I received the coveted “Arte Y Pico” award from Jennifer at the Old Painted Cottage!
I did some research on this nifty little award, and apparently the meaning of the expression “Arte Y Pico” goes (roughly) something like this:
“Wow. The Best Art. Over the top.”
I can dig that. 🙂
There are 5 rules for this award:
1. Choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community regardless of the language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner should show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the award should show the Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Show these rules.
And the award goes to…..
1. Kara at Inspiredkara.blogspot.com
2. Jermonne and Joe at Barnhousebh.blogspot.com
3. Rhoda at Southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com
4. Kari at Reeseandmarie.blogspot.com
5. Lisa at smallplacestyle.blogspot.com
Visit their blogs if you haven’t….you will see why I think they’re so deserving of the “Wow-Best-Art-Ever-Over-The-Top” Award.
Stay tuned for tomorrows post: A GIVEAWAY!!!
If you have a second, pop over to HGTV.com and rate my audition video! I’m desperately seeking 5-star ratings!
(PS…you can vote more than once sometimes)
Thank you, thank you! 🙂
Oh, wow, Layla. I am flattered beyond belief that in just 4 days I’ve already won an award! Thank you so much and this is definite encouragement to continue pursuing the thing that took me months to bring to fruition in my head and months to work up the nerve to start. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
I actually awarded this back to you. Not cuz you gave it to me, but because you are in my top 3 favorite blogs. Seriously. Just pat yourself on the back for getting 2 awards in one day!
~Reese & Marie~
Congratulations on the award and thanks for the links to some great blogs! I love learning about awesome blogs.
Wow! A couple of those were new to me, and they are fanTABulous! I’ve bookmarked them!! Good girl! Congrats on the award. You deserve it!
Congratulations Layla on your special award from sweet Jenn!! You deserve it, as do the others that you awarded!
THank you Layla! I will add it to my other awards. I’m terrible at passing these on, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
WOW! Thank you SOOOO much for the beautiful award! How special do WE feel??!! Well, we sure hope your HGTV audition makes it to the finals…we have been voting for you!! :o)
J & J
Awww Layla your too kind! Very very sweet of you! Your blog is most awesome girl! I love your blog too!