“Art is a feeling of love and enthusiasm for something.”
– Brenda Euland
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Creativity is like a butterfly bursting from its cocoon. It can’t be contained and its meant to fly around and be seen. And even Van Gogh’s little notebook paper drawing was a work of art simply because of the way he loved the sky and the frail lamppost against it. He was moved so deeply by what he saw that he *had* to capture the image for keeps and share it with someone else.
I can relate and I love that. I’m guessing many of you do too! 🙂
Thank you Jesus for giving us your beautiful creation which we in our human limitation are able to grasp and create our own beautiful world also.
Thought of your family today. Haiti deserves our respect Our family made donations after the earthquake but you and your husband walked the walk. You are a blessing Thank you.
Sarah Plank
I just took my 9 year old daughter to see Loving Vincent last night. I left in tears. It was beautiful. And I was reminded that we all see the world differently and the art we share and love is a powerful tool to keep us all connected. I highly recommend seeing it. Especially if you love art and people 🙂
Wonderful! Thank you!
Joni Webb
I guess you took off comments for today but I never was one for following rules. Your family was the FIRST thing I thought of yesterday and I can not shake it off or forget it or move on. I DO watch the news 24/7 and trust me, it’s true. He is lying by saying he didn’t say it. He did. It’s been verified by too many people in the room. And he said it – not once or twice but many times. I’ve lived through a lot this year, but this one is just past the pale. I”m glad you commented it and you should know Layla, he is just wrong.
Martha N
I too came over to this post because I wanted to send some hugs your way. Intolerance, ignorance and hate are not okay, no matter what your rank. Peace and love to you and your sweet family.
Cassandra E
I’m going to reply here too, because we’re all wishing you well. I also, like Martha want to send peace and love to your family. I so appreciate you keeping it real on your post. I debated on whether or not to send a private email.
I would value some feedback from you or Martha or Joni though, since we’re all here. I’ve been struggling as a believer who reads these blogs, and remarkably, and by timing without your design, the quote above speaks to my struggle….I struggle with visiting my blogs on a daily basis, (I check bhome every day, and have followed along your whole adoption process.) I struggle with people having this platform and not speaking out. But I realize it’s tough. I realize also that when people do, a lot of other things come up. I remember another blogger speaking out about something, I can’t remember what exactly, but most of her readers’ responses were so judgmental (not toward her) that I quit reading her blog entirely. So, I know since this is your livelihood, you’re making really tough decisions any time you tackle something controversial. I don’t have any answers. I am certainly not judging, because I really don’t have the answers. I was just hoping maybe a friendly discussion would evolve here that would help me process all of this. Oh, and tying back into the post, I realize this blog is about sharing creativity and beauty, so maybe the Van Gogh illustration tells me everything I need to know. Interesting to me how you shared that before all this happened….very interesting. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Much love and prayers for your beautiful family.
stacey avelar
I see I’m not the only one who thought of you after yesterday’s remarks. I am just so tired of the ugly. We are meant to lift each other up. I’m just seeing so many who are justifying hatred and making excuses for this person who does not deserve or honor his high office..God did not make the United States, he made the world and everyone in it. We need to remember that. And Sonny is precious.
Hey Layla,
I LOVED this quote and I sent it to a friend who is learning to cultivate her love of creating beautiful things.
Also, I noticed (for obvious reasons) you don’t have a comment section for the post about your broken heart over the recent news headlines about your sweet little man’s birth country. I want you to know that following your journey of adoption often brought tears to my eyes, and I am beyond thrilled that Sonny is an American now. His rich heritage is a blessing to our country, and I am so glad that you shared how those comments affected your family. Sometimes politics are cold and far removed, so it was a powerful reminder to me that those words hurt. They hurt people. They hurt families. They hurt children. I am so sad for you, but I am in 100% agreement that there is a God who created and loves each one of us.
Hugs to you!!