Hey there- and welcome to another installment of Pick My Presto!
I read this comment on Monday’s Pick My Presto post…
…and was totally intrigued!
I invited Julie to send me a photo of it, to see if I could come up with anything to help kick start her creative juices. Here’s the photo she sent in…
…and here’s the inspiration drawing I had fun creating for her…
(Move your cursor on and off of the photo below)
(Note: My drawing is for inspirational purposes only, and the ideas shown in it are just that. Spontaneous, totally flexible, just-for-fun, ideas. And since this is a just-for-fun-photo-consultation, and not an actual-and-perfectly-to-scale-virtual-consultation, I have no idea if any of the furniture, ideas or accessories I used in the drawing would actually work in the room. Boom.)
Here’s a still image in case you couldn’t view the presto change-o above…
The idea with this one was to help Julie figure out a way to make the off-center firebox not feel like it was quite so off-center. And I don’t even know if what I came up with is even possible in real life, but it’s what popped into my noggin’ when I was putting it together, so I went with it!
First up, I suggested adding some sort of shallow built-in cabinets, that stick out just a little, so that they’re in line with the brick fireplace facade. I thought doing that would kind of counter balance the visual weight of the brick fireplace, and make it feel more like one big unit. And then maybe the firebox would feel more balanced because of the visual interest created by the items inside the bookcases.
The built in’s could have glass doors, like the ones in my inspiration drawing, or even just be a series of cubbies and/or drawers, like Janice’s from Canadian Cottage…
If there’s a way to do it, the sky’s the limit!
I tied the fireplace and the built-in’s together by spanning a white-painted mantel all the way across the two. To make sure the fireplace stayed the center of attention though, I showed a separate, deeper mantel popping out over just the firebox. Attaching some smooth, thin, luan paneling to the brick above the fireplace mantel, (so that it matches the smoothness of the wall to the right of it) and painting everything from the mantel up to the crown molding the same color, continues to visually tie the two sides together. Again, spreading the same wall color across the entire upper part of that area makes everything feel sort of feel like one big unit, and less like two separate spaces, which helps takes some of the weight off that heavy, off-centered firebox.
You’ll also notice I showed what it might look like to tone down the bricks a bit. Not 100% necessary, but again, it’s just an idea that popped in my noggin, and ever since I read this post, I’ve been sort of obsessed with the whole brick staining process. The post was written by a gal named Elizabeth, and these photos she posted with it had me at hello…
If you’re familiar with the brick staining process and have ever written a blog post about it, please leave a link to it in the comments. We’re dyin’ to see more stained brick before and after photos and hear all about your experience!
Last but not least, here are some of the inspirational elements I plucked from the web to put together my drawing…
(chair, log holder, picture frames, plant pots & fire screen photos- Pottery Barn; yarn-wrapped votives- MyWedding.com; fireplace photo, GrantParkTownhome.com)
Thank you for the opportunity to pick your presto this week, Julie!
I look forward to selecting another one sometime soon!
Wanna submit a photo for our Pick My Presto series?
Send an email to PickMyPresto [at] aol [dot] com titled, “PICK MY PRESTO- Living Room“. (Replace the words Living Room with whatever type of room you’re actually submitting.) In the body of the email, include your name, your blog name (if you have one) your design likes & dislikes, and one photo of the space in question. (No links please.) It should be clear, and measure at least 400 pixels high x 600 pixels wide. (In other words: at least 4″high x 6″ wide) The bigger the better! Make sure it’s a photo you’re comfortable with us showing and writing about on our blog. Then, whenever I’m feelin’ the urge, I’ll randomly select someone’s email and have a little fun creating some traditional or cottage style presto change-o inspiration. Oh, and since I love surprises, I probably won’t email you to let you know I’ve “picked your presto” unless I have a specific question for ya about your space.
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Absolutely amazing! I didn’t even know you could stain brick! How cool! Love your inspiration photos as well – the color pallete is so calming and refreshing. Love your blog!
I had to laugh when I read this post; now I see where the beige stone and cedar shakes came from! But I think that part of the reason why Elizabeth’s “after” photo looks nice is that the wood is on the roof, not on the sides and front of the house (and I like your grey metal roof more!), and also the brick stain looks grey, rather than its actual brownish tone!
And check it out–the stained brick in your presto is really set off by the black and green accents and crisp white paint (not beige or tan) on the walls and ceiling.
By the way, in the past you introduced us to the blog “Frugal Farmhouse Design” which is now one of my other favorites. Lori had this post a while back about using a paint wash on brick: http://frugalfarmhousedesign.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-in-kitchen.html.
But isn’t the brick/stone on your house exterior already painted? If so, would a wash of paint work on an already painted surface? Or is the pale grey of your house brick/stone its natural. unfinished color? Or are you just interested in the brick stain/wash for just general use on unfinished brick and future projects, not on your house exterior?
I’m enjoying these prestos and look forward to your blog every day!
Ask and ye shall receive! I just updated my *very new blog* with our “fireplace white-wash before/after project”. It was indeed one of our first things to tackle when we first moved in about 5 years ago — you’ll see why! Head over to http://thegatheringarea.com/category/creation/!
Amazing and Awesome! I like your presto mucho!
xo kelley
Amazing job, Layla! This might be your best yet.
Awesome transformation. I love how the one simple wood holder visually balances out the asymmetry better than trying to stack on too much stuff. I love all the Pick my Prestos. Keep ’em coming! 🙂
Hi Layla!
This is a great transformation! Love them all!
We stained our rock fireplace just a few months ago… I’ve been meaning to do a full living room post, but haven’t gotten around to it with the boys to chase after! The rocks were so old and dry-looking. It is such a nice improvement! Here is the link to the Christmas decor/setup (the only before/after pics that I have so far): http://well-dunn.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-decor.html
I think you’ve struck a chord with the fireplace revamps. We’ve got one on our main level and in the basement, both of which we’ve done nothing to yet because I can’t sort out in my head what I want to do (to say nothing of the rest of my house—decorating and design is not my forte, although I read enough blogs and look at enough pictures that I like to think I have hope). Maybe I’ll try my own presto-chango to help me solidify something. I love what you came up with for this fireplace. I’ve read you guys for a while and I really enjoy the energy you put off and the inspiration you are to so many. Thanks. 🙂
I love your style and your blog! We moved into a home with a very large red painted wall in the living room,
and an entire wall of oak built ins. It would be fun to see what it would like in a neutral color wall and white
painted built ins without all the work of painting it first. Just like magic.
Keep up the great work!
You are so very talented. I love everything you do. I’m always like an excited puppy showing my husband, look, look, look what Layla’s done….we should do that too. You are often spoken of in our home here in Australia, quite highly I might add. Keep up with the inspiring work that you do so well, we love it!
I cannot believe how fantastic these changes are. Whereever do you pull these ideas from??? I am so tremendously excited and humbled that you took the time to do this so quickly. I’m studying the pictures now, trying to figure out what to tackle first 😉 You’ve blown this out of the water–I was expecting just a few strategically placed candlesticks and pictures, but you really really nailed it!
Love this, love your blog, love your style!! THANK YOU!
Yay! So glad you liked the inspiration drawing Julie! I had an absolute ball putting it together for you!
amazing design eye & ideas … love it – I hope she goes with it – I totally would! Kudos
speaking of brick…we are moving into a home with all reddish brick fireplace..which I don’t mind so much…but..the soot looks terribly…is there a solution to clean the brick? Not sure I’d want to stain or paint but maybe…I’m a visual girl so I need to see it first, that’s why I love your pick my presto’s so much, you can SEE it!
Read both of the off centered fireplace pick my presto posts and after you waved your wand, they look spectacular. I am going to have to send a photo of my ‘off centered’ fireplace. It’s off center on the wall and room.
Your Friend,
Love what you did…..yet again!
Love the photo display. And love your blog!
Highlighted your blog as one of my Favorite Places on my own blog!
How Layla,
I’m so glad you stumbled upon my blog post about brick staining. I had not been aware of it before this particular job where my client had done it at his previous home in Carmel. Now I see endless possibilities for its use. I did not get involved with the actual staining technology but I do believe it was one of these two products.
Obviously, it is very much a custom job and experimentation is necessary.
I love what you did with the fireplace. And it’s so nice to have discovered your blog. Thanks again for the mention.
Eliizabeth Brown
Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and I feel like a little kid in a candy store. I’m a huge fan of YHL, but you guys are just incredible too. I think I might participate in the “Pick my Presto” project. Our living room currrently resembles what yours looked like before the re-do. Oh I am so excited. Thank you for sharing your life.
i wonder if to further center the fireplace you could cover the portion of the brick with and extended version of the built ins you drew. of course the inside wouldnt match in depth but to the eye it would seem the same.
just a thought as i have never built anything in my life. lol
I was so excited to see your post about staining the brick…and the link to eb-color.com. I own a home which has a particularly ugly color of red brick.
I went to the Sherwin Williams website to find the specific color of the brick referenced, the ” colonial revival stone” SW #2827. Turns out, this is a paint color, not a stain. Also, the HC stain company referenced is for concrete staining of smooth concrete floors and patios, etc. They do not make a brick stain and they do not make a color called “colonial revival stone.” That’s the Sherwin Williams paint color.
I have had wonderful luck painting brick in the past. I think this is the only way you can transform brick. If you have any suggestions, I’d love them. Just wanted to clarify the color on that house which does look smashing!!!
Stunning! You are genius 🙂 Also love the Canadian Cottage inspiration, I love her blog too! Is TLC on Pinterest? I just adore your style, and I am sure you would have the most amazing “pins” out there for your fans to follow. Keep up the amazing work.
Can I get an AMEN! You truly have a God given talent. The cabinets look soooooo gud. I need to just start printing off your stuff and tacking it to my walls for inspiration.
WELL HERE’S ONE FOR YOU : I’ve got an off center fireplace WITH an off center opening! It’s stuck in a corner not facing our living area, it’s dark red brick with BLACK morter, and an eye sore! Well… my whole living room area needs a redo including furnishings….but funds simply aren’t abundant :(. But sometimes these small changes can make a BIG impact! I actually e-mailed you about this fireplace dilema hoping for your opinion back when you were doing the send in $10 for your opinion thingamajig. It has been fun seeing you work your magic throughout your site. If you’re ever in Michigan I’d love to go antiquing or junking with ya :).
Love the presto! Such a great improvement – and thanks for introducing me to Canadian Cottage!
Meagan, row house nest
So, what do you recommend for a fireplace shoved randomly into the corner of a long room? It feels totally disconnected from the rest of the living space, but I don’t really think there is room to add an easy chair, bookshelves, or anything that might make the space useful.
Wow. Love your idea. The built in shelves really help detract from the huge fireplace and huge “hole.”
Hi, Layla! Great transformation. I’m so so sorry to hear about Bean cat, makes me sad for you. Wish I could have come & stayed with you while Kevin was gone, but so glad he is coming home.
Here’s a post I did 3 years ago on a local B’ham redesign, using everything they already had (and before I took decent pics!). I suggested they paint their fireplace mantel & bricks & they found a glaze process that looked great on the bricks. There’s a good B&A shot of the fireplace here:
Hi! I found your site as I was looking for inspiration for my brick fireplace, which I’m considering painting white. I absolutely adore your blog! I will definitely be following from now on and adding to my blog’s “reading list”! P.S. You two are too cute 🙂 I love the name Layla, my one year old daughter is Leila, pronounced the same way.
Marina at Yummy Mummy
I saw this post and got excited myself. I have one of those off centered fireplaces that has a semi built in beside of it. It makes for a HUGE decorating challenge!
Hi Layla, I am desperate to find some solutions to my off center fireplace dilema. The fireplace is a working one and we want to keep it that way but need some design assistance. The house was built in 1961 and we moved in about a year ago just after my husband’s dad passed away. Because cost is an issue we have to pick our projects carefully and we are both ready to demo the fireplace but don’t want to do anything until we have “A Plan! (That’s my husband talking!) We want to get rid of the brick and update the fireplace, but are having issues with the best way to do this when the fireplace isn’t centered in the room. Would you consider giving us some ideas?
Layla, you are a magician. I think the new look is better with the fireplace a bit off center. It looks lovely and fresh. Very laylaesque. That’s a new word. I just invented it. French Country, Contemporary, Laylaesque? Sound good?
“Laylaesque”, hee hee! Thank you! 😀
What computer program do you use to plan out your rooms??? We just moved and my husband is not a very imaginable person of what could go where lol. I think it would help out a lot:)
Hi Christina!
I use Photoshop. Here’s a link to my class about it over at ShootFlyShoot.com:
I love playing around with pictures before we spring for new stuff! 😀