We’re baaaaack and whooo-wee! what a whirlwind of a trip that was!
We pulled back into Prattville just after midnight on Friday night, and I had fun putting together this video full of snippets from the trip yesterday afternoon…
(I apologize for the occasional herky jerkiness- all we had with us was a Flip cam!)
Like I said- Total. Whirlwind! (True story- (sweet) Michelle literally introduced herself through Facebook the day before our trip. Gotta love that social media!)
And as for those meetings in Denver, well, I’m happy to report that they went (Tony the Tiger-style) grrrreat!, and we’re almost all set to film our pilot in September. Just gotta settle on a house, a design plan, and an outfit. Oh dear. That last one gives me hives. (Hi. I’m Layla and I need a wardrobe whisperer!) Ooh! And here’s something else I didn’t have a clue about: Our pilot will actually be episode #1 if the network decides to pick up a full seasons worth of shows. Say, wha?!? This silly rabbit thought it was just gonna be a practice run! Ha!
The creative folks responsible for creating our (potential) show were just as awesome and down-to-earth as can be, and they really made us feel comfortable about the whole (potential) ordeal. They said they really just want us to be ourselves and do what we do, and that they’d be more “fly on the wall-ish” than “all up in our face-ish”. Yesssss!
And we’re really looking forward to working with fellow bloggers, Facebook friends, and Twitter followers if this whole thing happens, too. Sounds like we could be spending several weeks in four different cities around the country, per season, if the show gets picked up. This is all new to us (and that’s a long time to be away from home!), so the thought of meeting up/working with familiar faces (and “voices”!) sounds really amazing/comforting!!
In the meantime, I better get crackin’ on on my Pinterest Challenge project. The deadline is tomorrow morning and I haven’t even started sticking, spraying or shooting it yet! (Hi. I’m Layla and I wait ’til the last minute. A lot.)
PS- Kev got some lovely photos of Ree’s lodge and Hyacinth’s living room to share at some point this week too!
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So excited for you! You two have worked so hard to get where you are now. You deserve it!! Watching that fun video made me miss you guys even more than I already was…
Love and hugs and kisses and hugs and love…always!
Tears…. :_-)
Love and miss you SO much Aunt Chriss!!!
Can’t wait to see your new show! And… of course, it’ll get picked up. Can’t wait to add you to my HGTV weekly regular shows!!
Just curious….do you have any idea where I can find barstools in red like the ones in the photos of “Pi’s House” you showed in the entry? I’ve been searching EVERYWHERE, and it’s crazy that you had them in your entry!!!!
It’s so fun to see this all coming to together for you guys!!! looks like a great trip, having a practical stranger offer up their house is awesome! staying at Ree’s is awesome-er! having HGTV meetings go swell is awesome-est! but road trips are especially fun when the hubby is tired and gets the giggles 🙂 love it!
So excited for you two. The future holds so much promise for you guys. I can’t wait to watch the show. I have no doubts about it getting picked up!
You were in my area! I have been to The Brass Armadillo many times. Wall to wall of eye-catching stuff! I would have showed you the sunburst currently hanging in my living room thanks to your tute. I can’t wait to see more about the show.
I’m with Jennifer…HOW do I get on the list…yall need to come to my place. 2 three year old boys have left me with no time for anything ….I would say my house if certainly a contender for any sort of “make over the DIY mistakes my husband and I have made” show !!! Love the video very sweet. What an excitng journey for you both ! Congrats
Thanks for sharing the trip! We drove through Pawhuska, Ok on our way to Ponca City to visit family today. My hubby thought I was going to die when we past the entrance to the Drummand Ranch! Sorry you had an interesting time a the hotel in Arkansas, KS. We are not far from there, about 30 minutes. We would have gladly let you stay in our guest room. It would have been better then the hotel! Love reading your blog and can’t wait to watch the TV shows . You do a fantastic job!
Wow, Layla and Kevin what a fun journey the two of you had, thanks so much for sharing. I have to agree with the creative folks. Totally be yourselves, that is what has drawn us all to your blog over the years. We all love the natural sillyness you and Kevin have and your talent is just icing on the cake.
C= great video! Kevin U play that song like U wrote it- Awesome jam Kevin! My BF, sitting away from the computer, thought it was the video! Thanks for sharing these tremendous endeavors with us. Loved the ranch tour, I’m jealous C= Those hills make me wanna roll down em like ‘back in the day! Try to rest up- soon there will be LOTS to do! I’m TEAM PILOT2SEASON!!! I cant wait!!! They wont get enough of you two from a pilot! The last shot of the pilot might as well already say TO BE CONTINUED!! I need your show to be able to come into apartments and make your magic!
Thank you Melanie! 🙂
I have been lurking on your blog for a while not sure I’ve ever posted. Just wanted to say congrats!!! From someone who works in broadcast every day I know what a great opportunity this is and how hard you must have worked to secure it. GO FOR IT!!!
I loved that video being from Australia it was nice to see more of your country !!
This is so exciting, Layla and Kevin! I really hope I get to see you on TV someday!! 🙂
Loved your video…you two are naturals! Can’t wait for your show!
What a wonderful video that allowed us to “go along for the ride”! Thanks for sharing. You two put some miles on your car.
I want those red and white chairs in the photo from Hyacinth’s house!! They would be perfect here.
It’s so wonderful when good things happen to good people. I love that you & “your man” are so happy together. I know the feeling and there’s just nothing like it– it just makes everything better when you have your special someone to share life’s journey with…& feel free to come to up to Ohio to make over our kitchen/dining room– we need major help! Best wishes!!
Congratulations, Layla and Kevin! I’ve been following you for a while and I’m so happy that God has brought you to this place in life. Continued success to you!
Oh my goodness I can NOT believe you were in Collinsville, IL last week…way cool…It’s about 45 min from me -I’m outside of St. Louis…so neat that you made your way through MO. If you went down HWY 44…it’s right near my house…too bad I wasn’t home. LOL We were on a Mission trip with the local radio station JOY FM 99.1 (www.joyfmonline.org) & Compassion International in Colombia, South America…you could have stayed at my house but with my 21 year old being here half the week…I probably would have been WAY too embarrased. LOL – Michelle has a BEAUTIFUL home!!!
So happy for you guys…can’t wait to see your first show…WOW – God is SO good!
LOVE the video, especially Kevin’s guitar and singing!!! Wish we could of had you stay at out house when you drove through Salina. Please plan on it if you make the drive again. We would love to have you as our guests.
Hi Layla & Kevin,
I discovered the wonderful world of blogging not too long ago and you are one my favorites! It’s so cool about the show – I hope it gets picked up! You two totally deserve it. I just hope that doesn’t mean you’ll have less time for blogging (is that selfish of me?). lol
Maybe my fave blog video ever. You two are so normal. Love it.
Thanks for the tour of Ree’s guest house too!
I love that you guys stayed in a home of people you don’t know. I’ve done that – I mean, there was a connection but we had never met. Heck, I’m all about saving money and accepting hospitality!
Oh my goodness.
I am so excited for you.
I feel like you are stars already.
I am also lovin that I have a DVR.
This way I can watch you over and over once you
get your own show.
I love to look at jcrew and bananna republic
Websites for clothes ideas. You are so beautiful
and always look very natural and put together.
Dressing up is fun though.
So glad you are home safely
So So Excited for the two of you! The show will be picked up for sure! And if you ever find yourself in Utah, please call on me…I’d LOVE to help!
I am a new follower in the past few months…huge fan already…and now you are getting your own show!! Loved that you stopped at the Ree’s home!! Love her blog as well.
Kevin we had a house built with wood floors and high ceilings and I LOVE it when my guys play guitar. That was beautiful…You and Layla are welcome to my home anytime to play guitar!! We are in the beautiful Northern section of Idaho…a great place to do a home make over don’t you think?
OMG! You guys stayed in Collinsville????? That’s where I live! You guys were juuuuust up the street from me! Awww, so glad you got to stop in town though. Did you get to see our “worlds largest ketchup bottle”? Yup, we have one here. LOL And of course props to our shiny Arch! It’s great you guys had a great trip trekking through the midwest in this sweltering heat. 🙂
I just discovered your lovely blog and I look forward to popping by again for some more inspiration! I’ve just put the finished touches on my new blog ‘Coastal Style’ It will have lots of inspiration on beach houses, resortwear, summer food, travel and anything ‘beachy’. I had a lot of fun putting it together so maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute.
Loved your mini-movie of your whirlwind trip to Denver… isn’t Colorado wonderful! I live in Kansas and maybe you didn’t know but Salina is really pronounced Suh-lie-nuh and Arkansas City is pronounced Ar-kansas.
I am very glad to know that I am not alone in my ice addiction. Sonic ice rocks!
Thanks for bringing us along on the trip. Do you two know how lucky you are to work together every day? You make such a great team.
Thanks Ann! We’re so happy to be able to work together, and although we never know where our next job will be, we’re having a blast figuring this thing called life out together! 😀
You two are adorable. I just discovered your website and love, love, love it! I recently made the grueling I-70 roadtrip to Denver myself, having moved here from the Midwest about a month ago. My fiance and I are buying a grand old foursquare home, circa 1905. If you ever find yourself back in Denver, please give me a shout. Will trade food/lodging for a little design advice!
I love, love, love your video… you make me laugh. Kevin’s music is awesome. I can’t wait to see your next adventure.
I am so happy for y’all! You deserve the best and all that comes with it!
Can’t wait to flip the tv on one day and see you & kevin in decorating action : o )
Awesome video! I love how you blended the radio song right into the audio track. Also, lovin the bonus Kevin jam session! I’ve re-listened three times already 🙂
There’s just something about both of you, that as a viewer, I find very engaging, and I’m certain the network will see that too. Can’t wait to see your show!
Thanks for sharing your trip….good luck with your pilot! My favorite part of your video was seeing and hearing Kevin play, just sitting by himself. Beautiful music.
What!? In Denver!!? We are in Colorado Springs! If you ever have to go back, would love to have you here at our place! 🙂 We are about 45 mins from Denver. Enjoy reading and seeing your posts so much, as always. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Love it. all.
I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and just love it! Did you stop at the Brass Armadillo in Des Moines, IA? If so you were in my town:) You guys have a great thing going on and I very much enjoy following your adventures! Keep up the good work.
Love this video! So excited for you guys.
I demand more acoustic Kevin!!! TLC Unplugged please.
Loved your reflection on footwear and it made me chuckle. I am so excited at the possibility of you guys having a show. I visit your site all of the time for ideas and inspiration and when I need a smidgen of the beautiful in my day! Even though I only discovered you this year, I’m hooked. Please, please, please come to Boston if you’re successful! There are houses here that need your beautiful kind of help.