Yesterday, not only did he paint the newly-uncovered wood ceiling the prettiest pale shade of gray/blue, he also added some wood in the door opening we discovered the other night…
And today, he primed the whole wall with Kilz…
Tomorrow, it’ll get a couple of coats of “Crisp and Clean” by Dutchboy.
(Available at Walmart.)
I cannot tell you how excited I am about the decorating opportunities uncovering this wall has created!
(Can you imagine the possibilities at Christmastime! AAAAAHHHH! ELATION OVERLOAD!)
Since each “nook” on the wall is a different size, I’m going to use all different sized items in them.
One of which will probably be this strip of vintage black and white beach photos I had my friend, Danny, frame for me this week…
I got the photos from Mary Kay Andrews booth at “Seaside Sisters” on Tybee Island, Georgia.
Look at this little doll!
That’s a heck of a beach bucket she’s luggin’ around, eh?
Here’s one of the kids, hangin’ out with Dad…
Notice how few houses there are on the beach.
And here’s one of the kids, all packed up and ready to go…
And finally, one of them all piled in their super cool car…
I’m so happy the photos haven’t ever been pulled apart from each other, and that they’re all in such great shape.
I mean, they’re like….fifty three years old!
Holy “Handled with Care” Batman!
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