Our first home study interview was a telephone interview, and it went great! Today I wanted to blog about our second home study visit- which took place at our home. Something really cool happened a couple hours before it started the other day, so I wanted to make sure that I saved the memory here so that we’d never forget exactly how it happened!
First, a little backstory…
Kevin went to high school with a couple of kids named Billy and Suzanne, and long story short- Billy and Suzanne wound up getting married. Now, 20 years later, we’ve all become friends thanks to our church. Billy is a photographer, and he and Suzanne adopted a little girl through Lifeline eight years ago- so we have lots of things in common, and it’s been really fun getting to know them.
Fast forward to two hours before our first home study visit this past Friday. Kevin and I decided to eat lunch at Moe’s. We ordered our usuals, then slid into a booth underneath the only ceiling fan that wasn’t on. (brrr) I had just opened my mouth waaaay too wide, to accommodate waaaay too much burrito, when I heard Billy say, “Hey!“, and looked up to see him and Suzanne just a few feet from our table. I dropped my burrito with a quickness, and used one hand to wave and the other to cover my huge *Art Vandalay-chompin’ cheeks. We invited them to sit down and eat (smaller bites) with us, and we had the BEST time listening and learning all kinds of things about their home study and their adoption process. But ya wanna know the Craziest part? Billy and Suzanne hadn’t planned to eat lunch together there that day. Billy’s car broke down somewhere close by, so he called Suzanne to come pick him up and they just decided to get lunch while they were out. And ya wanna know the even Crazier part? The last time Billy’s car broke down was on a Friday, eight years ago, while he was driving to a Lifeline meeting at the beginning of their adoption process. How Wild (with a capital W) is that!?
(Me, Kevin, Suzanne and Billy at Moe’s this past Friday)
Before I wrote this post, I wanted to make sure I remembered Billy’s experience exactly right, so I direct messaged him on Twitter to make sure I had my facts straight. Here are his responses:
I didn’t know about that last bit until it popped up on my Twitter screen. So funny!
(*The Art Vandalay is a vegetarian burrito served in your choice of flour or whole grain tortilla with seasoned rice, beans, shredded cheese, lettuce, all-natural sour cream and handmade guacamole. I also add diced cucumbers and black olives to mine!)
As for our home study- our (sweet) social worker, Beth (from Lifeline), pulled up to our house just after 3 o’clock that afternoon and after a quick tour of the house, we spent the next three hours sitting in our living room talking about all kinds of relationship-y things. We answered questions like, “how do you know Layla/Kevin loves you” and “what would you say your greatest strengths/weaknesses are personally/as a couple” and “how has your relationship changed over the years“, etc.
We laughed and cried, and Grew closer with each question. It was very therapeutic and fun. At one point, I (jokingly) asked Beth if someone was really going to read every word of our entire home study from start to finish. Of course she said, “yes”, and in that moment, I couldn’t help thinking about how, one day (hopefully this Fall), somebody (somewhere) is going to use the information in it to match us with our child. #goosebumps!
I tweeted this (poorly-lit/super blurry) cell phone pic I snapped immediately after our visit with Beth on Friday night:
Like the Billy & Suzanne experience, I never wanted to forget that moment (thank you, trusty iPhone!) and even though the photos are fuzzy, I’m so glad I snapped ’em!
Next up, we’ve got some homework to do. Autobiography writing to be exact. Then after that, we’ll schedule home study visits #2 (out of 5)- where Kevin and I will be interviewed individually. We’re learning very quickly that there are a lot of steps in this process- but they’ll all lead to our Sweet P, and it’s extremely comforting to know that so many folks are going to such great lengths to make sure our child is safe!
*Updated to add– We ran in to Billy and Suzanne AGAIN after church this past Sunday! We were in the next town over, and at a totally different restaurant, so I had to snap another iPhone pic so that I could add it to this post!
Too cool! Gives me chills to see the way God puts things together! BTW, I’m friends with Billy and Suzanne, too. My hubby grew up with them. 🙂
AWESOME! Love those Popes! 😀
Your story brought tears to my eyes. So excited for you all as you go through this process and comforting knowing that God’s timing is perfect.
Aw, thanks for commenting Lauren. 🙂 We really appreciate you taking the time to leave such a sweet one for us to find this morning!
I love exchanges like that. Gives me goose bumps too. It’s lovely and comforting to know that life is not full of just lucky happenings. Everything happens for a reason.
Amen! 😀
Thank you so much for sharing your story as it unfolds. I’m praying for you and your Sweet P!
Sure thing, Cheri! And we appreciate your prayers SO MUCH! Can’t wait to “e-ntroduce” you to Sweet P! 😀
This is so sweet and what a cool story!
Thank you, Kristi! 😀 XO
This is such a wonderful story! Sounds like adoptions can be a lengthy process but like you said, it will be all worth it! God Bless! 🙂
Yes! We’re following God’s lead, and as always, are enjoying the journey so much!
God is so well….God! Love how He knits our lives together so perfectly during particular seasons with those we need the most. Continuing to pray for your adoption journey! BTW…I love Art Vandalay’s too! You ordered your’s just the way I like ’em!
High five to that! #ALLofit 😀
You are so adorable…and the quick snapshot of you kissing your husband brought tears to my eyes…I could “feel” the love and excitement in that photo! Best of luck! ~Kim
Thank you! That was moment was so special! I’m so glad we are able to save it here for keeps! 😀
God’s timing is truly amazing and it takes me by surprise each time. Thank you very much for sharing your notes about your incredible journey.
Love God’s Devine appointments!
Love your blog! Amazed that I found it on facebook because of the design stuff quite a while back then found out later you guys are adopting too! Just going for our home study#2 here in Savannah, GA on Jan 25th. We finished our autobiographies last night. Praying for your journey, and glad to know a couple on the same exact journey. Hopefully we’ll both have 2013 kiddos!
Peace & Blessings,
You are now pregnant!!!! THAT”S HOW THIS WORKS…The home study visits will get easier each time, and you will learn about yourselves when you read the description of your marriage and lives by your social worker.Each step will feel more real to you but somehow not in control, but that’s where faith comes in… your sweet little one has already been chosen for you by Him and these are just the steps to get her home. It is a journey, Looking forward to following it with you until you have her in your arms… There’s nothing else in life like it…Dawn from Connecticut 🙂
BAWLING!!!!!!!!!!! God is good, All the time! All the time, God is good!
So happy for you…We waited years for our son, eventually having him through fertility treatments. In what ever way a child finds his or her way to a family – They are the one/ones you were meant to have – all decided by a higher power. Your sweet P is out there waiting for you just as you are waiting for them…The right child/children will find their way to you! I wish you much luck and love.
Incredible. I have goosebumps!
So excited to be following you on your adoption journey. The written part of the home study is the longest but it was fun reading about the other one’s childhood and reminiscing about our relationship. Have fun!
SO very happy for y’all!!
God bless you both. He is giving you signs that he is walking the path with you, even carrying through the toughest spots, always with you even when you don’t see him. May this glimpse of his constant presence comfort you always and strengthen your desire to do his will above all.
I doubt you recall this but on one of your very first posts about adoption – I think it was when you were asking “how do you know it’s right” type of thing, I said you’ve got to pay attention to the signs, and then went on to talk about some weird stuff that happened to us during my adoption journey (my daughters were born in China, and after turning in the paperwork for my first daughter, I began to run into single mom’s with Chinese children EVERYWHERE). Well, all this to say that: SEE, I told you!! 🙂
I am so excited for you guys and it’s no doubt fate that you ran into your friends under those circumstances!
I’ve found that both in my own adoption 49 years ago and in our daughter’s adoption 12 years ago there are always many God-incidences. Sort of like God LOVES adoption?!
Have fun with the home study. People have such a false perception of what they are about. They ARE kind of fun and make you look more closely at yourself and your relationship.
Thanks for sharing your journey!
God is in control! So many confirmations along the way!
Your blog made me cry AGAIN. I was so filled with joy for you and Kevin. I love hearing about God’s timing. It is just so perfect and He is just so awesome. I will keep you and Kevin in my prayers.
PS. I just received an email from LifeWay Christian Books and the book Mended, is on its way to me. So excited! I’m biting at the bit to get started on that novel.
Have a blessed week you guys.
To the point: 😉
1. So glad you’re sharing your adoption story with us on your blog.
2. We used Lifeline and have 3 beautiful daughters from China.
3. As you can already attest to, God will use this experience to grow your faith.
4. I will definately be buying your new song and spreading the word about it.
5. “Faith nor Fear” was my anthem during our adoption processes.
6. Know that a woman in Spokane, WA is praying for your family. . . . ME! 🙂
So, so awesome. Layla. One of my best friend’s is going through this right now as well and they’re using Lifeline, too! I was over at their house watching their two older kiddos when the adoption caseworker came over to do the home study. It was so cool to meet her and see the process firsthand. My friend Kate just got their adoption “number” last week, which as you know, is a huge deal! Praise God! They are number 88. Praying everyday that their kids (they’re adoption two from Ethiopia!) are safe and come soon! Will pray the same for you. xoxo
Funny how life works sometimes, isn’t it! What an incredible journey you are on. I’ve gotta say – it’s pretty interesting how much adoption parents are vetted to make sure they are the right fit, when having a child biologically faces no additional scrutiny. Of course it would be extremely difficult to implement a process where you had to be deemed a fit parent prior to getting pregnant – but none the less – adoption is a very different journey. I so much enjoy reading these posts, and can’t wait to hear more!
I love hearing stories of God’s grace and kindness, sending encouragement and “I’m with you” whispers along the way. Praying for you and your little one- and so excited for you!
Just love the way God works all things for our good!
Very cool to see what The Lord is doing in your life! Btw, listening to your church’s recent sermon online, Great teaching, Love that the focus is God’s word, too many church’s are going the way of pop culture, alot of man’s opinion, less gospel, not your church, very cool! Thanks for sharing:)
My husband and I always say, “there’s no such thing as coincidence”. It’s all in the plan. Exciting times for your family. Can’t wait to hear the rest of this wonderful story.
Wow – GODbumps, that is so cool! Love how God writes in all these amazing details into our stories – glory be to Him!
Congratulations on your adoption! Must have missed the initial announcement. We adopted our little Cocoa from Ethiopia 18 months ago. Reading about your homestudy brings back SOOOO many memories, haha!
Wonderful, wonderful story. Years ago, (I’m a grandmother, now), I was around several couples who were going through adoption or had been. We had more fun celebrating everytime a child came into the new family!
Love the photo of you and Kevin. You should frame it and put it in the future child’s room as a reminder of how much love there is between you two. Praying for you!
Amazing with a capital A and M and……!!! Wouldn’t the world be an interesting place if we all had to go through what you and your husband are doing to be parents???? You are a beautiful couple–your love and dedication to this process, life, and each other is so apparent. It warms my heart to see such devotion. God Bless you in your continued journey.
As an adoption counselor I am enjoying reading about your experience. Personally I find my greatest joy in seeing how God makes Himself so obviously present in our lives. He could not have been more conspicuous. I hope you feel His love and rest in the assurance that He holds every detail in His care as you go through your adoption journey. You’ve been chosen. Your child has been chosen. You three will soon be united.
Love the hands and feet pictures! As soon as I said that sentence in my head, the phrase, “be the hands and feet of Jesus” came to mind. 🙂
I am so excited for you and Kevin! In the State we live in (CA), you have to go through the Fostering program even if you plan to adopt. It was a lengthy and nerve racking process and it seemed that the end was so far off. We were prepared for a loooong wait of finding the right match, then the phone call came. Pretty much immediately after finishing our studies. We ended up with not one, but two little boys (siblings). They ended up being adopted by another family that had previously adopted another little boy. I sure miss them. In considering going through the process again a few years ago, we ended up choosing not to…. I got pregnant… with twins …. boys. 🙂 Looking forward to the day you have your Sweet P(s). God Bless!
So amazing to see God working in your lives… and even more amazing that you’re touching all of US with your story, Layla! He is an awesome God.
Bless you both!!
xo Heidi
Hi Layla. I have never commented before, but read often. I wanted to tell you that from the very beginning, even before I knew through your posts, I knew you were a Christian couple. I could just tell through your writing and your relationship to each other. I am truly excited for you and Kevin to be on this journey even though I don’t know you personally. Whoever God has chosen to be your little one with be so blessed to have you as parents.
God is amazing. And so are his children, say this on youtube and wanted to share with you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rztYMMhMT2Y
Wow, so neat to hear some of the questions people get asked in their adoption home studies… I always wondered what kinds of things they would ask. Good luck, yall will be parents in no time :))
Hey Layla, thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. For those of us that have not gone through the Adoption process, it is and will be an eye opener for sure. What amazes me about a journey like yours is the process itself. You have to go through home studies, self questioning, legal stuff etc….. If only everyone thought half as much about having a child…..well this world would truly be a different place. I wish you both peace, joy and love throughout this process and in the end I hope that you are blessed with the child you so rightly deserve….that will be one lucky child for sure. Can’t wait to see what comes next.
Layla, our daughter and her husband are going through an adoption process as well, so this naturally catches my attention. They went the fostering route. It is a little different from the route you’re going, but a lot the same too. They had to have the in home studies and all that. They actually have the little one they’re trying to adopt. My daughter said from the beginning that she just knew the first baby they were allowed to foster, would be the baby God would allow them to adopt. It seems, at this point, that that is exactly what’s going to happen; much much sooner than they thought. If all goes as planned, they may be able to adopt her as early as Feb. They (we) are soooo excited! What a blessing! Also how wonderful for couples like you and my daughter and her husband who want to be such a blessing to precious children. I’m excited for you! Also excited about your recent steps in following Christ. (Baptism). I have loved your blog for some time! Best wishes!
Amazing…had so many goosebumps reading your blog today 🙂 God’s timing!
After six years of trying and many losses, my husband and I are finally expecting a little girl to arrive in late April. I was feeling discouraged just before I read your post because so many things are changing and I have felt uncertain and inadequate that I wouldn’t be able to give her the best life possible. After reading your post I am once again reminded that God is in every.single.detail. There is never any reason to doubt or fear. You will be blessed with your sweet P soon!!!
Thank you for sharing, Layla! Tears are a-flowing. May God continue to bless you all in this journey.
Wow! How cool is that….just reminds us how BIG our God is, and yet SO into the details! Love reading your blog….thanks for including the adoption journey. I don’t even remember how I found your blog, but I have been so blessed by it. Keep sharing….amen and amen!
God is always at work for the praise of His name and the good of His people! Thank you for sharing how He’s been at work in your life lately. 🙂 You guys are going to make awesome parents!!!
Thank you for sharing a great post! Goosebumps!!! May God always be with you both in the journey.
Awe you made me cry… Such a wonderful experience. It got me thinking that its too bad we all don’t have to be interviewed before we become parents, since some of us really shouldn’t have been allowed to in the first place. Just sayin’! I think you guys are going to make wonderful parents and any child would be blessed to have you. So excited to follow you in this journey. By the way, I LOVE the song. It’s absolutely beautiful!!
When I read about your journey, it reminds me so much of our daughter and son-in-law. They’re returning from Uganda on Friday evening with our 2 grandsons and our brand new 2 year old grand-daughter. We are so excited!!!