Well, thanks to a product called “Simple Grout”, Kevin finished grouting the tile in our guest bathroom lickety split today. I’ll go into more detail tomorrow, but basically you just smear it on and wipe it off. Easy, breezy, beautiful! As it dries, we thought we’d invite my Mom to write a guest post today! 🙂
She’s the first person I ever loved. She is my role model. She is my biological and emotional road map, and I am so blessed to be an extension of her self.
“Lighting The Lettered Cottage”
While house sitting for my kids last weekend, I took a walk around their property to check out the woods and listen to the church bells ringing just beyond them. During my stroll, I spied an extension ladder in their neighbors backyard. It triggered an ambitious plan to hang white icicle lights along the roof line of their beloved Lettered Cottage. Unfortunately, soon after I devised my plan of attack, it started to rain.
So much for my surprise!
Retreating indoors, I couldn’t help noticing how the small, recessed spotlight above the fireplace lit up the sunburst mirror below just like the missing sun!
It made me realize how a simple lighting feature could brighten even the dreariest of days.
Kevin and Layla always seem to instinctively use lighting in so many wonderful, functional ways. Their attention to these types of details especially impresses me, because I’m all about COMFORT and PURPOSE.
As I walked toward the guest bedroom I stopped to enjoy the intimate, lamp-lit corner in their hallway…
It was not only a reason to pause and survey their tiny, tabletop treasures (and my rained-on hairdo in the mirror)…
…but it also led me safely through the house.
I experienced another special moment early one morning, before I even got out of bed. I was snugly sandwiched between their two pampered pets, Monkey (a.k.a “Bean”) and Maximus. It was still pitch black in the room, but because there was a table lamp within arms reach, I was instantly able to see without having to leave the comfort of my covers!
Intrigued by their obvious love of lighting, I had my own private Q&A session with Layla the next day when they got home from their trip to VA Beach. I asked her how I could get better reading light from a short table lamp in our living room. And although she was completely exhausted, she immediately sprung into action at the very mention of a design dilemma.
She showed me how I could get the maximum amount of light to spill out from under the lampshade by elevating the lamp on top of a taller side table.
(What a great excuse to go shopping at my favorite flea market!)
Don’t you just love learning from your kids?
I’ll leave you now with a peek into Kevin’s latest lighting venture. It involves creating ambiance with a remote-controlled light switch. I can’t wait to learn more about this one!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Jude (a.k.a. Layla’s Mom)
(Photos 2-9 were taken by Amanda Sowards for the Montgomery Advertiser)
Jessica @ Nucheys MOmmy
I just came across this post from the picture of your mantle that someone had pinned on pinterest so I clicked & it brought me to this post 🙂 How sweet for your mom to do a tour 🙂