“Time has a wonderful way of
showing us what really matters.”
– Margaret Peters
Several years ago, my Mom and I rented a pedal boat from a vendor on Catalina Island. She, Kevin and I were there for an art festival I had been accepted into, but I sold all my paintings within the first few hours of the 2-day show, so a relaxing ride sounded like a great way to fill some (very unexpected) extra time that afternoon. The boat was only built for two, so Kevin found a seat on the pier as Mom and I pedaled out past the end of it.
Now, I don’t know if you can tell by looking at the photo above, but that’s where our Catalina adventure really began. The boats out there had motors- not pedals. And where there are bigger boats, there are bigger waves. It was hilarious/horrifying, and we burned many a calorie dodging yachts together that day. “Relaxing ride”- ha! 😀
Our adoption agency has invited us to put together a photo book for the little one we’ll *hopefully* be officially matched with this year. If we’re able to go on the group trip, we’ll bring it with us and share it with Sweet P in person in a few weeks. If not, we can send it with one of the other couples that is scheduled to go. 🙂
I’m going to start assembling it this week, but I have another idea for an additional book, too. The second one will take a little longer to make, but it’ll be a fun way to fill some of the wait. I’m thinking it’ll look (and read) more like a childrens book. It’ll be a story about us, and our wish to become an “us-plus“. I’m thinking Kevin and I will act out the story in front of a white background, and then maybe Kevin’s dad (who is a cartoonist) can illustrate each scene on the white space around us. (Dad Palmer: would you be up for this?) 😀 My friend, Ashley (Under the Sycamore), just blogged about the beautiful photo books she creates through Blurb, so I think I’ll do a little snooping around on their site to see if they can print something like this for us.
My mom gave me the bracelet holder for Christmas. “It’s just a thick cardboard tube, thin padding, a piece of fabric, an old candle holder, and a few corks“, she explained as I pulled it out of the box.
She said it was “just something silly“, and that it would “probably fall apart by the time I got back home“. Lucky for her, I’m a total sucker for something-sillies, and lucky for me, it made the trip from Pensacola to Pike Road in one precious piece. 🙂
She researched DIY holders, and shopped for vintage brass. She gathered up fabric and corks. She filled her time for me. I don’t think I fully appreciated that about her when I was younger, but something clicked on Catalina, and I feel more and more thankful for (and inspired by) her creative spirit every year. Time really does have a wonderful way of showing us what really matters, doesn’t it? Off to gather up some goodies for my little one…
Mary | Lemon Grove Blog
Your Mom’s got vision (love the vintage brass holder, gorgeous!). Now I know where you got some of your creative juice from 🙂
That is precious. I love a mom that can DIY! Yes, her time is precious and she loves you just like you already love that little one! I’m a fan of the cuff holder and a couple of those cuffs, as well! xo
jude - mom
Thank YOU : )
Donna Doble-Brown
Layla, what a wonderful idea! We’ll I can see the apple didn’t fall far from the tree as they say . . . . So excited for your “us-plus” journey to begin . . .. Can’t wait to see the picture book and what you come up with! Take good care . . . .
Layla; What a special post. I, too, have a Mom that makes things for us and they are always the most special gifts. That said, the best gift is the time that we have with our parents and how it changes as we grow and change. While they become more “friend” as we age, there is that level of respect that I will always have for them as my Mom and Dad. You and Kevin are going to be wonderful parents; your child is blessed to have you two as parents! Cindy
Sam @ The Junk House
My mom and I went to Catalina Island a few years ago! I got SO seasick on the ferry over (that was no fun). Luckily it passed and we were able to go parasailing just outside of the cove in your picture. We were nervous to go, but I’m so glad we did because it was amazing and such a fun experience. I’m glad you have such great memories of Catalina Island with your mom as I do!
Anyway, I’m so excited for you guys about the adoption! I’ve used Mixbook and My Publisher to make photobooks and always have been happy with the quality.
Kar in Colorado
This is just the inspiration I’ve been looking for – I suddenly have a nice collection of bracelets and cuffs and they need a home like this. Thank you! (Also – that set on the right: the aqua chunky beads, the white and clear beads, and the yellow stretchy bracelet – jumped right into my basket from the clearance rack recently and I wear them all. the. time!)
hello haha harf
i appreciate homemade so much more now that i am an adult. it fills my heart to know that someone took the time to envision, gather, and assemble just for me. love it!
your bracelet holder is lovely.
hello haha harf
p.s. kevin is such a gentleman. how wonderful that he gave you that gift of time with your momma for the adventure.
Beautiful! My mom always told me her favorite gifts are handmade gifts. When I was little I never really understood that but as I got older I couldn’t agree more. When my kids or husband make something for me it means so much more then just a store bought item.
Your mom did great on this and I think I may have to steal her idea 😉
emma @{from my little pink couch}
absolutely love your observation about your mama … that she chose to fill her time for you … precious!
Very cool!! I have one but it is not NEARLY that pretty!
Great idea for the bracelet holder! So pretty!
Do go check out BLURB. I’ve published several books on the site and have been very, very happy with the results. Let me know if you would like me to share with you a few valuable/frustrating-saving tips.
Marsha in Prattville
Love the bracelet holder!! Maybe you can convince your mom to tell us how she made it. 🙂
Lisa W.
Ahhhhhhh Layla, I gotta say “reading” your blog is more inspiring than I think you know. Your words…your thoughts…put down on paper really are wonderful AND make ya think about things. Who would guess, a bracelet, a bracelet holder (LOVE that by the way) and a pedal boat ride ALL is really about taking time because you care and love someone. I guess that is the artsy fartsy part about me I truly have a passion for. Because even if its project life for “you” it really is to be handed down for all to see in the future…even when I’m gone!!!
Thank you for always making my day…making me “think” about things, thank you!!!
Leah: )
Hi Layla,
Cute bracelet holder – such a fun DIY!!!
Cool to see that picture of Catalina Island – I used to live in Southern Cal. and have been there before.: )
Random question – I’ve been eyeing the Coleman bed frame at PB and wondered how your super smart DIY ORB bed is holding up???
Thanks, and Happy New Year!
So very excited for your family with the adoption this year!; )
Leah: )
Have a wonderful time working on the books. Sweet P is going to LOVE them! Just think, he will soon be picking up on all the creativity around him from you and Kevin just like you did from your mom. Such a great legacy!
Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl
What a beautiful gift that your Mom made. And how wonderful that she made it with her own hands. I love the cuff holder and hmmm, I spy a Lucy’s Inspired cuff!
I loved the bracelet holder your mom made. What a great idea. I love handmade thoughtful gifts. Good luck with the book and adoption. I am so excited for you.
Joanne B.
Ah… that’s the beauty of motherhood- the wonderful prism it provides to take another look at our own childhood- from the eyes of someone who would do anything for their child. It’s almost instinctual- something you don’t think about until you are there yourself. And suddenly you have come full circle- you are giving the unconditional love you received as a child but were too wrapped up in yourself to know it- until now. Funny how that works out…Enjoy the waiting and hoping and praying- it only gets better. You are saving a child by open in yup your heart to them- the return for you will be huge!
Claire Hill
About writing a book – This year my dog had to have some serious back surgery and long story short, I wrote a book about it. I drew the pictures on my iPad using the app Paper by Fifty Three. I then screen captured the drawings, uploaded them to Shutterly and wrote and organized their book using the Shutterfly software/website. Because I wanted to give them as gifts, I ordered ten of them through Shutterfly’s year book program. It makes them cheaper per book but you must order at least ten identical books. My son gave me a new ‘pen’ to use on my iPad that is specifically made for the app Paper by Fifty Three. I would love to share a link to the book with you if you give me an email address. It would give you an idea of what you can do. If you like drawings, the app is for you.
I love the holder and the bracelets! Can you perhaps give us a link to where you got some of those beauties? Thank you!!
Ter'e Crow Lindsay
I love the cuff holder. What a great idea. Gosh, this would be cute with a Mercury Glass bottom. I love M.G. And have lots in our bedroom. Speaking of “having lots” , I have jugs of corks!!!!! Hey, I am a Californian and I have saved them for quite awhile. If you need 2, 20, or 200, let me know! haha.
I am sooooooooooo excited for you, Kev and your whole family. What a true blessing you have ahead of you. My husband used to have a plant in Haiti and he enjoyed going to the area. Such stories he had to tell!!!!! I’m dying to hear sweet Pea’s story. We love him already! But then, you already know that!!!!
BEST IDEA!!! I am so excited – can’t wait to see the book, the pictures, the cartoon aspect….and the three of you together!
I”m in love with this!! What a great gift idea for the friend who always has a ton of bracelets/cuffs/assorted arm candy! Thank you for sharing – love the photos!