“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
―Mary Oliver
Steevenson’s laughter, aimed in my direction.
It sparkles like glitter tossed high in the air!
Are “mom ears” a thing? I swear I can hear colors now.
Tell me about something that made you marvel this week, friends. I look forward to reading!
What a lovely “visual!”
This happened a few months ago. My son and his family were eating dinner with us. My 8yo grand told her Dad she wanted to give her heart to Jesus. We were so excited. She sat in his lap and he talked to her and she repeated the sinners prayer after him. It was Feb 2. When she said amen, she looked up at her Dad and said , I gave my heart to Jesus on Groundhog Day. Priceless.
I marveled at my beautiful, beautiful peony bushes that are blooming. We moved into our house just over 1 year ago and I often thank the previous homeowners because they planted my favorites: lots of hydrangeas, peonies, hostas, lilac bushes and a great big willow tree! They are all mature and just lovely.
Each morning as I drive in to town I pass a field of mama horses standing watch over their still sleeping babies. It melts my heart!
Today I received a text containing a video of my 4 month old granddaughter’s first giggles. I have probably watched it 20 times. It’s impossible NOT to smile at the sound of a baby giggle. Priceless.
Mama duck waddled her way with five ducklings across my lawn today! Made me smile.
I’m lucky that on Mother’s day I received many flowers. I decided to give potted purple tulips to my elderly neighbor, but when she didnt answer, i left them on her porch. Finally, two days later, she must have found them. I smile when I think of her finding and enjoying the beauty they bring. She doesn’t know it was me! I kinda like it that way!
We are in the middle of a thunderstorm right now and I just ‘marveled’ at how loud that last thundercrack was…. shook the pictures on the wall!
I remember as a child I would lie in bed listening to thunder and imagine little elves in the sky bowling…. funny… I haven’t thought about that in years…..
I marveled at the sun coming up the other morning as I left for work at 6:30 a.m. It was peeking through the trees, and the forecasters were predicting that we would set a record high. I love the sun. You can see my post @pegallegretto. : )
Forgiveness! I marveled at one of my best friend’s graciousness and forgiveness. I am going through some tough and unavoidable personal circumstances and have to miss out on her wedding and it brought me to tears for days. But she was so understanding and supportive. I felt a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. How awesome is it that forgiveness is true medicine for your soul? If her forgiveness is so large, how big must God’s be? One of the best feelings is just to be loved despite our faults and errors and weaknesses. No matter what we are all still loved.
I love reading these beautiful reflections. It lifts me up and how wonderful to know we can do this for ourselves and each other. We spend so much time on what isn’t working. Thank you Layla for modeling a new way of being where we place our attention on what is good and true 🙂
Among the junk mail, and the bills, that came in the mail this week, I also got a newspaper clipping from an old family friend. He’s moved in with his grand daughter, and after being a life-long New Englander, became a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. He turned 100 years old in January! I love that he thought enough of me to send this clipping. He and his late wife were good friends of my late parents, and were neighbors in two states. He and his wife babysat for my sister when I was born almost 63 years ago. This surprise in the mail made my day…..no my week!