“The human heart was not designed to beat outside the human body and yet, each child represents just that – a parent’s heart bared, beating forever outside its chest.”
– Debra Ginsberg
Scrolling through my photo stream and landed on these pics that I (quickly) snapped one year ago. April 2017. I don’t remember where we were going, but I’ll never forget turning around to hear what he was (quietly) saying and finding him smack dab in the middle of a prayer. Out of the blue, he was thanking God for just about everything. That we came to get him in Haiti, that we were not mean, that we had a TV…you name it…he was giving thanks for it.
He would’ve been home about 7.5 months at that point. Which is really interesting because I always tell everyone our big breakthrough happened after our sixth month. That’s when we noticed that transition turbulence had finally tapered and when fear stopped swallowing up so much of our days. Coincidence? Maybe. But I love knowing that during month #7, that wild and precious babe was back there having thank-you chats with the One who wrote our whole wild and precious story.
And finding these photos today was such a powerful reminder that one of my most important jobs as his mama is to make sure he remembers Who to thank. For all of it. That we’re a family, that we truly love each other…that we can laugh at the things we see on TV together. Everything!
But on second glance, these pictures sure do look like a son reminding his mama Who *she* should remember to thank every day too. 😉
Linda D
What a sweet, sweet memory! Enjoy your boy and your God-given family. You are Blessed!
What an incredibly touching moment you’ve shared Layla, thank-you. What a dear sweet boy that you’ve been blessed with as he has been with you, and Kevin.
Wow! I just saw your post and what a powerful way to start my day. I don’t know about your other blog readers but I have learned so much from your bundle of joy! Every smile of his just radiates joy, like it can’t be contained and just oozes out of him! And to see those photos of him being so thankful for all he has in his life now, kind just reminds you if you truly want to be happy you have to learn to be thankful for all you have and just sincerely appreciate who is in your surroundings! Hugs to that little guy!!
What wonderful and beautiful things God can accomplish if we allow Him to use us.
Thank you for sharing this private, touching moment that made me cry and also reminded me to give thanks for my precious babies too! May God continue to bless you and your sweet family.
I just want to cry looking at that precious child, thanking THE ONE! Man, the Lord is GOOD!
Precious! It makes my heart swell!
Amen, Layla! Thanks for sharing!
Angie W
Oh geez. I have tears in my eyes over this quote, the precious photos and your sweet words. Perfect! Isn’t God good?
Taste of France
I devour all your photos of sweet Steevenson. These are marvelous.
How precious!
What a beautiful memory. I have a similar one which is more funny than sweet–when my daughter was about Steevenson’s age, we would go see the fish tank and the lobster tank in the grocery store. One day she asked me why the lobsters weren’t moving and I told her they had gone to sleep. She told me we needed to pray for them because they had gone to bed, so there I was in Meijer, in front of whoever was nearby, saying a night-night prayer for the lobsters.
How sweet! This just makes me melt!
Hi Layla,
I love the quote..ever true.
So wonderful that God gives us those moments that dazzle us with these sweet reminders that He is doing the work in them, and we can rest in His faithfulness.
Sometimes we labor so intently so they will understand.
I am glad that the turbulence time has passed, he trusts your love now, but there are teenage years ahead..lol..God will be faithful there too. :}
Rebecca Schwem
Nothing more precious than a praying child. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Kris, loved your story too. I could picture you there, head bowed and praying, right there in the meat department. You got a mom badge that day.
Melissa R
what a memory!