“I wanted to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”
-Sylvia Plath
Y’all!!!! My phone dinged again!!!! SONNY HAS A VISA APPOINTMENT!!!
The email came in around 9am yesterday (Monday) morning. Kevin and I were on our way to our workroom downtown, and had just pulled into a parking spot at Chick-Fil-A. Kevin wanted a “half-n-half” (half sweet, half unsweet tea) and I thought I’d check my email while he went inside to get it.
The email popped up before he got out of the car so we had a little celebration right there in the car. 😀 Kevin was actually on the phone with his mom at the time, so she got to hear the news right as it came in which was really fun too. I sent some emails and texts while he went in to get his tea and the two of us have been floating around ever since. 🙂
Now that we know what day and time Sonny’s visa appointment is, we’ll *probably* be able to book our homecoming trip as soon as the end of next week. (!!!) I’ll be over here cleaning house and trying figure out how on earth I got to be the luckiest girl in the world in the meantime. 😉
PS- Friendly reminder: this month’s Pike Road Southern pre-order sale runs through Thursday night over at PikeRoadSouthern.com!
I am so happy for you three. That is such an understatement lol my heart is dancing with you. Congratulations!
I feel like I could just burst with happiness for you guys! I will keep praying him home until you let us all know you’re back here in the states. <3
This is “FOR REAL!” (as my 4 year old daughter would say). Hallelejuah. And we all say AMEN. Soak up every exciting moment of this anticipation. Your time has come and we’re all celebrating so hard with you. Load of love and blessings.
Beautiful, happy news! Yay!!!
Oh my GOSH! So exciting you guys! Prayers for quick and safe travels!!!!!!
So happy for you and Kevin….your blessed family will be together soon xoxo
I usually don’t comment on blogs. Today, I have to! My husband and I have been praying for the three of you. I am so, so happy for you all! We will continue to pray through your travels and return home. God bless you.
Layla, There are sometimes no words to describe the joy you have for someone. I have that unexplainable overwhelming joy for you and Kevin and Sweet Pea.
I think AMEN may say it all! Love this new adventure of a lifetinme you are on. Many hugs to you all.
So happy for you all and honored that you shared this journey with us all! I feel like a proud distant aunt or something!? Can’t wait to get the shirts I ordered for me and my girls! We loved all the designs.
YAY! This has been such an incredible journey which you have handled with grace and faith. You are an inspiration to so many. I’m thrilled for all of you. xo
Ok I just squealed! I’m so so happy for y’all and can’t wait to watch your gotcha day videos…you ARE going to do one right?!? 🙂
Congratulations Layla! Wonderful news!
Hallelujah! So excited for your family!
Woot!! I’m dancing in my living room!!! I’m overjoyed for you and Kevin. I couldn’t imagine the feeling. Other then the joy of knowing that he will be loved and the happiest little boy. You’ll be beside yourself when he’s actually “home” on Pike Road and in his room. Where you’ll both be checking on him more than once a night, to make sure your not dreaming. Sending our love and many squishy hugs. Love to all.
Yay!! I’m so happy for y’all, I could just burst! Here’s to the end of one journey and the beginning of a whole new adventure!
I started following your blog for the decor ideas but couldn’t pull myself away from your amazing life story of how God is matching you with this special child!!!!! I am tickled pink to read each of the milestones in your journey…but of course…these final steps are even sweeter! Every long journey starts with a single step, but it also consists of continuing forward on the journey when the way still seems so long. You have gone through the many steps, the bends in the road, the hills and valleys, and now the goal is so very close! But remember to be grateful for the experience along the way that has led to the completion of your goal. Being Sonny’s parents will last a lifetime…but this joy of this goal of finishing his adoption is truly a blessing from God to be enjoyed and honored! Congratulations!
Oh, yes! I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have been chosen, by God, to be my Sonny’s mama. To think that He guided and comforted us the WHOLE WAY…WOW. I can’t even articulate how loved and blessed that makes me feel!
Great news! Happy for you and Kevin and Sonny!
Wahoooo!!!! Tears of JOY for you all over hear in the Ozarks!!!!
This is so wonderful! I will be praying for all to come to completion!
Congrats to all of you. This is just so exciting.
I have been following your blog and especially your adoption story for years, but have never left a comment. I feel compelled to share in your excitement and let you know I have lifted you up in prayer. I am so overjoyed that the reality of bringing your son home is finally in your grasp!! God is good!
Happiness and Joy! What a Thanksgiving and Christmas there will be this Year!!
I am so excited for you, Kevin and Sweet Pea! Prayers and hugs from Florida! That little boy is such a cutie!!
Yes!! So so happy for you! It couldn’t have happened soon enough. Now it’s a matter of days before he’s in your arms in his new home with his family! A day of celebration!
I am so happy for you and Kevin! My tears are ones of joy and relief!! God’s timing is perfect. Steevenson will be home soon playing and running and laughing!!
Yea! So excited for you all!
Tears of joy being shed here in Florida. So grateful for God’s mercy and grace. Can’t wait until the three of you are home.
Congratulations! So happy for all of you! It’s finally happening!!!
Praise Jesus! So happy for you. Hey love that Oregon shirt ! Christine from Oregon
God is great! Congratulations!
Yes! As a grandmom of 4 sweet kiddos who joined our family through adoption, I know you two are floating right now! You guys are so, so, so close to being able to tuck him in his own bed each and every night. Take time to relish these last few days as you prepare to bring your boy home.
Hugs to both of you.
Layla, I am so Happy for you! You are incredible and your love and joy just permeate your blog. Can’t wait til you are on the plane HOME with your Sonny! Rejoicing with you every step of the way!
Tears***sniff and so incredibly happy for you. All the good things!!! Soak it up!
Your patience has endured and look at your reward! I am so thrilled for you and Keven! Your life is indeed blessed! You will have the encouragement and prayers of many as you step onto that “Avion” to get your son and make your family complete!!!
So happy for y’all!!!!
Aaaahhhhhh!! It’s really happening!!
Good luck sleeping the next couple of weeks!
Huge congratulations. We are so happy for you. Been praying for these days since I started following you, and here we are. In some ways it seems like forever ago, and also just yesterday. Rejoicing with you today!
That sweet wee boy with his “sunny” Sonny face is coming to his “forever home” with the best two parents a wee boy could have. Here on my island home on the south west coast of Canada, this grandmother of five is full of joy and happiness for all of you. Soon honey girl, very soon. Then love and laughter, ever after. xoxoxoxo And when Sonny is a grown man isn’t he going to have a story to tell!
I’m so so happy this day is here. My heart is full for all three of you.
I’m crying happy, excited tears.
I had a super icky weekend so this totally turned my week around.
I’m sending you all hugs and happy-dances!!!!
😀 OH MY GOSH!!!! Congrats!!!! 😀 Don’t ya love dings? 😉
I am so happy for the two of you. Adopting a child takes commitment, patience and persistence all qualities needed to be a parent! It’s been almost 28 years since our son came into our lives and family. That lucky feeling never goes away. God bless your family.
So excited beyond words for y’all!!! I can’t wait to see pictures of him on your “Gotcha” but I really want to see a picture of his sweet little face when he sees his little cute room for the first time!
MazelTov you’ll be a wonderfull mom with your son
Have a nice day
Laurence from France
Goosebumps as I am reading this – so very happy for you!
I am so happy for y’all. Congratulations!
I am so very happy for you guys. Wonderful news. God is so good.