Can you believe it’s already July?
A refreshing rain shower cools things off almost every afternoon, but until then, the air is as thick as soup. I’ve lived a lot of places, but I’m certain summer in the South is what central air was made for. Whew!
The sky is too interesting to stay indoors all the time right now though…what with the color and clouds changing so much throughout the day…so we still spend a good bit of time in the rocking chairs on the porch. Our hardworking box fan helps keep us from overheating and it’s amazing how much a cool drink can help bring your body’s temperature down.
I’m out here in one of the chairs right now as a matter of fact. It’s 5:29pm and several of the once-white cotton-y clouds now hang low and gray. Won’t be long now ’til the sprinkles start. Then it’s a guessing game because we never know what the wind will do. Some days, there’s barely a breeze at all and the rain drops like tears, straight down on the street. We can sit here in our chairs and just listen and watch until the air feels cool and the clouds are done crying.
Other days, the wind starts to whip and we’re forced to spring from our seats so that we can push everything to the center of the porch where it won’t get as wet. Sometimes we try to keep rocking near the front door, but we usually retreat indoors if the shower starts spraying sideways. 🙂
Because we never know what the weather will be like in the middle of the day, Kevin and I have been taking our walks right after breakfast and then again right as the sun starts to set. I brought our camera out with us this morning and snapped a few photos along the way.
Some days Steevenson comes with us, but most days he wants to stay home with Granpé and Granmé. I love it when he skips along, but I have come to cherish the quiet strolls with Kevin so much too. He’s always been a walker, but only recently have I started tagging along. I see why he’s hooked on it now though and I highly recommend it. “For going out, I have found, is really going in.” (John Muir)
How’s the walking weather where you are, friend?
We are having our normal August weather, Mother Nature is a tad confused! Muggy and HOT here too! You have a lovely place to walk, the pics were beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to share!
Here in Missouri it is HOT and HUMID . . . without the afternoon rain to cool things off. I love walking . . . my husband not so much. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, and for the glimpses into your life. Blessings from Missouri!
Hi 90’s here in Pinehurst – North Carolina! Mornings are lovely – we are on a lake and just after dawn the lake is like glass! Kayaking early and just slowing down our routine during the day gets us through it! Cheers!
Good Morning! Your views are gorgeous! Love that big tree with the moss! <3 We are in East Tx and it's sure been hot here too, but I am enjoying the sunshine! I don't usually do much walking but know I should. When I have taken an early morning walk it IS really a lovely way to start the day enjoying God's handiwork and getting to chat with Him. However, I don't sleep well consistently enough yet to do that often, and when I have it's only because I didn't sleep the night so I might as well get up! lol….
I sure enjoy your blog and especially your videos- thank you for sharing with us! (I have yet to send an email fo AskLaci! Time gets away too easily!!
Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful environment you live in! All that heat and humidity is perfect for lovely and abundant vegetation….good for the complexion too!
North central Arkansas is hot & humid! Love your neighborhood! So beautiful! Early morning & late evening is about the only time I can walk. Heat stroke susceptible ever since a Grand Canyon hike about 26 years ago. Thanks for sharing your neighborhood & your world!
Your pictures of where you live are absolutely beautiful, but can’t beat our Southern California weather. My husband was working where he had a good 45 minute drive so we starting walking after dinner to get the kinks out after that drive and long day. We found we really enjoyed our quiet time together (great time to talk without kids interrupting or listening). That job ended many years ago and kids have moved out but we still make sure we get our five miles a day. It’s in the 60’s for our nightly walk right now.
I’m in SoCal too and we have great weather all year. But this weekend was particularly perfect! 80, breezy, low humidity. Ahhh…
OK. I have to know where you two live in SoCal that the weather is perfect. I’m looking for such a place to retire in a few years.
So pretty. The moss-hung trees are so beautiful. I grew up in Florida so it’s a familiar site. I’m in Tennessee now and it’s hot as blazes here too. Afternoon showers are always welcome; just not when I have to drive home from work in them!
I also grew up in Florida, Now in Western KY. I sure miss that Florida weather,being able to grow things year round AND the spanish moss. It’s hot as blazes here, but no cooling summer showers and no cool breezes from the Gulf.
Love the photos of the neighborhood 🙂 Here’s another quote from John Muir (I visited his museum in the Tetons – wonderful viewing his field notes): “When one tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
What a lovely place to walk! Love the neighborhood. Here in Texas, it’s so dang hot and HUMID that I won’t walk. My hubs and his friend walk every day at lunch time since they both work from home. They’ve gotten into the habit of walking inside at Lowe’s or Walmart. The people at Lowe’s know who they are now and just wave. 😉 Hope to meet you in person at Haven. Last year was my first year and even though I was in y’alls FB class, I didn’t want to interrupt your time with others so I didn’t and I am bummed! Maybe this year I’ll be a little more brave.
Here in Redding, CA it was 108 yesterday. Not much to my liking. The neighborhood you live in is beautiful! It reminds me of times past.❣️
Heat wave here in Ontario Canada! Feeling like 110 with the humidity factored in!
You live in a beautiful, lush, well kept environment. I know
You cherish your surroundings. I miss the tall trees of the east coast. I’ve recently transplanted to Phoenix and summers are spent inside or at the pool. Nothing lush here. Just 110* days and no rain. Looking forward to the monsoons.
Love your pictures!!! Especially the one with the flags. Do you use a special camera and upload? Or are they with your phone camera? If your phone – what type of phone cuz those pics are GOR. GEOUS!!
Thanks, Jolynn!
I used our DSLR camera to take these photos and I learned how to take them from my husband, over at! 🙂
You live in a beautiful, picturesque place.
We think so too, Mildred! The folks who created this neighborhood have done such a beautiful job!
Ah, the weather in Indiana. Always a topic of conversation. We seem to either have blistering heat or rain with cooler temps. A lot of rain in June. Normally my favorite month but this year it just couldn’t get going on the right track. I have great hopes for July. So far so good. Love your photos!
Just beautiful…
Thank you, Teresa…we think so too! 😀
Thank you for the pictures of your lovely neighborhood. I enjoy walking and the benefits. At the present time I am totally involved with the garden. Hand watering, fertilizing, etc.
I think I’ll do the Butte to Butte walk on the Fourth. Need to socialize.
Layla, I loved reading this post. Your writing is wonderful. I think you have such a gift. I would buy your book if you wrote one! Maybe some short stories …… 😀
Amanda, you are a day-maker and I appreciate your encouragement so much! 😀
My husband and I began walking daily when we were dating and have continued 47 years later. When the kids were babies, they went along in their strollers. When they got a little older they’d refer to them as “death marches”, and as teenagers it was back to just the two of us. But both of our kids walk or hike every day and appreciate the outdoors.
My husband has been asked by some newlyweds what the secret to a long and happy marriage is and he always replies, “Daily walks!”.
I love that advice! 😀 Thanks for sharing your story, Dawn!
Hi, I live in Ohio and the weather has been hot, hot, and even hotter also. Which is really bad for me because I usually like to go for a run in the morning.
Very pretty views for you and Kevin to enjoy.
Sorry to hear you haven’t been able to get out for your runs, Sue. Hoping you have a cooler spell soon!
I can barely go out to get the mail around here in mid-Missouri. So hot and humid, and rains just make it worse. I had a “heat incident” a long time ago, and as a result I can no longer tolerate heat. We have a decent neighborhood to walk, but no where near as pretty as you have! And we have one hill that challenges me more than I want! I’m hoping for cooler temps soon, so I can get out more.
Hang in there, Marianne. Pretty soon we’ll all be complaining that it’s too cold outside! 😀
Here in New Mexico we have dry heat. I like to go for a walk first thing before it gets too hot. We’ve been seeing 100+ for at least a week.
Wow! I started to sweat just reading “100+”. 😛
Our walk isn’t nearly as picturesque, but I do enjoy it! Generally, our temps run hover near or over 100. The humidity gets up there too. We have been blessed with some cooler temps that last few days! Upper 80’s to mid 90’s are SO refreshing after hitting those triple digits! We’ve even had a few thunderstorms rumble through despite July being our driest month of the year. God has certainly been smiling down on us these past few days. 🙂