“There was a mood of magic and frenzy to the room. Crystalline swirls of sugar and flour still lingered in the air like kite tails. And then there was the smell-the smell of hope, the kind of smell that brought people home.”
-Sarah Addison Allen
Yesterday was a toughie. Sweet P started school (again) and it marked six months since we’ve been home from our socialization trip back in February/March. And the mega-kicker? Our babe’s paperwork is still in the same spot it was the last time I blogged about it on June 30th. :-/ All that to say, September 7th wasn’t my best day. #UglyCryinInDaHouse
Luckily, I’ve got Jesus and leftover Chocolate Italian Love Cake. I know know know God’s got this, and that Sweet P will come home, but man are some days hard. That cake on the other hand: easy peasy! It’s so moist and the Cool Whip “frosting” keeps it from tasting too rich. And the ricotta cheese/eggs/vanilla extract/sugar layer that you pour on top of the chocolate cake layer before you bake it that somehow ends up on the bottom when you pull it out of the oven? Mind blowing for this novice baker.
Off to pray and eat a piece…or two. 😉
your faith is amazing. I can’t wait to see your sweet family together again on your blog.
Thanks for the recipe of an amazing sounding/looking cake!! I can’t wait to make it! More importantly though, I’m sorry to hear how challenging your journey is some days. As a mother and grandmother, it’s difficult to imagine the faith, patience, and strength you and and other adoptive parents must summon in order to keep perspective and hope. Although I only know you through your wonderful blog, you’ve inspired me to pray for your family, orphaned children, and forever families daily. May you and your Sweet P. receive all God’s blessings today and always. Take care.
I love that quote ~ it comes from such a great book that is filled with hopes, dreams, pain, grudges, optimism and love. All feelings I’m certain your are experiencing. Enjoy that cake ~ looks delicious by the way ~ and God’s timing is not always our timing, but Sweet P will be in your arms and your home exactly when he is suppose to be.
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord
Prayers for you and your family!
Lately I have had many cynical thoughts about this process, so have appreciated your recent posts as far as testimonials about the agency and your great faith that it is all unfolding as it should.
I appreciate today’s as well–your acknowledgement that your faith does not preclude pain, but allows you to bear it and continue on.
I hold you all in my prayers, my thoughts, my heart.
As I waited on our precious China doll to arrive, I listened over and over to the Jim Brickman song “By Heart”. It seemed to help me deal with the forever wait to our forever daughter. Keeping your family in my prayers!
{{{{ HUGS }}}}
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” My most favorite verse and one that always gets me through the dark times. Praying for you…your faith and strength is uplifting (along with that great chocolate cake recipe!). My hubby did some world relief work in Haiti last year…your little guy is one lucky boy. Think abundant sunshine and promises. You take care.
And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.
– Isaiah 30:21
As God has not left himself without witness, so he has not left us without guides to show us our way. The seasonableness of this word: It shall come when you turn to the right hand or to the left. We are very apt to miss our way; there are turnings on both hands, and those so tracked and seemingly straight that they may easily be mistaken for the right way. There are right-hand and left-hand errors, extremes on each side virtue; the tempter is busy courting us into the by-paths. It is happy then if by the particular counsels of a faithful minister or friend, or the checks of conscience and the strivings of God’s Spirit, we be set right and prevented from going wrong. The success of this word: “It shall not only be spoken, but thy ears shall hear it; whereas God has formerly spoken once, yea, twice, and thou hast not perceived it (Job 33:14), now thou shalt listen attentively to these secret whispers, and hear them with an obedient ear.” If God gives us not only the word, but the hearing ear, not only the means of grace, but a heart to make a good use of those means, we have reason to say, He is very gracious to us, and reason to hope he has yet further mercy in store for us.
Today when enter into prayer for your child I too pray that you hear the voice of God. That your heart is comforted with wisdom and understanding for this season of waiting that you are in. You will hear the voice of God and he will direct your ways and comfort your heart along the path.
I can’t begin to imagine how hard these days are for you. Praying right now that your paperwork advances and you will soon get that sweet boy home. Hugs for you – prayers too!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight
Proverbs 3:5&6
I hope you have a better day today’. I empathize with your pain and the waiting, I’ll be keeping you and yours in my prayers. Keep on praying and don’t lose sight, God feels your sorrow too! He is there for you, keeping reminding yourself to say, “I trust you Jesus” when you feel weak and far away. Xxoo
Praying with you!
I think of you, Kevin and Sweet P often. I can only imagine how this wait must feel, and not knowing when you’ll move to the next step on this journey has to be incredibly hard. I’m so looking forward {along with so many others} to the day when you announce that’s he’s home! 🙂 Sending hugs and prayers to all of you.
Some days are meant for ugly crying. And then we move on.
I will add that for some reason I read that as a cake called “Jesus and Chocolate Italian Love Cake.” Who couldn’t love a cake named “Jesus and Chocolate?”
Hang in there dear girl . . . .I know you are . . . . can’t imagine how hard it is seeing everyones back to school pictures and feeling like no progress is being made . . . . but we both know HE’S got this . . . . sending you lots of strength, LOVE, and laughter! XOXOXO
You are right.. Gods got this.. He won’t let you both down..
No words…just prayers.
One day in the not too distant future, you will have Sweet P forever in your arms. And then one day, you will not be able to remember life before Sweet P came home to you and Kevin. And also one day, Sweet P will not be able to remember life before he came home to you.
My husband told me before we married, that one day I would not be able to remember life before him. Being 54 years old at the time, I thought my future husband was crazy! Well, at some point he was right, and after being married to him for more than 6 years now, I really have a hard time remembering life before him. I guess he was right!
So, before much longer, you will have Sweet P and you won’t remember life without him. I believe that with all my heart. God has a fabulous plan your family! Your friend in Nashville, Susan H
Sorry. Sometimes we just hit a wall. May God strengthen you in ways that has no other explanation other than it must be from God. God Bless You, Layla.
sending love and strength to you.
Praying with you during this time of wait. I can’t wait to see you reunited.
I think that every time you experience this pain of the wait, it just makes that love for Sweet P. deeper. God is firming your love and making it as strong as possible, so you will be able to take on the best and hardest job you will ever have – raising a child! You will need strength and lots of patience thru the years! Think of this as your Braxton-Hicks moments, if that helps! 😉
Praying for all, but especially you. NOW GO EAT MORE CAKE!
The cake looks wonderful and I can’t wait to try it! It won’t be long
and you will have a precious little one asking you to bake this for him!
Keep Knowing That God In Control and singing, Jesus Loves
Me This I know!
In Christ Love, Janet
The wait must seem like an eternity. Lessons are always learned in times like these. Keeping you all in my prayers.
Let your steadfast love comfort me
according to your promise to your servant.
(Psalm 119:76 ESV)
I love all the comments, but mostly the prayer warriors who speak His Word to lift the weary heart and soul.
I have had so many of those “ugly crying days” with some very big mountains in the near future for us..and yet ..Thou O Lord, are a shield about me, You are my Glory and the Lifter of my Head.”
This will be part of the story you tell Sweet P, and as one reader mentioned, we only know you through your blog, yet we are so very tender hearted to you, and we get to lift you up through this season of waiting..
We who are mothers know that these are the times that God is the only One, who can do more than we can hope or imagine.
May His comfort spread His wings over you and Kevin….
What ever in the world would we do without Jesus in our lives? On our best days… on our not so wonderful days. Hang in there, hang on. Keep going.
The cake looks wonderful and looks like it would travel well making it a good one to bring to work.
The cake looks so good. The past week was a rough one around here and Jesus and chocolate definitely helped me survive : ) You know I will be praying continued prayers as the waiting winds down.
I just made this love cake but my layers didn’t switch. I was shocked when I pulled it out of the oven!! The ricotta layer is on top. We’ll still eat as is but I wonder if anyone else’s recipe did this! I had to make the cake with a gluten free cake mix and also made my own pudding because of the instant kind not being good for our 1 year old due to the ingredients being manufactured in a plant with tree nuts. crazy, right? Well, I learned how to prepare real pudding! So I’ll be whipping real cream and adding the cooled pudding tomorrow morning and we’ll see how she tastes!!
I am blown away by your faith. I know that when this is done and he is home, the joy that you will have will be unimaginable. But the waiting is so hard!!! Can wait to witness that great reunion:)