Happy Friday, y’all!
I know many of you joined me for the inaugural “HomeGoods Hump Day” this past Wednesday, but for those who couldn’t view the series, I saved the videos to my phone, sent them to my email inbox, downloaded them to my computer, edited them together in Adobe Premier, and uploaded the video to YouTube. Click the play button if you’d like to watch!
It was so much fun y’all!
I’m thinking I may switch it up and do “Hobby Lobby Hump Day” and “H&M Hump Day” sometimes since I love to wander around those places too. Either way, I’ll always try to put together a group of five ideas that are fun, affordable and easy to create no matter where you shop. Even if it’s your house! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
PS- Can you leave me a comment if you’d like me to post these on my blog every week? Like I mentioned above, it is a bit time consuming, but if there’s enough interest, I’m more than happy to include them! XO
Yes! I love wandering HomeGoods but I never know what to do with anything I find that I like, I don’t know how to pair/match it with anything. Tagging along with you feels like shopping with a friend.
Yay! I’m so glad it felt like we were just hanging out, Melissa! That’s exactly how I hoped it would come across!
Oh yes, do post weekly. I love your ideas and I could replicate them in my own home. Thanks, Layla. You’re so sweet! 🙂
I enjoyed watching the ideas you put together, but I watched on Instagram stories! It sounds like a lot of work to upload them to the blog too!
loved the Home Goods ideas! Keep it up when you can!
You are simply adorable. YES!! Please ad these to the blog. I don’t do the instagram thing and I really enjoy perusing Home Goods with you. I also am a fan of more Stevenson and adoption related posts – those are hands down my favorite. Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving.
Layla- Can you please do a “replay” of the live Instagram post you did on Friday night so those who missed it “live” can watch it ? Thanks!
love seeing you here. took a break from social media but i miss my layla videos!!
You are so darn cute! Loved it! Yes, to Hobb Lobb too!
I would love to be able to see all of your ideas here! Can’t wait to watch these! Thanks!
Love getting a glimpse into that creative mind of yours! The best part is that it inspires me to try to look at things a little differently too when I️ make my weekly/biweekly trip there too!
Loved your video – please do more of them!
(P.S. – Is there any possible way to put the 2-minute Wayfair ad in another location on the blog so we don’t have to endure it before getting to what we really want to see? I understand the need for sponsors, but that ad is like listening to nails on a chalkboard! I had to turn off the sound and walk away until it was over.) Sorry, rant over.
Oh, I don’t see a Wayfair ad on my end. They display based on what you’ve been looking at on your device. Mine don’t ever have sound either, so I’m guessing there’s a way to turn the sound off on the ad? Maybe there’s a little “X” in the corner of the ad you’re seeing that you can click?
I enjoyed this, I love seeing how your mind works and the great ideas that come from it
Yes, please post these on your blog! I often don’t have time during the workweek to go on Instagram. This was fabulous!
Loved it! It is official you are now known as somebody’s “Mom” and not Layla 🙂
By the way, I liked the top plate. I think that was the one that you said looked like a frame. Can’t wait to see next week!
This was GREAT! I would look forward to watching them if you continued to upload. Especially liked how you referenced pictures with your ideas. . .thank you!!!
Oh my gosh, this is awesome!!!! Thank you so much for posting this here! I am so honoured and delighted to have been able to share in that. You had fun with it didn’t you?!
Thank you so much!!!! I had commented that if it wasn’t too much trouble could you post it here too so we all could see it and it was awesome!!!!! THANK YOU so much! That was so kind of you!!!
I totally wanted to be there with you.(And felt like I was). How funny that those two women were like “is she recording this?” LOL!!!!! I loved your “after comment” about a few people giving you looks like “crazy lady in isle 8 recording herself shopping” – ha! That’s hilarious!!! You remind me of one of my favourite cousins – we have experienced similar. We love doing goofy things together but it usually results in ‘those’ looks. LOL!
I love the tablescape combo. Too bad we have different Thanksgivings, I loved that combo. Wonder if they have it up here? Hmmm…. One of the skills I’m learning from you is how to pair things together so I love, love, love the floral, stripes, solid mini lesson. Cool! Thanks!
And the comment about “are you Stevenson’s mom?” Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I’m so happy for you! I hope you always feel that as a blessing. I am sad for any women who experience feeling less-than when they perceive themselves as “just ____’s mom”. I know there are lots of complicated life situations so zero judgement and LOTS of hugs, love, and compassion to anyone experiencing feeling lost. Yet – a thousand “yay!”’s to you! Revel in it sweetie! Being Sonny’s mom looks great on you! SO happy for you!!!!
Oh my gosh, this totally made my day! Thank you for posting this!!!
Hugs from wintery Manitoba (Canada)!
Happy early Thanksgiving!
Love this! Please continue to post them here. I don’t do instagram. You are so creative! Felt like I was shopping with you.
Yes please do! Loved it!
Yes, please post to the blog! I loved seeing this 🙂 🙂 🙂
This makes me miss you!!
Gosh, I miss you too, Kim!!!! I’m headed to TN today to meet up with Tacy. Sure wish you were going to be there too! XO
I can’t find you on Instagram anymore. I’m devastated! Hope all is well. You made my day, every day! Hugs to you and your beautiful family.
Too much fun..and it does seem like a lot of work, however the ladies seem to enjoy it.
Then I took another adventure to watch your Haven video..
And my heart smiled when they recognized Steevenson’s mama :]
Thanks for all you do.. from “Wintery Ottawa”
Giving us ideas that we may have not thought about before like the ones you shared here would be wonderful. Yes please!
I love your Home Goods Hints! Sometimes I need just a little nudge when it comes to decorating and keeping my home fresh – and you have some great ideas! Thanks!
Yes! As a working mom I could use all the help I can!
This was great! I love that you are in a store I can get to, and afford, AND give great advice on the product. So relevant!
I’d live to hear how you vet labels in there, if you do. There are so many brands in that store and a few I’ll recognize as gold when I see them. But your perspective would be great.
Thank you for all of the extra work for you to post the Home Goods video on your blog. I am one of those gals that isn’t on Instagram so I truly appreciate being able to join in on your blog. If you are willing to do it, I vote YES!.
Thank you!!!
Sure thing, friend! And don’t forget, you can watch IG stories on your computer too! 🙂
yes yes yes I love that you posted on here. if you remember I was the one that said I do not have a cell phone so do not see your Insta-story’s. I hope you do post it on here every week and Thank you
Yes- I do remember! I don’t know if you noticed, but someone actually responded to you on that other post saying you can watch Insta-stories on your computer now, which is why I included that info in this post too. 😉
Yep, Do It, Pretty Please!
Loved this!!!
Yes! Love, love, love watching you shop! I do the same but in my head. 🙂
P.S. Loved your reaction to being called Steevenson’s mom!
Love going to HomeGoods but have trouble knowing what exactly to do with all those great items. Keep it up. I like your approach – practical, engaging, and brief!
Would love to see your videos added to the blog. Sometimes we can’t get to your stories before they disappear! We really enjoy seeeing your finds.
Yes yes yes! Love this so!
Yasssssss, please keep doing these! Love them!! And I’m so glad you posted it on the blog so I didn’t miss it on InstaStories!!
Are you Steevenson’s mom?
Oh my, the joy!
Thanks so much for posting this! So much fun!!
Sure thing, Karen! 😀