We made a trip down to Troy, Alabama to have lunch with our friends Shaunna and Matt on Friday, and after we got done chowin’ down, we got to see how things were coming along in their dining room. This is a photo of the room before they started switchin’ things around…
I had some fun creating an inspiration drawing for them a couple months back…
…and, much to my surprise and delight, they’ve been busy little bees putting the plan into action! Check it out- here’s a sneak peek of one of the bookcases Matt built around the windows…
And here’s a sneak peek at the inexpensive wood panelling they attached to the wall to the left of the bookcase…
(They were also busy preparing for their daughter Ava’s 2nd birthday party’s that day!)
I’d love to show you more photos of the room, but it’s not quiiiiite done yet. Among other little odds and ends, they’ve still got a dining room table to build and a window seat cushion to upholster. I can. not wait. to see it when it’s all put together!
And speaking of room redos, Kev and I leave for Denver this week (yay!) to meet up with the folks at High Noon Entertainment. We’re gettin’ together to go over the details of our upcoming pilot shoot, and we’re looking forward to crashin’ at The Pioneer Woman’s pad on the way back to ‘Bama…
We hope to stop by and photograph her friend Hyacinth’s newly-finished living room too…
Me, Holly and Melissa worked with her on it last year, and I’m anxious to see how it all came together live and in person!
Click the badge above to read more about that redo adventure!
Ree’s redecorating a room over at her house right now called the Long Room…
I told her I’d love to see what’s goin’ on in there. Looks like a whole buncha fun waiting to happen! Hmmmm…my presto change-o finger is starting to twitch again….
We look forward to blogging and vlogging about the whole shebang along the way. Wish us luck…it’s going to be a loooong drive!
PS- Are you buying a house in the near future? Is it in Alabama? Drop us a line at LaylaPalmer (at) aol (dot) com if you are and it is!
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Oh my gosh!!! YOUR the Layla that helped with Melissa on Hycynths living room. I’m a friend of Melissa’s and I did not put that together that that was you. So cool!!! You guys did an amazing job on it!
God bless!
WOW! So jealous that you get to stay at PW’s! I dream of cooking with her and decorating with you!! I am only about an hour from her area of the prairie. The tall grass prairie is a beautiful place. You will see lots of cattle, buffalo, and pretty wildflowers 🙂 Be prepared to be HOT! We’ve been under a massive heat wave for days with no end in sight.
Have a safe and fabulous trip!
in the room with the flowers hanging from the ceiling, for ava’s birthday part… were those hand made or can you purchase them? i’ve been looking for those everywhere… thank you!
I love seeing this update! I am in the midst of painting our beach cottage’s wood paneling and it is great fun to see how well their’s tunred out! Thanks for the update!!
I live in Denver and if there is one restaurant you should make a point to check out while you are in town, it’s Snooze for brunch! Park Burger is our favorite burger spot in town. Hope you enjoy your time in Denver!
I made my own trip to Troy, AL this week and saw Shaunna’s dining room in progress. It is looking wonderful! They are such a charming family….I just adore her! Lisa~
So many great things happening for you. Very exciting! Can’t wait to see you and Kev on TV!
Hey Lady…so funny! I had a dream about you guys and your new show! In my dream, it was a hit! I *do* think I may be clarivoyant!! 😉 Let’s hope so anyway, shall we??
You and your sweetie have some great ideas and are just adorable. By the way I think we should be friends! I live in Bama too :).
Hi Layla! I just recently found your site by visiting Sarah’s A Beach Cottage…,love that site and am soo glad thru hers I found yours. I love your decorating taste and style and am so impressed with the life you get to live. Must be a blast. I’ll be back soon. BTW we’re in Mississippi about 15 miles from the coast and just built a home about 2 years ago kinda 40’s lookin farmhouse/beachhouse? We were on the coast when Katrina hit and got 4 ft of water in that home so had to start from scratch with furnishing this one. What we have was either yardsale finds, which I just so happen to LOVE, thrift store bargains, also sucker for, or were gifted to us. I know what I like when I see it (I have an attic full) just have trouble pulling things together which is why I have been lurking around blogs like yours… for inspiration and girl your designs are definitly inspiring. So now… I’m off. You’ve made me want to go thrifting . Later. Take care and have fun
LOVE the green and blue pillow!!! Where did you find it??
Hi! I live close to Troy, Alabama!! I love the dining room! May I ask the photographer that took the little boy’s picture on the wall?