We’re learning so many things about Compassion on this trip. Not just the organization, I’m talking about the noun, too. We leave our hotel every morning at 9:00, and come back with a heart full of the stuff thanks to all the folks we’re meeting.
Today, we spent time with a woman named Nicolasa.
She lives at the very tippy top of a mountain with her children and she was kind enough to have us all up for a visit.
Our group stood in one of the two rooms in her home, and we asked her questions about her life and her experience with Compassion’s CIV program. (CIV steps in and assists children and their families when there’s a specific and crucial need for extra assistance.)
It wasn’t long ago that she and her children’s lives were in danger because of the abuse they were receiving from her husband. Fortunately, her local church learned of the situation and connected with Compassion, whose CIV program helped move them all to a safer place. She told us she’s still afraid of what might happen if he found them, and I leaned instictively in to hug her as she began to weep through the most painful of her words. At first, her eyes met mine with uncertainty, but when she realized that I was only moving in to embrace her, she gifted me with a gracious grin and I scooped her up tight for all of us. (I knew you’d want to hug her in that moment, too.)
Up the rocks and dust, and jagged steps, Compassion climbs and goes knocking on the doors of folks who really, really need it…
…and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to go door to door with them this week.
For more posts about our time in Peru, head on over to Shaun Groves, Angie Smith and Jen Schmidt‘s! 🙂
So happy for you girl, what an incredible opportunity. So sweet to see Miss Jen’s face too! Love you both!
What a wonderful organization to get that family out of harms way and thank you for hugging her for all of us!
So happy she is in a safe place!Thanks for giving her a hug for me!!
Stop and think what our safe houses are like in the U.S. Secure…..locks on doors…….the police as close as a phonecall…….look how these women in Peru live. It just makes you want to hug all of them, doesn’t it?
With that being said….y’all just pray and hug your way thru Peru. I am so proud of all of you and what you are doing.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful trip with all of us. We are receiving a blessing as well.
Yes! Hug her for us! Thank you for going for them, for us. Thank you for writing, and the photos? The photos tell so much too.
Thank you Layla for taking all of us with you on your journey.
I feel like I am with you all every step of the way. I thank you also for strengthening my faith. You are doing God’s work with your hugs brig smile. Be safe and give hugs for me too.
Layla, It is wonderful to see how God is using the Compassion group this week to bless the people you are meeting in Peru. I know you all are receiving the greatest blessing. When Nicolasa received a hug from you, she had to know she was being loved. I can’t wait to receive one of your hugs myself when you return home. Love you, Mom
What an amazing opportunity and an amazing organization.
I’m teary reading your posts. You are so blessed to be meeting her and she is lucky to know how much you care. I know your support is giving her so much love! Thanks for sharing your journey!
Such wonderous ways that God works…all our prayers bundled up and sent in the package of you, Layla, to this lovely woman in the form of a hug. Thank you for being His hands and feet.
Wow! Amazing….and humbling. Thank you Layla. ~Kim
bless you, bless you!
What you are doing is wonderful! Although it’s wonderful, you may want to keep her name anonymous. By posting her name and her country on the internet is very dangerous and when there are children involved too. It’s a simple google search. Just a thought because she would probably appreciate her own privacy. Thank you for all you are doing ! Keep it up
What a precious story. Praying for Nicolasa and her children. Many times a hug is just like the Lord himself putting His arms around us!!