A sweet gal named Ronda asked a great question in the comment section of Monday’s post, so I thought I’d do a follow-up post about it today. She asked: ” If you wanted to adopt again, since you have been through all the steps once, do they have a shortened version for 2nd adoptions? I hope so.”
I’m not aware of a “shortened version”, but I do think each of the steps required in an (international) adoption process would need to be completed again in order for the next adoption to be legal. (I’m not sure if we’ll be Called to adopt again, but we’re certainly all ears if God has anything to say about that in the future!) 😀
I feel like I should also blog a bit about a couple of reasons why our process has been so lengthy, so here’s a bit about that:
It’s important to note that one of the reasons our particular timeline has taken a little longer is because God led us to the Haiti program four months into our home study. A home study typically takes 3-4 months to complete, but when we switched from Lifeline’s China program to their Haiti program at the end of month #4, we were required to complete additional paperwork and take additional (Haiti specific) education courses. It lengthened our home study by two full months, making it six months long, total.
The other reason our timeline has been longer than the average Haitian adoption timeline is because one year into our process, Haiti began transitioning to a new (and improved) adoption system with the Hague Convention. (The Hague Convention establishes safeguards that protect the children being adopted.) Because that involved so much restructuring, we, and lots of other families, had a one-year “pause” in the middle of our process. (Many other families experienced this pause in 2014, too) If we applied to adopt from Haiti again in the future we wouldn’t have that kind of pause, but this time, that meant a lot of things happened in 2013, and then 2014 was pretty quiet. Here’s a screenshot of what those two years looked like, step-wise:
Big difference, huh? (If you want to see the full-size lists, you can always find them here: Adoption Timeline)
Things picked back up at the beginning of 2015. We met our son for the first time at the end of February, and had our first court appointment at the U.S. Embassy in Haiti at the beginning of March. We visited Sweet P again at the end of June, and we were officially matched with him in late September. Our paperwork entered Parquet Court in October, and we visited our babe for his 4th birthday at the end of November. Our in-country rep is filling out an application to request our Adoption Decree this week, and our babe will legally be our son once we receive it! It really has been a very exciting year!
We don’t have too many more steps to complete once we get our Adoption Decree. Here is a screenshot of what’s up ahead:
Sometimes I look at that last line and try to imagine what date I’ll eventually type in there. 🙂 There’s really no way to know right now, but for some reason my mind keeps going to May and June. Won’t be long ’til we know for sure! XO
PS- If you have more questions about the Haitian adoption process, you can jump over to my frequently asked questions page here: Adoption FAQs
Deidre Clarke
I have been following your story for a while now. Bravo for all your tolerance. Must say though that making the process three to four years long seems like a deliberate attempt to discourage adoption.
Hi Deidre,
I just updated my post to include a bit about why things can take so much longer. I’m hoping with the implementation of Hague, things will move more efficiently for future families. XO
Deirdre, I don’t think they (the government) meant to make it 3-4 years long, it was an unfortunate result of switching to a new system in the middle of their process that caused the delay in 2014 for Layla & Kevin. At least that’s what I got from this post 🙂
That’s correct, Kristi! 🙂 So fun seeing your name pop up here today! XO
So so excited to hear of the progress! Still praying for it all to happen sooner rather than later and for all to go smoothly. Looking forward to “seeing” your Sweet P.
I think all of the people who have come to like and admire you and Kevin for your adoption journey will be filled with joy when Sweet Pea comes home to Alabama to live with his new family! Love hearing about your faith journey.
That will indeed be a joyful day!
When filling out the US form for adopting, there used to be asnd I assume still is to check if you want to adopt again within a certain timeframe. That helps on the paperwork side and you don’t have to pay that fee again. It made a differnece when we adopted our second child from China. Happy to see yours is moving along.
OH Layla, I have been praying for you and Kevin and Sweet P. I hope you get him home and in your arms soon. Love and prayers to you all.
Bridgett Junkin
My nephew and his wife are now into their 4th year. We were hoping Rowen would be here for Christmas but then their case worker was robbed at knife point and had all her credentials stolen. She was not injured but it took awhile for her to get her credentials back. Now that the country is in elections it has slowed down some more. As they have said many times Haiti time is not the same as ours. We still are praying daily. I look forward to the day I get to welcome my great nephew home. And his 3 brothers are looking forward to meeting their big brother. I love your positive attitude. Like you, we know that this is God’s will. We have already seen His hand move through this. My nephew is now working for Help One Now supporting orphanages in Haiti, Peru, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and South Africa.
Thank you for commenting and sharing a little of your family’s adoption story here today, Bridgett. I am so sorry to hear that their caseworker had to go through that AWFUL experience. 🙁 I was relieved to read that she wasn’t injured. And you’re absolutely right, the outcome of their Presidential election could slow things down too. We are praying fervently for the folks who live, work, and attend school at Three Angel’s Children Relief. They are about two blocks away from the main road where lots of the “manifestations” have been occurring. So thankful God is there to comfort and protect them as this all plays out.
I have been following your adoption story.. You are a true inspiration!! You have such a positive outlook and attitude.. I truly hope sweet P will be home with you guys for good soon .
All the best and happy holidays!!!
andrea @ my kinda perfect
I have loved reading through this process and look forward to hearing more through the tail end of your journey until he comes HOME! =) I am an adopted kid, so it warms my heart how much you LOVE your son having only interacted with him on three visits. It’s such a beautiful story!
May? June? My heart just breaks as it just seems so long. You are a strong woman – being a mom requires a strong heart and mind and you seem to got that part of it down. The rest is easy peasy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I can’t wait to see your “Gotcha Day” pics.
Thank you, Annette. 🙂 And May/June actually sounds SO soon to us because we had previously thought homecoming would happen in Fall of 2016. I’m excited about the possibility of him being here for Summer! #SwimmingLessonsAnyone? 😉
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us and taking the time to explain things. It would be easy to get caught up along the way in the amount of time spent on all the necessary paperwork etc. I admire your love & patience. God is right-you will make wonderful parents!
Marianne in Mo.
Even though this journey is a long one, I think it’s important to note that it is all for the good of the children. I think we would be outraged if they just “handed over” these children, who have already been through a lot, to just anyone who asked. While it seems so long, you will have a lifetime of joy in the end! Hang in there Layla and Kevin, God will provide you with all you need!
Amen, Sister! It’s really just a blip in the grand scheme of things, and we are so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves and leads us like He does!
So happy and excited for you both. God will hurry this up for you. I just know it. Not long now!! Is his room already? School?? Pediatrician?? Lots to do … Get crackin.. Maggie
You are such a joy. Thank you for sharing from your heart and design talent on your blog. My husband and I have just started the adoption process after years of prayer and waiting on God’s timing. We are in our early 40’s and finally have peace to move forward into parenting little people, not just caring for fur babies. Prayers of many blessings on your Sweet P, and your beautiful family! Looking forward to reading more of your story, and getting more awesome design tips!
In Christ,
Man, you are one steel magnolia. Every time I see your timeline, I marvel at your strength.
On a different note… A LONG time ago (before adoption), you blogged about a woman who had moved into a house nearby. This was in your old city, as I recall. She fell in love with a fixer-upper and it still needed a lot of work. But, the exterior was to die for! I am looking into building my own home now and I wonder can you point me to that old post? I would love to see those photos again…
Prayers for a May “gotcha” date
Since the process from now is getting him into the US, is one or both of you going to be based in Haiti with him for that time? Would you be allowed to, since he’ll be legally your child as far as Haiti is concerned?
Merry Christmas, Annie! 🙂
We aren’t able to relocate to Haiti, but yes, that is an option for folks who are able to do so!
My niece is currently in Haiti on a medical mission trip. She is a nurse. It fills my heart with JOY to know that she is there helping and experiencing life through so very many angles.
Bless you for providing a forever home for your Sweet Pea! I am sure your Sweet Pea fills your heart with JOY as well. GOD is good!