this month’s Pike Road Southern pre-order sale runs through Thursday night over at PikeRoadSouthern.com!
More happy tears!!!!!!! Such a blessing for you, Kevin, and Sweet P. 🙂 You will be walking on air from now on, dear Layla! ♡
My heart is so full for y’all! I can’t stop smiling!
So very happy for you, Layla! Such awesome news!! Woo hoo!
I have been following your adoption process from the start and I can’t tell you how excited i am for you!
Just seeing his sweet face makes a smile on mine…feeling such joy for every step..closer..
Congratulations…how exciting! There is so much life in his beautiful eyes!
wonderful news! fingers crossed for everything to go smoothly!
Wonderful news! SoOo close now… xoxo
WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!! It’s almost here! From a proud mom of 4 forever kids—congratulations! And thanks for helping me remember how that felt when the call comes in. I need it–they are all teenagers now. :-)))
Such happy news! I’m overjoyed for you!
How cool is that?! So excited for you all!
Some people are so kind and loving toward others that they are rewarded in this current life, Layla. You are one of those people. I knew it the first time I saw you on the Inet many years ago. I highly admire and respect you, and you deserve every good thing!
Smiles all around
So happy for you guys!! I can’t wait for this homecoming!!
Layla and Kevin, Congratulations on the great news! Is it now time for Sonny’s U.S. Medical Exam? He is now 4 years old. Is he several months from being 5? Wait till see what foods he likes best in the U.S. Please take him some of the Disney Movies. He has so many fun things to see and learn. I have followed you for 3+ years. Layla, I was telling my husband about your journey. He ask me why you didn’t adopt a child in the U.S., I told him I didn’t know this answer. Please if you rather not answer these 2 questions, just tell me you can’t answer me. I will continue to pray for your family. I alway pray your new business continues to grow. You can also personally email me.
Hi Linda!
Our Sonny will be 5 in late November. It’s going to be so much fun to celebrate with him and our friends (the Riehms) this year! We’ve got a little trip planned with them to Chattanooga, so that should be super fun. 🙂
As for your hubby’s question about why we didn’t adopt a child in the US- here’s a snippet from my Adoption FAQs page:
“Why Haiti? Two simple reasons: Because God led us there, and because our son lives there.
A few years ago, I literally woke up to the words, “Look at Haiti”. Not audibly, but I “felt” them in my head. Sounds crazy, and it’s a little hard to describe in writing, but if you’ve had a similar experience you know exactly what I mean. I sprang out of bed and went over to the computer to see if Lifeline even had a Haiti program, and sure enough, they had just started one. (goosebumps) The requirements? Parents must be over 35 years of age, couples must be married 10 years, and they preferred that you not have any biological children. Check. Check. Check. (GOOSEBUMPS) That was me and Kevin to a T! We prayed about it for 24 hours, and then called our caseworker to tell her that God told us our baby was in Haiti! ?
Haiti has since changed it’s requirements, so those guidelines aren’t a factor for people just starting their processes now. But how MEANT TO BE that they described our EXACT situation RIGHT when were finishing our (4-month long) home study and RIGHT when we had to make a final decision about which country to put on our paperwork! #GodIsGood”
Here’s a link to my FAQs if you’d like to read the rest of those too:
I have been following you and your beautiful blog for the past I think 7 years now and I couldn’t wait to hear the news! I have been so excited for you from the moment you announced you were adopting. So happy for you and your little sweet P. What a long journey but you are almost there. Love and blessings to you and your family.
I wrote a reply above. I want you to know I understand your privacy. You have been open since day one about Sonny’s adoption. Please don’t feel you must answer my questions. I went back and read your blog and wasn’t sure these were questions you addressed earlier. I thought I may have missed the answers. I looked again at Sonny’s picture. I see where you fell in love with him. His beautiful dark eyes. His smiles gets me every time. He is so blessed to have two wonderful parents. On the other hand, you feel you are so blessed to have Sonny! Which is true for both! I send my prayers and blessings to you & Kevin and your family!
Hi Linda!
Sorry it took me a couple of days to reply. I just posted it above! XO