“I can think of few better ways to introduce a child to books than to let her stack them, upend them, rearrange them, and get her fingerprints all over them.”
― Anne Fadiman
…or in our case- him. 😉
Thought I’d share some of Steevenson’s favorites here today. He has so many, but these are few that spring right to mind:
Pasta. Lasagna, spaghetti, mac n’ cheese- you name it, if it’s noodle-based, he gobbles it up.
Clothes & Shoes. He gets as excited about clothing and shoes as he does about getting a new toy. Maybe it’s because he shared hand-me-down clothes with the other kiddos at the Angel House for so long? Maybe it’s because he’s really into fashion? Maybe it’s a little bit of both? One day I’ll tell him about how he used to stand in front of his closet every morning, excitedly pointing at which pieces he wanted to wear that day. I’ll tell him that he had a knack for picking out outfits that matched, and that we always felt like he looked way cooler than us. 🙂
Drums. When I tell you that he can play air drums, mostly in time with the music, for the duration of an entire contemporary Christian song, I’m not exaggerating. Little man is definitely drawn to that instrument in particular. His current favorite tune is Prodigal by Sidewalk Prophets. He always says, “Ooh! BIG drums!” when it comes on K-LOVE.
Bath time/Bedtime/Book time. We’ve noticed that he seems the most content from about 5pm-8pm. Maybe because it’s the most consistent time of the day scheduling-wise? Our days always look a little different, but ever since the first night he got home, our nights have looked exactly the same. Dinner time, bath time, bed time, book time.
And speaking of book time- his current favorites are If I Built a Car and If I Built a House by Chris Van Dusen. We read them every night. This gal’s toes crack him up…
…and he spends minutes getting lost in this spread…
He decided straight away that the two parked cars on the left were for him and Daddy, and that he would wear the blue helmet, and that Daddy would wear the orange helmet sitting there on that bench. He always says “Mama goes up da stairs with da flag“, and I’ll never forget how quickly he learned/understood the word “point” when Kevin was talking to him about that big arrow on the track.
Another book he loves is All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon.
We haven’t ever actually read the words in any of these books- we just made up our own storylines and now he knows our versions by heart. I caught him reading “I Built A Car” from start to finish on video the other day. I’ll have to share it when I find the time to upload it. So cute!
Okay. It’s almost midnight and I’ve got a LuLaRoe pop-up sale to check on and then a precious babe to snuggle. Happy week to you, friend!
PS- I know that last one is blurry, but could you not just eat that dimple right up?! 😀
If he likes rhythm like drums, he’d probably love Dr Seuss. Glad you’re having fun!
I don’t think this is a Dr. Seuss book, but my boys loved “Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb”.
It might be a little young for him but it has great rhythm…. the full book is best, not the board book.
“Dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum”
the last one is my favorite! I love all your posts, but I really look forward to your family posts and your journey together. We don’t have children, but my dad and twin sister were adopted from an orphanage. What if my grandparents had not adopted them as babies…my heart aches thinking about it. Your story is a beautiful one.
Layla – he is so darling! What a ham. He looks so adorable in all his clothes – he needs to start modeling!!!! So happy he is settling in. Just wait until he turns 25. It only gets harder, haha. my baby is 25. oy. and she needs me more than ever. It never ends!!! 😉
Isn’t it fun to discover and appreciate the things that bring children joy, and often it’s simple things that we adults take for granted! What style he has, if he dresses “way cooler than you” what would happen if he picks out your outfit for a day?? Maybe on a day you plan to stay home just in case!
Don’t you love watching them read books? they learn so much from the pages of a book and the time sharing it with you nearby is special too.
Drums? I am seeing numerous duets with Kevin, what fun you will have!
And then there is that smile of his, sunshine just radiates from that boy!
Keep having fun! I love reading about your family life.
Layla, I so look forward to your posts about your little one❤️ His clothing is adorable, would you share where you found his black ” house” pants? Where do you shop for him, any online retailers?
Thank you so much for sharing this journey of becoming a family. I am sure your days are busy, I’m grateful that you continue to make time to share with all of us through your blog. It is easy to see that Steevenson is as much of a pure blessing to you, as you are to him.
Steevenson is so so cute!!!! Love his sense of style and that big smile!
Going to check out those books for my son. I like the rhymes and colorful pix! Thanks for sharing!
And he has dimples too! He’s a natural model. He’s gonna be a heart breaker!
Layla, I’m very new to the whole lula roe thing . . . Is all your inventory sold? I can’t figure out how to set an alert for items in my size . . . Help!!?? So glad this seems to be working out for you . . . XO
Thank you, Donna! My inventory isn’t all sold, and there isn’t an alert system. You just click “Claim” if you’d like to purchase an item and I’ll invoice you tonight via email. If there isn’t a “Claim” button, and instead you see a “Next” button, that means someone else already claimed it. If you’d like to be next in line, click the next button. If the person (or people) ahead of you decide to pass, you’ll be able to purchase it! 😀 Thank you so much for shopping with me!
This may be my favorite update! Sounds like Sweet P is settling in just fine and loves his new life. He is such an amazing little boy and oh my goodness– those dimples!
“If I Built a Car” was a favorite in our house, and so it wasn’t a huge surprise that when we introduced “Randy Riley’s Really Big Hit” to the kids, that book quickly landed at the top of their favorites list too. The cadence and subject-matter are so fun for kids!
How old is he now? Looks sooooo happy.
He is so doggone cute and his joy shines!!
You should be selling boy’s clothing with Sonny as the model. He is very handsome, his clothes are adorable-very well put together- and his poses are so cute!
We LOVE Chris Van Dusen’s books! Our favorite is “Randy Riley’s Really Big Hit”!
Check out Iggy Peck Architect! Also very cute!!
He’s a cutie alright! Question for you, do you have any books by David Wiesner? He is an illustrator and most of his books are wordless. Truly our favorites!
He is sooooo handsome.
My daughter (age3.5 at adoption) thanked us profusely for her very own underwear!! The things we take for granted, right?!
Her first book was NO DAVID! By David Shannon, where David is always getting into trouble. It was certainly easy to read, she learned many of life’s “don’ts”, and her Dad’s name is David. This Summer, at age 13, she met David Shannon at the American Library Association conference I was attending for work. He autographed her book and his newest book and she was able to tell him how his book impacted her life. We were all a little choked up! Then the lady next to him, who illustrated the covers of all of the Harry Potter books (!!!) told Wren her daughter was adopted from China too. People around us suddenly had something in their eye!
Cherish these moments, and know that just when Steevvenson needs a little boost or reinforcement that he is where he is supposed to be in life, it will appear, and in ways you would never imagine!!
What a sweet story!! The No! David! books are a favorite at my elementary school, too. So many fun moments in those books!
What a gorgeous child! He may grow up to be a model, cause he sure does look great in clothes. And you say that he picks out his own outfits – what a guy!
The “model” part is just a guess, but I really bet his vocation will be with church, education, missionary work, or something similar. You are teaching him such good values. Keep up the great job!
Oh my goodness he’s so cute! He looks so happy. Why not, he has the coolest parents. He would be a great model for kids clothing. So glad your family is complete. May you share many blessings this holiday season.
p.s. I see he’s still wearing the glasses like Momma! How sweet.
The old original Richard Scary books are full of funny and imaginative pictures my kids and I would spend hours looking at them there was so much detail.
Oh my I LOVED Richard Scary as a child! I would also suggest the Little Blue Truck books – great rhythm to them and my 7 year old still loves to pull them out to read.
Wow! He is such a natural in front of the camera and very photogenic! Man is he rocking those adorable clothes! I love hearing about how he’s settling in.
Yes, yes, yes and me too!
He is just precious! And he looks SO HAPPY! We love Chris Van Dusen books too. Our favorite is The Circus Ship. God bless your sweet family.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading your family posts. They fill my heart with such joy. Steevenson is one of the most adorable children I have ever seen and being able to take this journey with you is a true blessing. He makes me smile so, and you and Kevin are the perfect parents for him while he is the perfect son for you. Just look what the Lord has done!!!?
I have always enjoyed your house posts, but I love these posts about Steevenson even more. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. It always brightens my day. Sending prayers of thanksgiving and gratefulness that your ‘gotcha day’ has been fulfilled! ❤️
Try “Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin”. Both of my kiddos loved it!
What a darling! And it’s so great that you’re incorporating books into his evening ritual. The children who get bedtime stories get so much more at the same time. He seems to like machines, so try him on I STINK by Kate and Jim MacMullan (about a garbage truck)http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-06-029848-7, MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL by Virginia Lee Burton (classic!)https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/153542.Mike_Mulligan_and_His_Steam_Shovel, and FREIGHT TRAIN by Donald Crews (http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/freight-train#cart/cleanup). Enjoy! It goes by so fast
The dimple was the first thing I noticed in the last pic! The second was those ADORABLE Vans! 🙂
He’s so sweet and you’re amazing. I never really comment on blogs but I wanted you to know that you and your son are endearing. Prayers for your sweet family from Seattle.
I have enjoyed reading your story so very much. My husband works for a Christian adoption agency, and although we haven’t adopted your story rings true to my heart in other ways. Thank you for sharing so much with us.
I think you could be doing Steevenson more good by reading the actual words to him from the books, instead of making up your own storylines. It’s a fundamental piece of young children learning to read: the association between the letters on the page and the spoken words. It might be confusing for him later, if he’s still enjoying the same stories, to realize that the story he knows isn’t what the words actually say.
I don’t mean to criticize; only to help. It was a long time ago, but I was an elementary teacher once. 🙂
A book that both my children LOVED and that I am sure contributed to their extensive vocabularies at early ages was “The Big Book of Everything.” http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/284653.My_Big_Book_of_Everything
Oh, we just started that way because the wording was a little too advanced (and not as animated- LOL!) for our toddler who wasn’t familiar with very many English words when we started reading them. 😉
Baby steps…we’ll get there. Just trying to make books fun for him while he’s learning a new language and transitioning to a new life. I do look forward to being able to share “new” storylines with him eventually though! It’ll be like getting two books for the price of one! 🙂
I see big things in your sons future! And Lord that boy is ADORABLE! Cutie pie❤️❤️
Layla and Kevin I wanted to thank you for sharing your journey with adopting Stevenson. After following you for so long I hhave decided to become a Foster parent.
Thank you