My friend Shannan recently wrote, “I believe that God puts people in all our lives that He wants us to be in relationships with. He wants more than our casserole and our free babysitting. He wants us to fall in love with them.”
She writes so much joy into the world on that blog of hers, that Shannan.
Kev and I had the opportunity to tag along with our church’s associate pastor, Tommy Green, one day a few weeks ago. Together, we filmed and photographed the testimony of a sweet little lady named Henrietta.
We pulled up to her house around 10am. It was warm and sunny, and so was she.
It didn’t take long to discover that Henrietta is really good at making sure the folks around her feel Loved.
I sat on the edge of my sofa seat in her living room that day as she told us about all the years she spent walking and talking with a lost and “challenging” woman in her neighborhood- who, unfortunately, lost her life to cancer not long ago.
Henrietta was her only friend for many years, but I could tell that their friendship made all the difference in the world…to both of them…especially when times got really tough.
What began inside Henrietta’s heart, ended up stretching way outside her comfort zone, and grew her in ways she never could’ve imagined. Something tells me it grew her neighbor in some pretty Amazing ways before she passed away, as well.
Hearing Henrietta’s testimony was really encouraging to me because I’ve been praying for a “lost and challenging” family member of mine a lot lately, too.
I text him every few days with a, “Hey ______! How are you?“. I usually get an “ok” or “fine” back from him a day or two later, but he recently replied, “floating around like a plastic bag“.
I could literally feel the part of my heart that belongs to him split right down it’s sensitive center.
I saw a plastic bag, full of air, flying around high off the ground underneath an overpass today. My eyes stung and teared up at the very sight of it. I immediately texted him.
I’m still waiting for his response, but I can feel how important it is to continue to show him Love…whether he writes back or not. (Thanks for the reminder, Miss Henrietta!)
Here’s to falling in love with folks and helping them notice something new in their reflections. Something that has a light all it’s own, and means so much more than our casserole.
What a beautiful post, and a beautiful reminder. I adore that last picture. You have me in tears on my lunchbreak.
April @ The 21st Century Housewife
This is a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your day with Henrietta. What a beautiful lady. I hope you hear from your family member soon. You reaching out to them will make a real difference, even if you don’t actually get a reply.
Flower Patch Farmgirl
I am dying over here. Die. Ing.
That photo of the two of them by the mail box??? Layla, this is so beautiful and your words are lifting me straight up today.
Krystle @ Color Transformed Family
This was beautiful and so were the pictures. I pray that I will be as faithful a servant as Henrietta.
Donna Lohr
Wow. thanks. wow.
Wow! This is the most beautiful and touiching post you have written. Incredible feeling worded incredibly. Wishing the best for your ‘floating’ family member. May he soon land safely.
Cheryl F
Oh Layla. You’re speaking to my heart. I’ve spent the entire weekend and today in angst over my troubled and very challenging friend. Last night I was thinking that no friendship could be worth dealing with her anymore but I can’t come to peace with it. How can we know when to walk away from what might be a toxic friend and when to keep giving someone more than our casserole? The plastic bag metaphor hit so strongly it stung and will be turning over in my mind for hours to come. You’ve given me more food for thought.
Loved this….thanks for the reminder!
Beautiful. This was really touching. Thanks for sharing it.
Ter'e Crow Lindsay
“Off the beaten track”
Heard this song today and thought of Kev. I bet he could put his own tweak to it…..maybe Christian it up a bit ……..
It instantly reminded me of the two of you. Don’t ask me why….lol
Your little pkg is in the mail. Enjoy! If your jeans get tight – pls don’t blame me.
Truly the right words at the right moment. Thank you, Layla, for this beautiful, inspirational reminder.
Mary Anne
Your posts recently have quietly whispered of how the Lord is growing you. It seems he has increased your territory and is taking you down a new spiritual path. I love your blog, but even more so lately.
Everyone has the ability to be a “Miss Henrietta”. Not everyone knows they have the heart to be a “Miss Henrietta”. Everyone should know a “Miss Henrietta” in their life. I am blessed, I did.
Layla your loving spirit is right, keep texting calling, whatever it takes to reach out to someone you care about and are concerned about.
Lovely story, but I don’t think the term “sweet little lady” describes Henrietta, To me she is more “quitely” dynamic.
love this post. thanks for sharing this…. and Henrietta!
Tara G.
I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. Romans 1:11, 12 (NIV)
Returning to the States after 2.5 years in Eastern Europe, we have been surprised and disappointed at how the people we are encountering- even in the church- build relationships upon mere convenience. This sweet saint “got it.” Thank you for sharing!!
This is beautiful. I have a nasty habit of holding onto grudges, and am currently working on letting go and treating everyone I meet with love and grace. I constantly remind myself that it is up to me to respond with love…regardless of what I am getting in return. Now that I’m pregnant I’ve got a great reminder to be the person I want my child to be…
So nice to see inspiring stories like this. It is so easy to get caught up in the selfish pace of today’s world. Keep trying with your family member. Just knowing someone who loves you is there can make all the difference!
What a beautiful, sweet story! Thank you for reminding us that God’s ways are higher than ours!
I would love to see the finished product. Thanks for this powerful reminder today!
Mom Palmer - Katie
This was a beautiful post. It really touched my heart. I will be praying with you for your family member.
Oh, I love this post.
What a beautiful story and keep texting :).
I know Henrietta! She and her husband Don did our pre-marriage counseling at Frazer. Wonderful and amazing people! Thank you for sharing this! 🙂
OMGosh! Was that the Scenic Hills neighborhood?!? I used to live there in the late 80’s and early 90’s! Great memories. 🙂
Mary J
My grandmother could bend over and touch her toes just like that one picture until she was 93, that picture had me welling up, lovely memory and great post.
Hilah Sanders
Thank you for this post. It has made my day. I love this……”Here’s to falling in love with folks and helping them notice something new in their reflections. Something that has a light all it’s own, and means so much more than our casserole.”
Becky KC
Layla – I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years, and just want you to know how much I appreciate youur heart for the Lord. I love decorating, yet something more has always kept me connected to your and Kevin’s life. Now I realize that it;s Him! Blessings to you!
What a precious, heart-wrenching post, Layla. Thank you for the encouraging words!
Thank you, Tina. I appreciate your kind comment so much! 🙂
Layla ~ your post gave me the nudge I needed to send a couple of texts. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your home! 😉
Rene' Foust
Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story.
hi~it touches me about your family member. I think we all know someone whether an official family member or not that is sad, really sad. So I understand how it touches your heart. Never stop reaching out and loving him. If he ever texts you again telling you that he feels this or that let him know that you understand, that you have felt like that before, or similar before, that his feelings are okay. Sometimes when a person is very sad acceptance is truly what they need. 1Thess5:14 tells us to speak consolingly to the depressed souls and support the weak.
I’ll definitely include this person in my prayers and you too 🙂
Sarah Ives
Layla, I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now. I I have loved your decorating style, your humor, your photography, and honesty. But, lately I have really loved seeing your faith. Thank you for sharing that part of you on this blog. I feel like I know so much more who you are through that. This is a precious post, and a good exhortation to us all. Loving and showing the love of Christ can be messy and hard, but it is SO worth it
What a beautiful woman inside and out! Thank you for sharing her story! She is such an inspiration!
Jenny M.
I know Miss Henrietta! My husband works with her husband and I’ve had the opportunity to be around her on several occasions. She is such a special lady and just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out!
Thank you and Henrietta for your reminder. I have a family member that has recently seared the part of my heart for him as well. My husband and I pray for him often, and I reach out every way I can think of, but some days I ache at how lost he continues to be. I constantly feel so sorry for him. I pray God sends a Henrietta his way. Thanks for the message, it was a blessing,
Coreen @ 58 Vintage Faire
I have a nephew that makes me think of the floating plastic bag…You have inspired me to reach across the country to him on a regular basis!
tenn hens
life is precious and this is such a sweet reminder to reach out!
Regarding your lost and challenging family member, mine is my daughter. It’s a gut-wrenching, tearful thing to love someone who is choosing self-destruction. You cannot control the outcome, that is between them and God, but you can love them right where they are and breath life with your words, even if only for that moment. I know it matters. And that love coupled with the painful but necessary boundaries are important plumb lines that will guide them when they are ready. Love never gives up, Layla and God is faithful.
Thank you for this post!