My mom gave me an amaryllis for Christmas, and man is that thing doing some cool stuff this week! One day there’s a bud, then BOOM, the next day there’s an open blossom!
It’s sitting on a little, old hamper in our sunroom right now and I love the way it makes me feel when I walk in there every day! (Thanks again, Mom!)
Speaking of our sunroom, we’ve been in this house three months now, but I’ve only just started to unpack the moving boxes I mentally labeled “stuff we don’t need right away“. I pulled out some dishes yesterday, and I’m looking forward to hanging a bunch of them up on the wall right above that little hamper this weekend.
I re-discovered another “thing we didn’t need right away” in another one of the boxes I unpacked yesterday, and after a quick scan of the room, I decided to mount it to the side of the secretary. It’s a wire magazine rack, and I got it at a flea market last year:
Those linens draped over the back of my desk chair are actually an old seed sack we got on a roadtrip a few years ago, and a dish towel from Ikea.
A friend of a friend is making me a 12″x16″ lumbar pillow cover out of them (and some hemp trim) and I’m super excited to see how it turns out. I *think* it’ll be ready tomorrow, so I’ll be back to share some more pics of some more sunroom progress soon!
Are you doing anything home decorate-y/crafty this weekend? I’d love to hear about what you’ve got in the works, too!
PS- The winner of the Mended book giveaway is:
Congrats, Ashley! I’ll be in touch with you shortly via email!
That song is just beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes.
What a beautiful song…. so heavenly inspired and gorgeous. Your child is going to live their life in the light of this gorgeous song, knowing that the Lord had it all in His hand and in His perfect plan. You are going to make wonderful parents. Praying your journey will be smooth and straight to your precious Sweet P. Thanks for sharing the song with us all, just sooo very precious!! Blessings, can’t wait to see what you do with the sunroom. I love blue and green together and use it in my home also. Linda
I agree with everyone here, such a beautiful and touching song. Your voice is wonderful Kevin. Wishing you both a smooth and successful journey to parenthood.
Loved the beautiful song!
I love everything you do! Layla, would u pretty pls. Change my link on your blog roll to my new one? I mysteriously lost access on my old one! I just added the word blog, so it’s
Thanks! Can’t wait to see those plates on the wall!
Hi, Melaine! I actually went to go change it last week, but I noticed your old address had a fairly new post up on it, so I left it. Sorry about that! I’ll change it to the new one now- thanks for the heads up! 😀
The hubby is painting our house numbers on the front door, and I am painting a dresser in our spare bedroom. Its warm enough in Ohio right now to open a few windows! Good Luck with the adoption!!
Layla, Today is my son’s Gotcha Day. 18 years ago today, Customs approved his paperwork and we brought our beautiful little baby into the U.S. from Mexico. Kevin’s song brings back so many memories. I hope your baby brings you as much happiness as our son has! Best of luck to both of you.
Yes! I am being “decoraty!” I’m SOOOOO close to finally have one room actually ‘DECORATED.” I’ve never had a room completely “done” before. A week and a half ago I found a wonderful chair (a recliner even) in a gentle botanical print, at Home Goods. A few days ago I was in home goods searching out pillows for our weirdly colored couch (finally got my act together and brought the slip cover for the arm with me!); found perfect pillows and then…wandering with nothing in mind…found the perfect turquoise table for our tiny entry area and then…wait for it…stumbled upon the perfect rug for the living room! We recently had carpet pulled up and hardwood floors installed. The rug, the table and the pillows all went VERY nicely together and even coordinated with the previously purchased chair! My living room has more color that I’ve ever used and yet is still cottagey, comfortable, subdued and relaxing. I’m SO excited! This weekend I’m rearranging accessories to try to finish things off! Hang art work and drapes and it’ll be done!
Oh my!!! Where can I buy that song??????!!!!!!!! It is amazing – the lyrics and Kevin’s voice. LOVE!! I would love to own it! Like really, really love to own it! 🙂
Thank you, Margaret! 😀 You can find the downloadable song over on our adoption fundraiser page:
Thanks so much for loving it! 😀
One of my besties at work GAVE me a little antique buffet type piece of furniture and I am inspired my Miss Mustard Seed’s milk paint, your secretary is A M A Z I N G!! I am a DIY virgin so say a prayer for me as I start my venture of refinishing furniture 🙂 I have completed the first step, washed it and took off all knobs and it looks better already!!!!
FYI… the magazine rack, I want one in my bathroom 🙂 or should I say the hubby does!
Happy Saturday to you! -Heather
Ok, . . . here I sit with tears flowing down my face. Not only are the words BEAUTIFUL, but the music is AWESOME, and his voice is UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Bet you fell in love with Kevin all over again after this. Right? : ) So happy and excited for this journey y’all are embarking upon. God bless you both and may He continue watch over this precious little one that He is going to personally entrust you with. SO EXCITING!
That is the sweetest song ever. I love that you call your little one “Sweet P.” I’ve called my 30 year old baby that his whole life. 2013 will be your best year. I’m so excited for you two.
That beautiful song says it all..tears running down my face. Beautiful!
That song was beyond incredible. It couldn’t be more perfect. The tune is beautiful and the words, oh the words! I could definitely feel the Spirit as I was listening to this message from your soul for your new little one. Thank you so much for sharing this.
just wondering what you did with your last home goods find. clear glass lamp and wood frame ?
Act like a bee ! If you rub the pollen from the lily on your fingertips and then lightly cover the center pistil, it should fertilize and produce seeds. The flower will die, but you will see a the portion directly behind the flower grow into a small bulb. When the seeds are mature, the bulb which turns from green to brown will pop open revealing many paper-thin seeds which you then can plant. When planting, barely cover with soil in a pot. the first year it looks a little like you are growing blades of grass, but soon enough you can replant and have enough flowers for an entire bed. My original plants came from my grandmother, who lived in Alabama. These flowers really love that Bama clay soil! Every year they now bloom profusely in the Florida sun, reminding me of her love of flowers.
What we’ve got in the works for the weekend is creating a pelmet box for our soon-to-arrive baby girl’s nursery!
Kevin’s song to your child is truly awesome !!!!!! What an amazing testimony God is in the process of writing your lives.
Lovely,,,we are renovating out laundry/mudroom…It’s a process that’s been going on for a week no washer and dryer.. But it’s worth it I’ll send photos once completed.
Just thought I’d stop in and say hello from
I love the colors in your sunroom and all those adorable little random dishes. What a creative way to decorate! Lately I’ve been crocheting new covers for a couple of throw pillows that have definitely seen better days!
Pure lovely! I love the flower, magazine rack, all of it. I can’t wait to see the plates!
I did something crafty last week inspired by something I saw on your blog! (I’m always inspired by you guys, but I actually DID something last week!) Here it is:
Wow!! That song is amazing!! Blessings to both of you!!
What a great song.
Kevin’s voice is awesome! That song is beyond words…you can feel the love in his voice and words! You will be wonderful parents!
We didn’t get any housework done this weekend but hopefully tonight we can hook the water back up to our bathroom sinks. Our new counters were installed the other week and we just haven’t had a free night to reconnect the water yet. Here’s hoping tonight goes smoothly!
Ooh! New counters- fun! Hope y’all can get that water hooked back up tonight! 🙂
I am also hanging plates on the wall. Love the addition of bowls, but would like to know what you are using to hang all go them. Please advise!
Disc hangers! 🙂
I’m sorry this song wasn’t available December 1 – that would have been the perfect song for the father daughter dance at my daughter’s wedding reception. We adopted her 30 years ago and still remember the feeling of wondering what she was doing while we waited for her to come to us. So excited for this advanture of Hope and Love that you two on.
Holy Cow…that songs gives me big old goose bumps. I hold the dream of adopting so close to my heart knowing God will open the doors in his perfect timing! I will say a prayer for you in this moment that your baby be safe and protected in the arms of his or her heavenly father until placed in yours to love and protect while in this incredible, temporary home he has created where love truly does collide!
No DIY stuff here, I can barely find time to take a shower! But I do love living vicariously through posts like this. Your blog is sooo purrrrty. 🙂
Can’t wait to see your plate wall! I’ve been collecting plates for a few months now — searching them out at thrift stores and flea markets. I don’t have enough yet, but one of these days… 🙂
What beautiful words…’where hope and love collide’. Those words apply to so many things in life, and especially to your journey to adoption. I am an adopted child, as are the other children in my family. I know that I am blessed just to be alive…the rest is frosting on the cake! I love your blog, your home, and the relationship I envision you share with Kevin. Treasure your journey; don’t lose heart. Someone very special is waiting for you, all in God’s time.
I do love your secretary, you’ve made it look beautiful. I’m currently renovating my 100 year old house, which is taking up all my time (not just the weekends!). Thankfully I’m now at the painting stage … or rather not so thankfully, I’m far too short to be painting nine foot high ceilings!
Good luck with your adoption process, I hope it goes smoothly for you both.
I had no idea I’d be doubly-blessed this morning with a beautiful view of your sunroom AND a beautiful song…Absolutely amazing~I can only imagine the ups and downs you and Kevin have experienced, and the overwhelming joy and sheer bliss you’ll experience when God’s timing collides with the perfect child for you both. What a blessed little angel, to be loved by both of you. As I listened to this song, tears streamed down my cheeks. I am almost halfway through a surprise-pregnancy that has left me feeling so completely ill almost all of the time, I realize, once again, how blessed I am, and how much I take for granted. May God bless you both abundantly for your faithfulness, and for your undying faith. And, may Kevin’s song be heard across the world~It will touch so many hearts. Have a beautiful day~
Hi . . .
Your song “When Hope and Love Collide” is so beautiful. A wonderful expression of what a waiting adoptive parent feels while they wait. I’m speaking first hand. We will celebrate our 1 year anniversary of our little girl from China being adopted on Feb. 14th. It was a long, long journey but so worth it. We can’t imagine our lives without her. Oh and her name is Hope.
How blessed will this child be for having you as his/her parents!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW he/she will arrive sooner than you expect! LOVE the song! May God bless your family with countless blessings…….
This is just a beautiful song! Some where out there is a little bundle of joy that just can’t wait to become part of your family. Blessings to all!
Thank you so much for that beautiful music and the lyrics (I’m deaf, so the lyrics enabled me to enjoy it too).
Praying for God’s perfect timing and will as He moves in your lives. Praying protection and favor in bringing a new one into your life!
Our miracle boy was seven years in the making – and worth every bit of heartache.
Hope you don’t mind… I shared the link with my sister. She lost her Gracie at a day old. Her birthday would be in a few weeks. Somehow, this song also speaks to the parent who waits to be REunited. So beautiful.
Is that Kevin singing?
Yep. 🙂
Layla, his voice is amazing! He should try out for American Idol!
My husband and I adopted 7 children in 2006. What an amazing journey you are about to embark on. If you ever need any advice from someone who has been there I am more than willing to share. Best of luck, and God bless you and your husband.
Oh, wow! I’d love to hear more about your adoption, Jenny! 7 children- that’s AWESOME! 😀
We adopted though the state of Texas. We started out as foster parents with the intention to adopt. The children are now 8,8,9,10, 11, 11, 12, and 16.