Did you have a good weekend?
It was a busy one over here at TLC!
Among other things, I finallllllly finished re-doing the jug lamp I got last year on the Endless Yard Sale…
It’s no longer blue, it no longer has a fabric decal on the front, and the shade is much spiffier now too.
Check it out!
Up at the top of the base, under a few layers of grime, I discovered a pretty copper color…
And underneath the huge fabric ship sticker, I found the words
Mitchell Dairy Co
Bridgeport CT 63
They’re sort of engraved into the metal, so I used an old sponge tip applicator to rub some light brown eyebrow shadow into them so they’d stand out a little more…
I used Rustoleum’s “Heirloom White” spray paint (satin finish) on the base…
And last but not least, I re-covered the shade in a textural, neutral-colored fabric and a bit of jute trim I had left over from my chandelier project…
The fabric came from Claudia’s Cloth Barn (here in Prattville, AL), and the jute trim came from M&J Trimming
Here she is!
All made up and ready to sit on my bedside table…
I’m stoked about how it turned out!
Especially when I saw that this one (available at Bellacor) costs $524.90…
My milk jug lamp cost just $30 altogether.
That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout Willis!
Happy Monday!
PS- It looks like I removed the handle in the photos- but I didn’t! It’s still there!
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