It’s no secret: I love dish towels…especially if they have loops that you can hang them from!
I was inspired by a dish towel project on The Purl Bee, and had some fun creating some ribbon-trimmed dish towels of my own yesterday:
I started with two towels and a gray and white-dotted napkin from Target:
The ribbon I used for this project came from Michaels (measuring tape ribbon) and Jo-Ann Fabrics (khaki and navy-dotted ribbons):
First, I laid out a length of the measuring tape ribbon against one edge of the gray and white-dotted napkin:
I left about an inch at the bottom…
…and folded over a few inches at the top to create a loop:
I used Fabri-tac to hold it all in place…
…and on that particular napkin, I ended up gluing an identical napkin to the back side of it (wrong side to wrong side) so that my “towel” was double-sided when I hung it up.
On the next dish towel, I used a length of ribbon that was already folded in half:
I just ran a bead of Fabri-tac in the middle of that fold and it worked great!
I did the third (asparagus) dishtowel just like I did the first towel, and I used some Fabri-tac on the ends of all of my ribbon to make sure they don’t fray.
I’m using these towels as decor in a friend’s kitchen, so I’m not sure they’ll ever really get used, but it’s okay if they do because Fabri-tac is washable.
It’s a fun little way to jazz up some dish towels, and a super-affordable way to fill up some empty wall space in a kitchen!
Love that idea…and so easy too!! The gray and white dot is super cute!!
I love this idea! Love the dotted ribbon and the asparagus towel 😉
Super cute!
Oh Layla ! What a cute idea ! And something that is so affordable ! Thanks for your inspirations !
So, so cute!! As a person that doesn’t sew, I’ve stashed away Fabri-tec to the back of the brain for future projects. 😉
I <3 this idea! I can't wait to try it–and I love that you didn't have to use a sewing machine. Thanks for the great DIY idea. 🙂
This is fantastic! So simple and yet I really love the idea of having the towels hanging instead of just on my counter.
These are so eye-catching! What a great idea! Thank you for intro to the fabric glue as I wouldn’t have ‘trusted’ it in the wash. These look so high end!!!
Layla….. Those are ADORABLE!!! I’m going to try this!!
Isn’t it funny? I absolutely hate hate hate seeing tea towels on display in my kitchen! Ugh! Hee hee. I can’t stand them on the front of stoves, hanging from a handle, or on display. I was taught to put them on the hanger in the tall cupboard to air out, when I was young. Funny how trends change, isn’t it? We older in Australia call them tea towels. Don’t ask me why! Those ones are very cute, but I’d still have the urge to put them away! LOL! Love your work, Layla!
So cute! Did the Fabri-tac come from Jo-Ann Fabric or Michael’s? Haven’t seen that product before!
You can get it at either place, Dottie! 🙂
I adore this project Layla…and I adore Fabri-tac! I use it all the time when I don’t feel like sewing, and it holds forever 🙂
Love the fun simplicity of these. I think I’ll need to make a few this weekend!
Such a clever idea.
What a fun idea! They look great all hanging together. I couldn’t resist the carrot dish towel at Target and now I need to add some ribbon to it. I like to give small homemade breads at Christmas to the neighbors. You’ve inspired me to add one of these dish towels along with the bread.
Love the idea…where did you find the asparagus towel?
That is so cool.
That’s so cute! I hang different dish towels all the time. They are like art work in the kitchen to me. Of course, my family knows which ones to use and which ones not to use.
I was just too lazy I guess to come up with that type of idea. I purchased hanging bath sheets, hand towels and wash rags from IKEA that already had loops on them. LOL Thanks for the idea…maybe I can do this for the kitchen instead!
Great looking tea towels and a fab idea to decorate a kitchen!
way, way cute. thanks for the idea!
Thanks for sharing your DIY dish towel project with us. I may just have to make some for my Mom and Mother in law. They are super cute, usable and fun.
Thank YOU, Dawn! Have fun with your dish towels! 😀
Oh Layla,
These are so stinkin cute!!!! I am now wondering……do you not sew???? YOU??? Ms. Alabama?????
I am totally enthralled with the aged dish towels you see online – the ones that are vintage linen looking. Where is everyone getting these? Do you know????
Now, I am thinking how cute it would be to have veggie dish towels too!!!!!! I could just eat that aspargus right off the towel!!!!!! If you can make a run to IKEA, they have some darling CUPCAKE towels now!!!!! Too cute. Fun for birthdays!!!!!
I love dishtowels!!!!!
Hi Ter’e!
I sew *some*, but ever since I found out about Fabri-tac, I sew a lot less! LOL! 😀
Love this idea. I have actually folded the dish towels i love in half long ways for Christmas stockings. I use that miracle glue and then sew buttons and embroider names on them. Love how they look so unfussy, just like these dish towels. Great simple project to try next.