“The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
– Marcel Proust
We get new eyes on Thursday! 😀 If we want them, I mean. 2015 eyes- wow! A brand new year full discoveries just waiting to be made.
Guess it’s time for a new Word of the Year! I’ve really enjoyed having them around. My word in 2014 was “Us-plus”.
I wrote it down in all sorts of places I was sure to see it, and every time I did, I was reminded to be grateful for, and intentional about, the gift of “us” and our soon-to-be plus. 🙂
For Kevin and I, 2014 was the last full year as a “just us”. What a gift, that time was! That last 365-day chunk as “boyfriend and girlfriend”. Ha! You know what I mean though, right? [smile] Our dynamic will change next year, but I have a feeling we haven’t even begun to experience the deepest dimensions of our love for each other yet. I mean, the very thought of Kevin becoming a father makes my breath catch in my throat, and my eyes well up with tears. Next year, I will see that happen right in front of me. I will see him walk into a room, I will see him drop down low to the floor, and I will see him outstretch his arms in the direction of the little boy who already calls him daddy.
I still haven’t figured out how to keep my heart from exploding the very second that all plays out.
2014 also became the year I could walk out onto my front porch and see BOTH of my best friend’s front porches. We all live on the same street now- weeeee! What a sweet surprise! I also *really* got to know all the other mamas adopting sons and daughters from the Angel House orphanage in 2014. As the year comes to a close, I feel more and more grateful for the gift of these women in my life. I’ve never experienced this kind of Sisterhood, and I certainly didn’t see them coming. Poof! They were all just here. In my life. In 2014. It seems like many of our most cherished friendships are unexpected though, don’t you think? Friendships that we, in our wildest hopes and dreams, couldn’t begin to imagine, but that, by the grace of God, materialize, right when you need them most.
I WAS BLESSED WITH A SON IN 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 (insert 23 kajillion more exclamation points and an eternity of gratefulness, HERE) How on earth did that happen?!? How did a God line up my life like this?!? (I don’t deserve it.) How did a country, A WHOLE DIFFERENT COUNTRY, hear the same Voice I did in 2013?!? I know they did though, because our paperwork was paired with our son’s paperwork every day in 2014. We were “together” all 365 days.
It’s humbling, this adventure. Every single day of it.
So, 2014, you were a pretty cool dude (dudette?)- and you pretty much rocked in lots of once-in-a-lifetime ways. I’m not saying you were always cool. Or that you always rocked. (August and September = Grrrr!) I’m just saying, I’m SO grateful for the TIME, and the Gifts you came bearing.
My word of the year for 2015 is Wonder-full. It’s been popping into my head for months, and it always takes my thoughts straight to the Creator.
1. a remarkable phenomenon; a splendid or conspicuous work.
1. completely filled.
Wonder-full (with a capital “W”)
1. anything unexpected and fascinating that is brimming with Glory.
I want to slow for His wonder-full works everywhere. I want to notice more of them. I want to appreciate and share them. I want to take pictures of them, and talk about them, and write about them. I want God to know how much they mean to me.
Off to write down my word in places I’m sure to see it…with my 2015 eyes. 🙂
Do you have a word of the year? I’d love to hear it if you’d like to share. XO
Word of the Year 2012- Up
Word of the Year 2013- June
Word of the Year 2014- Us+
Andrea Worley
this was beautiful to read. i love hearing your word. can’t wait to see your journey to becoming parents and bringing home the child God has for you!
Lisa w.
As always, a pleasure to read your words!!! Very excited to see you and Kevin become three!!!
2014 did not rock for me, here’s to a new year, new beginnings! Happy new year to you both!!!
Lisa w.
Donna Doble Brown
Layla, Thanks for taking me along for the ride this year! You hand Kevin have been one of my many blessings . . . . I can’t wait to see you two in action as parents! Yeeeehaw!
Sending LOVE and blessings for 2015 . . .
Beautiful words. I too was thinking of being open to all the blessings and “wonders”around me. For me, that also involves being present in each moment. Not sure of the word…but then again, maybe it just came to me….present graces.
You made me tear up with your description of seeing your beloved see your little one for the first time. Praying that day approaches of, so quickly for you!
As I am thinking of my ONE WORD for 2015 it was very inspiring and encouraging to read of your pick!! All His BEST in 2015.
Nikki Maynard
Thanks for this post. I love it and think it is wonder-full!
Layla, it is such a joy to follow your journey! The new year will be even more wonder-full for you and Kevin! My One Little Word for 2015 is ‘present.’ Practicing being ‘in the moment’… Imagine the possibilities! Happiest New Year ever!! ♡
hello haha narf
sending love and best wishes for a most wonder-full new year!
Layla, it is such a joy to come to your blog each day and be inspired. One day it’s a design idea and another day you might inspire through a quote or your words. I wish for you, Kevin and your plus-one armfuls of joy, love and beautiful memories in 2015! I look forward to the inspiration the next chapter in your book holds. Happy New Year!
My word for 2014 was peace and my word for 2015 will be adventure! Thank you for the inspiration!
Love following your adventures and am looking forward to photos of ya’ll holding Sweet P!
Julia G.
Many wonder-full blessings for you, Kevin and your little one in 2015!
Nicola Blake
My word this year with be ABUNDANCE!!!! It will be abundance of love, abundance of understanding, abundance of praise, abundance of relationship with god, abundance in my finances, ABUNDANCE OF JOY, knowing that GOD loves me flaws and all. Yes ABUNDANCE, it will be at the top of my vision board!!!
Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us. I always like your word for the year. I enjoy seeing the world through the eyes of children. My daughter and my students see things and I get to see them through their eyes too. I hope you will soon get to see the world through your little sweet peas eyes. Blessings in 2015 to you all.
I loved this post. Congratulations on becoming parents 🙂 and I hope your little joy comes soon! This was such a great post for closing out a great year!
Happy New year to you and your family and may it bring you much joy, happiness and good fortune!
P.s your word of the year is awesome I love the meaning behind it!
Stephanie, Sandpaper and Glue
Great word! I am so excited to just follow along on your adoption journey in 2015, I can’t imagine if I was the one actually living it!! haha. My word for 2015 is “fit.” I want to continue working towards staying fit, I want to better choose what fits into my schedule, and I want to be intentional about my home decor and find things that fit ME and my style.. 🙂
This is my third year since you inspired me to choose a word of the year. In 2013 it was “Enough”, as in all that I have is enough. This past year it was “Explore”, in which I gave myself permission to leave my boundaries and try new things. What a blessing came into my life as I joined a community choir. This year I have had trouble choosing between “Appreciate”, to be fully conscious of, or the word “Revel”, to take great pleasure or delight in. This year I want to live in the moment and fully revel in the days. Imagine a child playing in the raked leaves. I want to revel in life like that. Thank you for your daily inspiration and know that this friend you haven’t met prays for your family every time I open one of your emails.
Love the word for 2015 you chose, “Wonder-full”, it reminds me of Ravi Zacharas, who has a sermon on being and staying in the wonder and awe of the Almighty God who loves us.
Our word for 2015 is Grateful.
Ok so this morning I was so excited to see if you posted your word of the year. I shrieked. out loud. Such a good one 🙂
And mine this year is SYSTEMS. As someone who is terrible at being consistent….this is gonna be a challenge. But I can see how systems in our house, in our parenting, in my personal grooming….they are all good things 🙂
Happy New Year you guys!
xo – kb
Beautiful post!
Melissa M
Your blog is such a blessing to read. I look forward to seeing your path and seeing how things play out for you. You word of the year is perfect. Mine is ‘To-Be’. I wish for a to-do list that reads more like a to-be list. Forget ‘things’; I wish more to BE. This resonates with me so much more this year. Life seems to fall in a rut and the importance of being goes by the wayside. To-Be is going to be my 2015 mantra.
Thank you for showing your heart, always.
Jess C
I’m so excited for you and Kevin to bring your little one home this year. Warms my heart to think of you and your plus!!!! Praying for a smooth, joyous transition into a family of three!
Rose L.
I do hope your 2015 will be wonder-full. My word for 2015 is rebirth. I am emerging into a new ME after the loss of my husband, moving to new home and rebuilding my life at 62.
faith:belief or trust: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody(God) or something, especially without logical proof
full:anything unexpected and fascinating that is brimming with Glory
FAITHFUL:consistently loyal: consistently trustworthy and loyal, especially to a person, a promise, or duty
The word I look for over the last few years of unemployment, new jobs, moving our family of 8
Andrea S
My 2015 word is likely to be PRACTICE. I know I am not perfect, but I can PRACTICE listening. PRACTICE playing. PRACTICE serving.
Nikki Peters
Wonder-full is a perfect 2015 one word! Mine is Intentional. I want to live each day with purpose and not rush through the days!
Layla, beautiful post…thank you for sharing your heart with us. My word for 2015 is “Anticipation”. I want to live each day with hope and in anticipation.
2 Peter 3:13 But, according to his promise, we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness truly resides. (NET)
Lori S H
You are an incredible writer. This was such a beautiful post. Your patience is so humbling.
I have not been able to read blog posts so I’m very happy that the time is soon here!!! I am sure stories of Mary are more precious as you await your son. It makes the whole God gave His Son more personal at least it did for me. The change in my heart knowing how hard it would be to give a Son for me… A word you chose is most delight filled and perfectly chosen for your long awaited time is soon here
stacie spencer
Love your blog! I just shared your blog in my post about my word for the year; flourish. If anyone is interested I can create silver charms with their word for the year on it. Here’s the link to the blog post: http://staciejewelry.net/stacie-jewelry-20120713000734/2015/1/15/word-for-the-yearflourish.html
Ilona E
I love having a word for the year, it seems to congeal the whole focus and that really gives everything a kickstart. Congratulations on last years benchmark- a baby is such a joy.
I love your word for this year! Last year I didn’t have a specific word, but this year I do, and like you, am looking forward to how it will unfold.