“When you do what you love with people who love the same thing, something is born into your midst and begins to connect you. When you walk with someone, listen to their story, carry their burden, play with their kids, that’s community. When you find yourself learning from them and inviting them into the family places in your life, that’s community, and wherever you find it, it’s always a gift.”
―Shauna Niequist
We started a series called “No Regrets” at church last week. I’m really enjoying it because regret is something I have always struggled with. Have you?
This past week’s message was about loving with no regrets and we learned about seven resolutions we can make that will help us love others and keep us from regret. I thought I’d pass them along to you today because I think they’re all such important things to be more intentional about:
- This year I will make amends with people I offend.
- This year I will forgive people who offend me.
- This year I will put the needs of others ahead of my own.
- This year I will thank people who help me.
- This year I will choose to believe the best about others.
- This year I will show loving kindness to people who may never pay me back.
- This year I will take advantage of opportunities God gives me to express love and reconcile relationships.
Loving others truly is the wisest investment we can make and I was so inspired by what Pastor John said about *real* love here…
So on this Thought-Full Thursday, and in the words of Shauna Niequist, “I pray that we would give and receive the most important gifts this year—the palpable presence of a Holy God, the kindness of well-chosen words, the generosity of spirit and soul”.
Thanks for being here, friend. 🙂
PS- If you’d like to listen to the rest of Pastor John’s inspiring and insightful message click here: Loving With No Regrets. And here’s a link to the previous week’s message: Living With No Regrets. They’re both really great!
Love this! It’s truly a message that needs to get into our hearts and spread.
What a great message! I too seem to find myself struggling with regret. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this inspiring post…… I find myself struggling with regrets at times … which I think most people do ; in one form or another … But what a comfort: The presence of a Holy God …. makes all the difference in the world !!!
Biggest worrier …regretful soul here! THANK you my friend for your blog, for your kind soul! And just making our day kinda girl ?
Beautiful message☮
I love this! Would you mind if I shared a few lines with some of my friends?
I’m so glad, Bev! And, by all means, share away! 🙂
Very good reminders. Thank you!
I logged on to your blog this morning with a heavy heart. I wanted to clear my mind by looking at some cute decorating stuff, but God had a bigger plan! You have no idea how bad I needed to hear this message today. A true gift from God. Thank you so much for sharing.
Layla, that is such a beautiful message and will listen to Pastor John’s clip….thank you for sharing!
What a touching post! It seems there are so many hurtful comments in the news these days, we all need to surround ourselves and those we care about with helpful and encouraging words. Your list is quite timely and a good reminder of ways to do just that!
You manage to inspire me in so many ways! Thank you!
Regrets are like a porch swing…they keep you busy but get you nowhere.
Thank you very much for posting this