“Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand, and make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself.”
-William Martin
I just love that quote. Especially that one line, “help them find the wonder and marvel of an ordinary life“. So good! Steevenson helps me notice it every day and I’m so thankful for the glimpse through his lens.
Lately, he “very likes” the trees whose leaves have turned red, and at night, he absolutely gasps whenever he sees Christmas lights on the outside of a house. I love that he always asks if “Mama very likes?” them too.
Tonight, I watched him get into his footed-pajamas, and when he was finished he whispered, “Go show Daddy?” with the sweetest smile on his face. I replied, “Sure, baby! Daddy is in our bedroom…you can go show him!”. He immediately took off down the hall and I sat there on the edge of his bed, just listening while his feet pitter-pattered over to our room. A couple moments later I heard Kevin gasp and say “Oh, buddy! I love your pajamas…you look so handsome!” and I could just picture Steevenson standing there in front of him…beaming…arms stick straight at his sides, chin down and eyes looking up… like he does when he wants you to see what he’s wearing, or that he got dressed all by himself. 🙂
Marvelous little ordinary moments. Too many to count, but so easy to miss if we don’t slow down and soak them in.
PS- I normally host my weekly LuLaRoe online pop-up sales on Sunday/Monday, but since Christmas is this weekend, I’m activating the site tonight instead. If you’re interested in checking out my inventory (the skirt pictured above is for sale!) just click on this link: https://www.roewith.me/s/zC4LcnAh8
You won’t be able to claim anything until the shop goes live at 5pm tonight, but feel free to preview my inventory there in the meantime! XO
Layla, How sweet! – the joy you and Kevin must be experiencing with Steevenson! Merry Christmas to you all!
It truly is the little things….enjoying, and embracing every single moment. I know you are! ❤
Thank-you for sharing such sweet thoughts, and moments Layla. They always add to my day.
That’s my favorite part of being a parent. Watching them discover things for the first time.
The magic of ordinary days! Merry Christmas Palmer family!
Marianne in Mo.
It truly is a joy to share in the discoveries of a child’s world. Nothing is ordinary, all is wonderous. I can remember spending about a half hour just watching ants go in and out of an ant hill, and discussing with my little one what they might be doing and “saying” to each other as they moved along.
Sharing in the little moments of each day is the best! Have a Super Special Christmas – I have no doubt it will be the best you’ve ever had!
I needed this quote today. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the “stuff” we moms/parents have to do to get ready for Christmas. I need to stop and watch the wonder in my son’s eyes. He’s turning 7 on New Years Eve and I can feel that magical time of innocence slipping away, so instead of grumbling that I need to move that elf again (why did we start it I wonder sometimes??), I need to remember the joy on his face when he finds that elf every morning and can’t wait to see what fun thing or note he has left. Or how he can notice the moon and just stare at it. We all need to strive to keep that wonder and joy of childhood – the ‘ordinary’ is so amazing to them and we can learn from that. Thank you for the reminder! Enjoy your first Christmas as a family of 3 🙂
Wow, beautiful post, Kim. AND congrats on doing that elf on the shelf thing. I’m older, and we didn’t have this years ago, when my son was little, THANK God. LOL! 😉 –gv p.s. Although the funny thing IS: I DID have that same elf, when I was a little kid in the 1960’s, but there was no “elf on the shelf” thing attached to it!
Magical Moments Indeed…embrace them all. Merry Christmas! 🙂
Vickie H.
The beauty of all this brought tears to my eyes. What a Christmas you are having at YOUR house!!! All be blessed!
Oh, how I love this post! I hope you and Kevin have the most wonderful Christmas ever with your boy! <3
A lovely reminder. And how wise of you to catch on to all those little moments. I know the longing and waiting have grown that wisdom and gratitude in you. Isn’t a longing fulfilled just the sweetest thing?? Pitter-patter of footed jamies in your very own hallway. Its just too wonderful to believe! My heart rejoices with you as a mama who waited and prayed for so long as well.
I needed this reminder today and your post spoke right to my heart. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
Maryjane from MB, Canada
I’m still hoping you guys are planning a Merry Christmas post like you have done a few times in years past. A few years ago it was you, Kevin, and baby shoes.
I am so excited for you guys and all that this Christmas will be for you.
Sending you hugs!
Merry Christmas!!!
Beth Q
I so love reading your posts about Stevenson…..enjoy this very special Christmas with your beautiful son…God bless you all.
Merry Christmas xo,
Beth Q
Claudia Phillips
What a wonderful post. You made me smile.
Lorraine Thomas
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & your family! How exciting this Christmas eve must be for all of you!!! 🙂