It started with really good intentions, y’all. Intentions to create a fun piece of art to hang in our sonny boy’s room.
It started with a four dollar embroidery hoop from JoAnn’s…
…and a yard of pom-pom fringe, and a cloth napkin my friend Traci used to wrap something up for me last year…
It started with the ol’ print-in-out-on-a-piece-of-paper-and-use-pencil-lead-to-transfer-it-onto-the-napkin technique…
…and some leftover white paint to fill in the letters…
It started with some hot glue to hold down the edges…
…and some more hot glue to hold the pom-pom fringe in place…
It started with two extra pom-poms to fill in the last little gap…
…and it ended with hoop art that looked just like a great big cookie cake!!
Not exactly what I had in mind!
Oh well. Maybe I’ll try a different “recipe” next time- ha! 😀
Ha ha. ……that is SO funny, Layla. It looks good enough to eat too!!
I love it !
That is just too funny! Love the giant cookie anyway!
But it’s cute and whimsical, just like you!
Hang that cookie!!! Fun!!!
How cool is that. Love it!
That’s too cute, and yummy looking as well!!!! That would be cute in a kitchen or a little girl’s room!!! Does Sweet P need a sister? I think so!!!
HA! Some projects are great in our head, then it’s not what we envisioned when complete. So glad that even THE BEST ones at all things crafty have the same issues! 🙂 (I still kind of like your hoop art though) ~Kim
I do like how the saying turned out. Although I see what you mean about the cookie look.
I wonder if it would make any difference if the pom-poms lined the outside rim of it instead of the front of the rim?
When I was in HI for a vacation I peeked inside a store window display. They had hung doilies in embroidery rings like that in different sizes at somewhat different lengths from the ceiling. I loved the idea so much I came home and recreated it. So, you may want to consider making another ring with another saying in a different size and hang them from the ceiling instead of on a wall. Just a suggestion. 🙂
It is cute, in a confectionary kind if way :). Thanks for sharing… I experienced a big “repair/fail” this week, so I appreciate your transparency. Not that yours is a fail, of course!
And what’s wrong with a cookie cake? NUTHIN’!!
I say that’s perfect for a kitchen or honestly anywhere because it’s just too darn cute!
Hah! How funny! It’s cute, though!
Hilarious, I truly never would have made the connection if you hadn’t pointed it out! But since you did…I have to agree lol!
Oh how funny! It does have the cookie cake effect a little but honestly, if you hadn’t said it I never would have thought of it!
HA! I actually love how the text turned out – I think the culprit is the poms. I like the suggestion to have them be on the outside, vs. on the front. Even your mess ups are cute though, Layla! 🙂
Yeah…I think it’s the pom-pom fringe. :S
What if you take that off (or try it on the outside of the frame) and add ….a ribbon? or something where you have the pom-poms.
Or maybe a little stencil art in pennant shape?
The lettering of make believe is awesome! I like the creativity in using the embroidery hoop for something other than embroidery.
I love your shirt, that colour looks fabulous on you.
🙂 Maryjane
from Manitoba, Canada
I like that idea! A little bit of color instead of the pom poms might take away the giant cookie look, although a giant sugar cookie is not a bad thing. It is make believe, right?
I almost snorted! And now I want a big sugar cookie! It was a cool idea!
I think it’s cute, Layla! Love ball fringe!
Ever since ya’ll recently switched hosts or something on the site, my bloglovin feed doesn’t update properly and I get these weird “this site has moved alerts”. I’ve tried to update but still get the alerts. Have you heard of anyone else having this problem? Any advice on how to fix?
Layla: You can salvage this hoop art! What if you removed the pom pom fringe and either paint the wooden hoop an accent color (maybe a color in your kitchen), or leave natural. I love the overall design. As always, you have great style and this will end up being exactly what you want! Cindy
It’s all good, Cindy! I actually have another idea for it. #ToBeContinued 😉
It’s still fun! And, who doesn’t want a giant cookie sometimes (or all the time in my case)?
Too cute! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Now if only my cookie cakes looked this cute?!
Awww, Layla — I’m not sure what you had in mind, but I love this. It kind of reminds me of those signs you see with round light bulbs all the way around them. I think it’s perfect.
I wish I knew what you thought it would turn out like! The entire post you made it sound like a mess was going to happen. I see a very well put together piece of hoop art. I think your idea will still work–maybe make the words on the same fabric but set it as a patch on another natural colored fabric like gingham or plaid, then minus the fringe. (I am going off of what I did and I love the look of the patch against the gingham!) I love your presentation. 🙂 And I have a really great recipe for cookies should you ever be interested!
I think hung on a wall surrounded by some white square frames with black and white photos…u know how to do all of that stuff so perfectly…i think it would look great. I like it.
The best laid plans and all that ………….. Sorry but it is nice to know the pros get it wrong sometimes too – gives me hope for all my failed attempts.
I really like how the Make Believe looks & can’t wait to see the new recipe.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that visualizes craft projects differently than they turn out! It would be great for Sweet P’s room if the edging was different….maybe that burlap looking bias tape/ribbon. Love the lettering & thanks for the tip on how to do it!
Hahaha it does look like a cookie cake but it’s cute!!
I’m loving how embroidery hoops are making a comeback. As a child we were told in my girl’s club Pioneer Girls to embroider using a printed pattern cross-stitch. Then in the ’80’s oh we stitched away on fabric that was in 14 or tiny 22aida. Xstitches and you had to look at a pattern and count!!!! Whew!! Then in there we put fabric in hoops to match decor after machine applicating a simple outline for a baby’s nursery–mine was a sheep. Then we hunted for grandmothers’ doilies and stitched them to calico fabric and put them in hoops. So from USING a hoop to making beautiful art , the hoop makers smile!!! And for that reason alone, I’d hang this 2014 use for “embroidery” hoops proudly. For baby! They’ve come a long way and yours is the “sweetest” use of all 🙂
Ha! Thanks for keeping it real!
Wait until little buddy arrives then embroider his artwork! I did it and it turned out AWESOME!!! I don’t really toot my own horn on a regular basis, but it is a project I am so proud of.
You just crack us up. Chalk this one up to “practice run”. Sweet P and white pom pom balls? Somehow that does not quite equate. Great thought and sentiment. I bet our Sweet P will be a little more rough and tumble than that.
I volunteer to come up and teach him the art of making mudpies!!!!
Here I sit, giggling to myself again.
This child is in for the ride of his life!!!! I can’t wait!!!!! You will be the perfect mommy.
Could you cut out the “Make Believe”, maybe in a square and use it on the front of a pillow with an accent colour on the opposite side? The lettering is great!
Layla ,
somehow this is just not doing it for me ,,,,, cannot quite put my finger on what is not right with it. You really put together some great stuff – I hope this does not offend you .
Lol! That’s why I put it in the cookie box and said it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind at the end of the post, GG! 😀
(I even saved that photo as “Hoop Art Fail”- LOL!)
I LOVE THIS!!!!! How exactly did you get the letters on the napkin? This would save me SOOOOOO much time versus the way I have been making stencils and tracing them. Thanks!!!
Funny. 🙂 This kind of thing happens to me a lot. It always looks so good in my head… Once I painted a tray with chalkboard paint, which didn’t work so well because the tray was plastic and had some sort of film on it with printed poinsettias (which peeled off along with the paint). I tried to salvage it by writing EAT on it, thinking I would just never erase it and it would be a cute accent up on top of my cabinets. Well, no matter where I stuck it, the bottom portion of the E got hidden behind the crown molding. So, it looked like the word FAT. Not exactly what I had in mind for my kitchen decor. Ha! 🙂
LOL – that’s hilarious! Thanks for sharing your lovely projects AND your not-exactly-what-you-hoped projects 🙂
Love your embroidery hoop “cookie cake”!!
I love this idea. The pom-poms make is a sweet touch.:)