Happy Friday! 😀
Today is the end of our fourth week in USCIS (U.S. Cizitenship & Immigration Services), which means there is a very good chance we will receive a very exciting email within the next couple of weeks! Most families spend 4-6 weeks in USCIS before they’re I-600 form is approved, so we may be reeeeally close to getting some reeeeally great news in our inbox any moment!
After USCIS, there’s (usually) only 1-2 weeks of appointments (for Steevenson) and travel planning (for us), so our homecoming trip window could really be coming into focus soon! 😀
I guess it’s time to buy (and figure out how to use!) a car seat. 😉 I think we’ve settled on this Britax, but I’ve also heard great things about this Diono. If you have any thoughts on which one we should go with, I’d love to hear them!
On the home front, the folks from The Cottage Journal came over to photograph our house about a year ago and the issue they’re in is on newsstands now. Here’s a pic of the cutie cover:
I was especially touched by the title of the article and that the writer (sweet Katie Wood) included so much about our sweet Sonny.
When I saw that Katie said we had “championed” patience in the subtitle, my initial reaction was: “Oh, gosh! I wish!“. 😀
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m the most impatient person in the world sometimes! But here’s what’s really neat: the same day I read that subtitle, Ephesians 3:20 also popped up on a page in front of me:
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
What a great reminder that just because we don’t always feel like we “do patience well”, doesn’t mean It isn’t right there within us…working…accomplishing…time and again. 🙂
I am thrilled to see two of my favourite bloggers featured in Cottage Country. Both you and Miss Mustard Seed are amazing ladies! You should be so proud of yourself Layla. I am anxiously awaiting Steevenson’s arrival!
We started with a Britax and didn’t like it because it was super bulky and difficult to get in and out of the car. We now have Diono Radians for both our kids and we love them. They have a slim profile, fold up for travel and are really easy to install. You can also remove the cover and straps for washing. (Although the Diono seats fold for travel, they are pretty heavy to carry through airports.)
we have 2 dionos, and they have served us well. Very heavy duty and secure.
We have always used Britax because grandparents have bought them, I have heard great things about the Dionos though. The biggest thing that I have heard is that the Dionos are like Britax, just with a smaller base making them better for smaller cars also lighter weight for when you need to move carseats to a different car. The Britax can feel like wrastling a beast at time!
Here is a beautiful video for you: http://viralvo.com/newborn-baby/?r=jm
We have Dionos in all 3 vehicles (mom, dad, grandparents). I really like it (but have no experience with other convertible seats). There’s a learning curve to install them so I don’t recommend moving them much (hence why we have 3), and you have to remove the entire seat to adjust the harness (unless it’s rear facing and you’re a contortionist). It was nice to be able to travel with it (folded up, and bought the bag). I’m a big fan of the steel construction and slim profile. We would have no problem fitting 2 more people in the back of our Ford Fusion along with the carseat. However, they do occupy a lot of space in front of them (if rear facing) so the passenger seat is uncomfortable even with the angle adjuster. The passenger seat in my parents’ van is not a problem at all, and it’s pretty okay in my husband’s GMC Sierra as well, even without the angle adjuster in either of those vehicles. Note: my son is 15 months.
I’ve been following your adoption story since the beginning, and I’m so excited for you! Since you asked, I’d recommend the Britax. We have two of them, and they are so easy to use, and our kids say they are very comfortable. The Diono is nice, but it’s kind of a waste to buy one for an already-forward-facing child. The basis of their appeal is they are one of the longest-lasting rear facing seats on the market; you’d automatically lose half the life of the car seat for its intended purpose. (Sorry, I am VERY passionate about car seat safety!)
P.S. If you want more car seat safety info, check out csftl.org!
I am a longtime lurker, but I wanted to tell you congratulations on your upcoming, life changing, most wonderful event of bringing your son home. I would advise against the Btitax. My experience is that they don’t hold up well.
We have Chicco Nextfits and like them a lot! The covers remove for washing (there is a new zip version that might even make that part easier, but we don’t have that kind, so I don’t know). There is also a great car seat bag you can find on Amazon that protects your carseat during air travel. It has saved our car seats! It is called The Ultimate Car Seat Travel Bag by J.L. Childress. Side note: it says it doesn’t work on Chicco Nextfits, but we got it to work on ours 🙂
I am so excited for your sweet family to all be together SOON! I have been reading your blog for years and then I realized you submitted your adoption paperwork the day before my son was born! I think that article was right about you guys being champions of patience 🙂
Late comment, but I have the same Britax seat. Second daughter is using it now, still looks brand new. It’s a great seat and I really appreciate the ability to go from 5 pt harness to seat belt booster. Anxiously (not nearly as patient as you) following for the wonderful homecoming news!