Today’s DIY project started with an antique doorknob set, an old sewing machine drawer…
…and three faux herb plants I picked up at Joann Fabrics when I noticed they were marked 70% off a couple of months ago:
I’ve been thinking about using something long and slender down the center of our (narrow) dining room table, and the scale of the drawer was just perfect for the kind of centerpiece I had in mind. 🙂
First, Kevin took apart the doorknob set, then he used a 3/8″ drill bit to create a hole in each end of the drawer. After that, he secured each doorknob into each end using an inch-long 5/16″ hex bolt and our ReadyWrench:
That wrench has really come in handy because you can use the tip of it to screw things in:
(Not a sponsored endorsement- just a really terrific tool!) 🙂
Kit-Cat seems to want to chew on any live plants/flowers I put on the table, so I figured we’d go faux in this spot for while.
My friend Suzanne suggested that if I wanted to change it up later on, I could also hang the drawer flat against a wall if I attached a piece of rope from one doorknob to the other.
Lots of fun possibilities with this project! 😀
Very cute! I love anything cute and cheap! Hey Layla, I know you do presto chango’s but I don’t have a whole room but rather a dresser that needs something done to it but I just don’t know what. Can I submit this to you via email?
Sure! I’d love to take a look-see, Carrie-Lee! 😀
I noticed this on your Instagram earlier with the yummy Chick-fil-a box and thought how cute it was! Glad you shared!
Is there an email address I can send my presto chango dresser to? I tried to just contact you and copy and paste the photo but it wouldn’t work. Is there an email address?
So cute! This is inspiring me to find something to make to put on my dining room table. It needs something desperately!
This is super cute! Great way to freshen up a room.
Maggie A
This is soooo ADORABLE! Not surprising . . . . Lol
How is Kevin’s Mom doing????
This is my kind of DIY project…love those 70% off plants.
This turned out so cute and as luck would have it I just happen to have an old sewing machine drawer out in our shop. Hmm, wonder what I should do with it? : )
Just my type of plant. Actually noticed them in your Instagram pic earlier and wondered what they were. Guess I’m gonna have to make a stop at Joanne’s Fabrics. Great idea.
I adore this! How creative & rustic/chic!!
Love the little drawer idea! One day, I hope to see Sweet P’s matchbox cars in there. It would be a darling car garage too. LOL. Hey, I had a little boy once!!!
The real reason I wanted to leave a comment is to inquire on how Ms. Katie is getting along???? Has she been being a GOOD patient?
Thanks for the inspiration. I have a couple of old desk drawers that I can use for something like this. You have my creative juices flowing!
I use my old sewing drawer for all kinds if things. It is great filled with a cloth napkin and rolls, crackers or silverware for a buffet line. Even a row of empty chili jars with a single flower in each is pretty in it. You will find lots of uses for your new find.
Pretty! I like the long rectangle look. My cats used to chew up every plant I brought in, but they’ve gotten much better as they get older. I used to spray them with water, but I’m not sure that’s what fixed the issue. I think they just figured out it didn’t taste good. I don’t know. Anyway, there is still hope for your cat and your prospective plants. 🙂
How cute and clever. I have a wooden box and some knobs, guess I better get to work. Thanks for such a great project. Love your blog and your show on The Design Network.
Love this idea! I’ve always loved using vintage drawers in my decor. Thanks for the inspiration!
loving the idea of using it flat against a wall, as a shelf type thing. LOVE!
I’ve used kitchen drawers and doors for projects but I don’t think this would’ve crossed my mind, what a great idea & I love the looks of it. Whenever I find them, I buy old door knobs, so many good uses for them & you found another one.
Cute idea! My problem is that my own “Kit-Cat” eats any real or faux plants! Seriously, he even chews the fake stuff. I miss having flowers and plants in my house. 🙁
Cute project! Thanks for sharing.
LOVE this and I already have a drawer exactly like yours that stands on end with a tall pillar candle inside . . . Going to change that RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Love this! That is the greatest looking drawer! Now to go find one. 🙂
Oh! I just bought some knobs the past week, because they were too cute to leave behing (they have ampersands printed on, that justifies it, right?!) and a cenerpiece like this one may be the perfect to spot to highlight these two knobs! Love it!
Love, Midsommarflicka
Layla, I’m really intrigued by that wrench. Can you please tell me what kind it is, or give me a link to it? I’d like to get one!
P.S. Love your centerpiece!!
This is absolutely precious! What a fantastic idea. Love it!
That is adorable. These would even fit on my thin window ledge.
Thank you,