There’s nothing like a big ol’ building (or cobblestone street) full of junk!
Some people hear the word “junk”, and the literal definition springs to mind. “Anything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible”.
When I hear the word “junk”, for some reason I envision thickly-woven, dust-colored baskets with words stencilled on them, galvanized metal locker baskets, giant zinc letters, extra long, chunky wooden sugar molds, chippy old shutters, and furniture with scars that tell the story of paint colors past.
I don’t know why I started to think this way. I don’t even know when it happened…this intense love I have for all things timeworn. But boy am I sure glad it did. 🙂
Today, I’m meeting Rhoda and Cathy at Eastbrook Flea Market in Montgomery for a couple of hours.
I will cherish every single minute.
I may even smile the entire time. 🙂
Since we’re on the subject of junk, I came across Country Living’s “Coast-to-Coast Salvage Guide” online recently, and thought I’d share it here because I know many of you out there in Blogland share my affinity for “vacherie”. (as they say ‘en francais’)
Let me know if any of these hot spots are in your neck of the woods. I’d love to hear about your experiences!
Lovely junk for us all to admire…
I’ll be back soon with a post about my adventures at Eastbrook, and I’ll also be posting a very special “Guest Post” this week too! Have a wonderful week!
I know I am finding this post over a year after you wrote it, BUT…i live in Connecticut and my mom is actually the design center manager of United House Wrecking in Stamford, CT. The store is ah-may-zing. If you are ever in the area, i highly suggest you stop by! 🙂