Hello! Each Wednesday I share some of the photos that stopped me in my tracks while I was scrolling Instagram the previous week. I’ve only purchased one pair of (size 11) shoes for our Sonny so far (I want to make that’s his correct size before I buy any more!), but boy have I had fun looking! Here are some of the cute shoes I’ve seen on Instagram lately:
1. @NativeShoes:
Have y’all ever heard of those? Here’s another pic:
They’re kind of like Crocs, but they look more like tennies. Super cute! Here’s a link to their website: Native
2. @BucketFeet:
Okay, those particular ones might lean a little girly, but how CUTE and what a FUN company! So glad I stumbled onto their feed. PS- They have “big kids” shoes too! Here’s a link to their site: BucketFeet.
Love those little camo numbers! (I love the whole outfit, actually!) I think these herringone oxfords are super cute, too:
4. @MaaShoes:
I could scroll through Maa’s Insta-feed all day. SUCH cute designs!! (Look at those little owls, Mom!!!) Here’s a link to their website: MaaShoes.com.
5. @GoPlae:
I have heard SO many good things about Plae shoes (made from recycled and non-toxic materials, comfortable from the first wear, durable and washable) and I love that each pair comes with a set of easy-to-remove “tabs” so kiddos can switch up their style whenever they’re feeling…switchy. 😉 I don’t think they’re in the budget right now, but this is my favorite pair…
…and here’s a fun little video about the artist who created that design:
What a fun job he has, huh? 😀
PS- I’ve been tagging these round-ups on Instagram with the hashtag #InstaWednesdayRoundUp if you’d like to see them that way over there!
So cute! Unsolicited advice from a mom of two boys: Let him pick! Sometimes they surprise you with what they like.
I agree with the above comment. Let him pick. But, can you imagine how exciting this will be for him? He has had limited clothing and shoes and probably will be overwhelmed with the choices we have in America-in ALL price ranges. You are going to have so much fun discovering his new world together!!
Nordstroms has their yearly sale right now and some Plae shoes are on sale. You could buy a size bigger or exchange them for the correct size with him later. So excited for you guys!
I can only imagine how you will smile every time you put shoes on that little cutie! Just watch those pudgy toes grow. Fun, Fun, Fun! Kids have a habit of taking off their shoes every time you turn around. I just figure it’s a time to interact every time we put them back on. Our grandchildren are 24 to 4 so we have been interacting for a few years. Lol
My girls love natives – they’ve been wearing them all summer and like them a lot better than their crocs (which consistently gave my older daughter blisters). Keep an eye on them on amazon, they go on sale from time to time (I got a pair for $18 earlier this summer). Best of luck – so much fun!
At Sonny’s age, my kids both had unevenly sized feet–make sure both feet are measured, not just one. I’m a big fan of having kids try on their shoes to make sure they are comfortable—-different brands suit different feet.
Do love those owls! If they came in my size, I’d be wearing them : )
They are all so cute! As a grandmother (honey) I have found that hightop tennis shoes are hard to put on. But that could just be a me problem. 😉
If you will spray his canvas shoes with “Scotch Guard” a can spray. After the shoes dry, they will be water resistant and stains will slide off the canvas. My SIL, use to spray her boys shirts and they always look like brand new.
You may want to look at this web site. http://www.shoebuy.com
Hint… If you call their 800 # you can ask them to give you the best discount they offer. Most of the time it is 20% or more. You also get credit for you purchases. Free shipping and free returns. I can’t wait to see your choice of dress for Sonny. It is so much fun. We have 2 grown sons and 4 granddaughters. We love to take them to special restaurants. They have learned to eat many foods most children won’t eat. They love to go to certain clothing stores with us. Oh yes, they get to take home goodies! You are in for a world of fun!
Great idea, Linda! 😀
Check out GMA deals and steals today for back to school deals (they have shoes) and I hope you can keep Sonny trilingual. Can’t wait to hear that you have landed in the US with him, walk into your home with him and tuck him into his bed. Enjoy the rest of the journey.
Thanks, Pam! I would love to keep Sonny trilingual too!
I’ve bought plae & natives for my kids. They are so cute and my kids love them. Natives wash and wear so well but I think my kids prefer their Plae shoes b/c they are more comfortable. So excited for your family. Just thinking that in 1 month your life will change so much and will be so full. Congratulations!
I’ve read your blog fore a few years now and just cracked up. It’s such a small world. Roman and Leo is owned by my cousin 🙂