We had a quite a few questions on our “Wonder Wall” post, so I thought I’d tackle them here today.
Removing the drywall from interior walls doesn’t change a thing.
As you could probably tell in the wonder wall video, there wasn’t any insulation in the walls to begin with, and the wood was nicely capped off at the ceiling…
…so it’s really not any different than if you added wood planks and 2×4 studs to the outside of a drywalled wall.
We did, however, remove the drywall from an exterior wall in our guest bedroom a couple years ago…
…but as you can see, the wood planks were directly underneath the drywall.
The insulation is behind the planks, and since our house is made of cinderblock- it’s pretty amazingly efficient throughout the entire year.
As for the ceilings, there’s insulation and plywood flooring in the attic, but we are going to add an additional layer of Radiant Barrier Foil Insulation up there soon- just so everything is really sealed up nice and tight.
Since our master bedroom was added on to the house in 2003, I’m sure there is insulation under the drywall in there.
What we were actually planning to do was add wood planks and 2×4 studs on top of the drywall.
That’s what I meant in my post the other day when I said “you could easily re-create the look by using nails, lumber and construction adhesive.”
Here’s an rough example of what I mean…
And here’s a great inspiration photo…
However, because I change my mind a lot, we may end up doing something completely different by the time it’s all said and done.
Right now, I’m just concentrating on pulling together all of the bedding elements.
Here’s a sneak peek at a couple of our accent pillows…
(I still need a 12×16 insert for the monogrammed one.)
You got it!
I want some of the frames to sit out a little further than the rest, to give the wall some additional dimension.
(And for the person who asked about where to purchase the frame risers- they’re on PotteryBarn.com!)
We love experimenting with new looks, so we just sorta went for it!
We could see the ends of the wood planks in the unfinished pantry, on the other side of the screen door, so we assumed they ran the length of that wall.
So glad they did!
We worried enough during the purchase process (nerve wracking!), and we still worry about how we’re going to pay for this place some months, so personalizing it so that it reflects who we are, and what we love, makes the things we do worry about a little easier to handle.
Our thought process is this: Life’s too short to not take risks.
If we’re gonna agree to pay a mortgage company over $100,000 for something, I’m gonna make sure that while this is our home, we’re surrounded by spaces that make us feel happy.
Know what I mean?
Besides, if we ever do decide to put it on the market, and potential buyers aren’t diggin’ the exposed wood, it’s all good in the hood. Drywall is around twenty bucks a sheet, and we’re definitely not opposed to slappin’ some back up there!
However, our house sits in a historic neighborhood in a quaint little town in Alabama, so I think most people know what they’re getting into when they check out homes for sale in our area.
I know, right?
His mama thinks so too.
He brought her flowers on Mother’s Day…
Pretty sweet for a rock n’ roller, eh?
The dining room “wonder wall” backs up to a wall in our guest bathroom.
From the day we moved in, we could see a faint outline of what looked like a doorway in the drywall on that wall in the bathroom.
When we resume working on the bathroom, we’ll take down the poorly-installed drywall and put some up that doesn’t have the outline of a doorway on it!
Sure thing, chicken wing!
But keep in mind, I’m not done decking it out, so I’ll have to re-post an updated pic when I’m done!
(Ha! I said, the “d” word. Yeah, right!)
I am making progress though.
I received my white-sailed, driftwood sailboat from White Flower Farmhouse today…
Megan, who makes them, even signed it for us!
(Thank you Megan!)
And I got the curtains I won on eBay too…
(Pottery Barn’s “Medici” pattern. Color: Bran)
So, the accessories are slowly but surely coming together.
I still need to decide on, and purchase, accent pillows.
(The ones in the photos are just temporary)
I’m leaning towards ochre or green as my accent color at the moment.
Maybe a little red to really liven things up!
And I still need to find two captains chairs to use at the head and foot of the table.
(The black ones you see in the photo are actually from our front porch.)
I would LOVE a couple of upholstered ones, like Mary Kay has in her dining room at Breeze Inn…
We shot that photo when we stayed at her place in April- and I actually blogged from the upholstered chair on the right.
Such good memories!
And speaking of Tybee Island, Georgia-
we’re heading for the coast to re-do the Mess Hall on June 7th, and we look forward to documenting all of our adventures here on the blog every day or two.
It’s going to be an exciting trip- so I hope you’ll tag along with us as we re-decorate that place from top to bottom.
Alright- I better skidaddle and get some work done!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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