I emailed our neighbor, Dale, yesterday morning to see if it would be okay if I came over and snapped a picture of their kitchen. I shared a small photo of it with me on Facebook a while back, and I’ve been dyin’ to get over there and see it in person ever since!
Within a few minutes, Dale emailed me back and said that I was welcome to come over anytime after lunch and that his daughter would be there to let me in.
I got there at 1:00, and by 1:18 I was excitedly racing back down the street with a camera card full of pretty pics!
My experience was sort of like shopping at Target- you go in for ONE thing and come out with SO MANY FUN GOODIES! 😀
So, here’s the photo of his kitchen I went in for…
…and here’s the other “goodies” I came out with!
What a fun house, huh? I just kept snapping every time Dale’s daughter led me through another door- LOL!
Anywho, I had originally planned to write a post about some kitchen ideas I had floating around in my head, but I thought you might get a kick out of seeing pictures of those lovely rooms instead. 🙂
Happy Weekend!
I just died over that bathroom!! Totally using it as an inspiration pic!
Love those cathedral door frames! That home is amazing!
Love it all, but those arches are AMAZEBALLS! Love it 🙂
This home is unbelievably gorgeous!! What style would you call this? Cottage?
That home is GORGEOUS!!!! I kind of lean towards warm masculine decor,, this is the opposite of that and I love it!
Layla, Is this white, pure white? I have wondered that with many of your pics:). The outside of my house is pure white, and I LOVE it…but many rooms on the inside are more of a cream. I love the crispness of this whiter white though. Advice, thoughts?? Thanks so much!
BTW, this house is breathtaking!!!!!
Good Golly!!!! This home is past wonderful. Is this how y’all keep your houses, for real???? It is just gorgeous. I love every room!!!!! Where do they hide their “stuff”??????
I am blown away (and feeling a little guilty). I better go dust!!!!!! and hide the doggie toys!
So much eye candy!! What a beautiful home… that kitchen, that bathroom… *sigh*. 🙂
xo Heidi
Do you have picture of other side of kitchen? This has me inspired to flip my whole kitchen around!
I will take one for you tomorrow, Kat! (I’m heading back up the street for more pics- LOL!) 😀
What a beautiful house! And those doorways are beyond amazing!
Lovely rooms indeed! Thank you to your neighbor for the peek inside and to you for snapping such great photos. It’s magazine worthy yet cozy.
You know what I like about your blog, is that it is very spontaneous. I read other blogs that I like very much as well, but where I often feel it became too much of a “business” for the blogger. You don’t hurry to show us a project because of a photo shoot deadline for an article etc….you take your time to stop and deviate. Your things don’t look so planned; we never know what we’re going to get the next day, just love it…I am looking at you as a friend and not a client. Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us.
Thank you so much for leaving me such a kind and encouraging comment, Gwen! I always say that I “blog by the seat of my peddle-pushers”. 🙂 Blogging really is my favorite thing to do, and because I’m not much of a planner, winging things post-by-post and day-to-day, really suits my (a.d.d.) personality-LOL. I noticed your email address said “.fr”. Are you in France? If so, oh, how I’d love to visit you there someday! 😀
Well, I was born and raised in France, my family still live there and I spend 2 months there every summer but since I married a US Navy officer 12 years ago, we’ve been moving around the globe: from Spain to Italy to Japan and now Hawaii. We’re moving to South Korea next year. I have never had a house of my own but been collecting furniture now from everywhere we go, wonder how that will look together the day we settle down…probably will have a big garage sale and start from scratch again. My sister just built a modern house attached to an old winery building in France and she gave me carte blanche to do all the decoration when I go next summer. You are very welcome to come help. it’s amazing what you find in second end store and flea market in France.
I applaud your decision to change gears on the fly. Thank-You. Any way to source that chandelier???
Thank you, Bernie! 🙂 I will ask Dale about that chandy for you!
The chandelier is from Steven Handleman Studios. Here is the link. http://www.stevenhandelmanstudios.com/products/chandeliers/riveria-chandelier/
When we bought it they only had one size so they customized it to be larger. Now they have three sizes available.
The shades are from Luna Bella. They were the only place we found that color of blue in a shade. They were very accommodating in helping us with the shades. They just slightly altered some that they had.
It’s a gorgeous home! That bathroom is my favorite but I really love it all. Great style! Thanks so much for sharing with us!
I am swooning at the beauty in every single room!
Please ask your neighbor the color blue that is on the walls….beautiful!
I want it on mine.
Thank you!
Hi Lisa! Dale listed the names of some of their paint colors in the comments section above. 😀
Sooo gorgeous! Swoon! Had to chuckle at the alarm clocks, (to myself!) Because I’m a clock-lover, and my family can’t understand why I have so many clocks! Love them, until daylight savings time, then I wonder why. Family grouches if their times at wrong, so I can’t let them have the wrong time. Totally love this house, thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous home! I would live to see the entire home. Dale do you know the name of the paint color on the island? It’s breathtaking!
I’m sorry, I don’t. We picked it out at the cabinet shop. And I don’t know if it even had a name. It’s really almost a distressed pine green.
Do people seriously have their house looking that “ready for photos on the web” on a random day? I’m lucky to not have dog & cat fur floating around, let alone everything looking so perfectly lovely!
I LOVE the table with all the clocks, and the fact that they all aren’t even close to being set to the same time!
how do you recommend making a living room look light and bright like this house, when your MIL bought you a $1600 rug from pottery barn that’s the typical deep red, and green and tan colors. I can’t get rid of it, but when I think about how I want to redo my living room I can’t picture how to do it around that darn rug!
Wow! Cottage rooms? It’s certainly more than cottage rooms. Just beautiful! Ha ~ I was just going to type what Amanda said ~ Is this for real!
I think I need to go clean now!!!
Hi Layla,
I am dying to know where the wood base/pedestal think on the dining table under the rabbit came from! I’m planning a wedding and pinned a picture with a wedding cake sitting on that exact stand. I figured it was homemade so I’ve been keeping my eye out for a stump to replicate it but lo and behold, there’s its twin! Crazy.
That one came from Southern Homes and Gardens in Montgomery but we have also seen them at Scott’s Antique in Atlanta
Absolutely wonderful! ~Roberta
Gorgeous house!! I love the dining room! I was going to paint my table, but now I think I might just paint my walls Blue Hydrangea instead! Do you know what the fabric is on the dining room armchairs?
Beautiful! Did they use a decorator or did they do it themselves?
Just absolutely beautiful… Thank you for sharing!
WOW! Is this person a interior decorator? The home is amazing such talent….of course next to yours(love you)> Take some more “lovely pics”. Great ideas too. p.s. It helps to have a home with a lot of character!
I love everything about the house! I can’t get those dining chairs out of my mind! Who makes the table and side chairs?? Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh my! I just kept gasping as I scrolled to each picture! Wowza — I love this house!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Simply gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing Layla! What a beautiful home–so inspiring!!
Any chance you can get us the names of the colors of the paint? Simply beautiful!
Those hallway ^ arches are amazing. Was it a design choice or creative solution to a problem (hiding ductwork or something), I wonder? Such a charming home!
Stunning! Can you share specifics about the master bath vanities and the dining room chair fabric? My euro shams want that pattern.
Thank you.
Wow, I enjoyed that mini house tour, I love the analogy you gave because it’s so accurate, you came out with tons of goodness.. Loved it!
I am in love with the yellow paint in the kitchen! I noticed everyone asking for the blue paint colors in the house but I am interested in the yellow.
Dale, would you please please share the name of the yellow paint in the kitchen!?
Thank you so much, hyedi
I’m surprised my laptop didn’t short out from all the drool!
I love everything about this house! Thank you to all for sharing. I am midway through remodeling my bathroom with 1.5 inch hexagon white and black tile on floor, white subway tile on the walls, a beautiful antique oak dresser with vessel bowl sink and a chandelier. I love the chandelier in this bathroom. If you find out where they got theirs’ I’d love to hear about it. I had also picked BM Robins Nest for the paint!