“Lately I’ve been replacing my “I’m sorry”s with “thank you”s, like instead of ‘sorry I’m late’, I’ll say ‘thanks for waiting for me‘, or instead of saying, ‘sorry for being such a mess‘, I’ll say ‘thank you for loving me and caring about me unconditionally‘.”
My friend Lucy posted that quote to her Instagram feed last night, and I just had to share it here for Thought-Full Thursday. What a neat perspective! Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for apologizing when I’ve done something wrong, but like Lucy said in her Insta-caption, doesn’t being intentional about adding the phrase ‘thank you for waiting for me’ feel so much more meaning-full and more respectful to a person who had been waiting on you? I dig it. 🙂
Happy Thursday!
PS- Remember those boots I mentioned yesterday? The ones that looked like this on the Super Shoes website:
…but then looked like this when they arrived on my doorstep (darker and curved at the top) …
…so I sent them back yesterday? (Note: the company has since agreed to refund the $18 I spent on shipping since they didn’t look like the ones in the picture- whew!)
Well, I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to check and see if they were on Amazon before I ordered them (Duh! I *always* use Amazon!!), but I thought to check yesterday and THEY ARE ON AMAZON!
AND they’re $30 less on Amazon!!! AND, as you can see, they’re pictured in the actual color on Amazon. Lesson learned. :-/ Stick with Amazon!
oh my dog, i absolutely LOVE using ‘thank you for loving me and caring about me unconditionally‘ instead of ‘sorry for being such a mess‘ and wahoo, life changing!! thanks!! xo
layla! perfect way to change our attitude and to bring positive vibes to our lives…i enjoy reading your blog…reading about your sweet family…this is the only blog that i read…thank you for being a light…
birthmothers never forget
Yes! AMAZON rocks! That is my other favorite “click happy” site. Click and done! 😉
Nope. I’m OLD SCHOOL, I guess. I wish younger people would think: People should absolutely voice: “I’M SORRY.” NOT saying: “Thanks for waiting on me!!! ” Because that is saying: “I’M the center, the center of attention, so thanks for waiting on ME.” I truly think people would prefer a simple, “SORRY I’M LATE, it’s MY fault” rather than some ‘cute’ thing, some “positive” sounding thing of including a “thanks” in there. THAT would annoy the hell out of me! –gv p.s. I’d love if someone would reply and give their opinion of my comment! Thanks. If no replies are given, then I guess I am wrong in my advice…
I kind of agree. I think if an “I’m sorry” is warranted, such as “sorry I kept you waiting” is appropriate. But apologizing for something you have no control over is not necessary. Yes, maybe an explanation, like ” there was an accident on the road that slowed traffic” would be out of your hands. No need to “make it nice” when the situation doesn’t call for it. I’m all for positivity, but if I’m a mess, I probably have a reason for it, and friends or loved ones would know that. And I would know they don’t care if I’m a mess!
*please see my reply to Gloria. 😉
I actually expected this kind of response from someone (because I can see it from your perspective too), so I’m ready with my reply. 😉 I repeat: I’m ALL for apologizing when I’ve done something wrong…BUT, I’ve been noticing that I say “sorry” a million times a day, even when it’s not even necessary. It’s just become a verbal habit, I guess. And again, I posted this because I like the idea of thanking folks more often, especially when I need to apologize first. To me, it was a friendly suggestion to be intentional about expressing gratitude, which would (in my opinion) make the world a better place. That’s all. 🙂
Got it! Maybe I read too much in to it. We do need more gratitude these days. And less criticizing if an opinion isn’t the same. I sincerely hope I didn’t offend, and if I did, I apologize.
No way, José! You didn’t offend and you *definitely* don’t need to say sorry- LOL! 😀 #SaidTheGirlWhoSaysSorryAMillionTimesADay
Why pick one or the other? If it’s my fault and I messed up I need to apologize but I think that recognizing the other person’s patience is just as important. I tend to over apologize and I know it annoys those who know me well because they have gently told me so, so I think that this is a wonderful way to respond and it doesn’t sound like it’s all about me when I am genuinely thankful for and acknowledging the gift of patience from others. I find that when I remember to use this approach most people respond very warmly and appreciate the acknowledgement.
Exacta-mundo! Like I said in my post, I love the idea of ADDING more thank yous to the world! 😀