Well (as of April 21st) we are officially out of Legalizations and into the LAST phase of our adoption process: passport and visa! 😀 In a nutshell, that means in about 4-6 weeks our Sonny will have his very own passport, and about 4-6 weeks after that, Kevin and I will attend a visa appointment at the US Embassy in Haiti. 7 days later, we’ll all board a plane back to the US…together!!!
When God told us to “JUST TRUST” and jump heart-first into this adoption adventure three and a half years ago, we didn’t know what that kind of leap would eventually look like.
Today, we know *exactly* what it looks like. Our sweet Sonny…
…and all the precious people that can hardly wait to love him forever too. 🙂
Lucky Sonny! He’s coming home to a family full of love. If there’s more room, I’m sending one more love from Jakarta.
What wonderful news! And how lovely to see all of your people helping to bring him home.
Adoption is a journey filled with great love, endurance, patience, and grace. You will grow in ways unimaginable;,the reward beyond anything greater than that felt with another person. It is a precious gift direct from God. Enjoy and embrace it all!
I am so happy for you guys!!!!!! How exciting ???. You have awesome friends!! Keep up the great work!!!
We are getting ready for our next Haiti trip. Leaving June 21st. ?
Layla I’m so happy for you and Kevin that you are finally at this point. What an amazing family and community you have behind you, what a homecoming it’s going to be for Sonny!
That little man sonny is a lucky little boy!!! So very happy with your news and so excited when he comes home?
Layla what a awesome Mothers Day gift to ya’ll❤️❤️❤️
God bless you and your new family! So excited for you!
What wonderful, wonderful news! Love God’s plans…even when they seem to take forever, they are always the best!
“All Good Things Come To Them Who Wait…….” What an exciting and beautiful time for you, your family and your friends. Please know I am praying for you both and your precious Sweet Pea, Sonny!
That is wonderful news. I can’t wait to see you bring him home.
That is the best news I’ve heard all day!!! I cannot wait to see the plan that God has for your sonny, and for you and Kevin. Just keep being obedient and let God use you. He never fails!! I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!
My heart has followed your journey and now is rejoicing. You will be a beautiful family ❤️?? AND grandparents in the same dwelling will be frosting on the cake.
Tears! It’s getting so close! Can’t wait to see him home surrounded by family and friends!
Even though we have never met in person, I have followed your story! We love our matching t shirts, pray for you and enjoy your blog. We can hardly wait to hear all the adventures you will have raising sonny. He looks very adorable and cute and fun and already in your heart. I wish for you a transition that goes smoothly. Yours in HIM,
Yay!! Thats all I can say 🙂 Just wonderful news!
We’re waiting for our child right now too. I’ve been led to a book called “The Connected Child” by Karen Purvis. It is mostly about adopting children from orphanages and other difficult situations. I’ve only begun, but I already highly recommend it. Thought I’d pass it along since you’re getting that close.
Yes! ‘The Connected Child’ was mandatory reading as part of our home study, Georgianna, and we got to see Dr. Purvis speak a couple of years back too. I’ll never forget when she asked us all a question, and I *thought* I knew the answer so I raised my hand…only to find out I didn’t have the answer she was looking for- LOL! She was so sweet about it though and said that my answer was “right too”. 🙂
Where is your child? I hope you are on your way to your son or daughter soon!
Would love it if u did more shirts! So excited for you and love to be a tiny part of sonny coming home!
So happy for you and your husband. We listened to Kevin sing on your Periscope. It was great! So much love in that town! God bless..
Though I seldom comment, I’ve followed your blog for years. Seeing how close you are to bringing Sonny home brought tears to my eyes. The love you already feel for that sweet boy is so clear, and I am just thrilled to bits that soon the three of you can be together. Congratulations!
Just AWESOME!!!!
So wish I lived closer to you but know we celebrate his homecoming with you. I get goosebumps thinking about just what a wonderful life y’all will all have together!!!! What a blessing. Carrots and P’s, perfect fit!!!
Yay! Yay! Yay! Soon and very soon! 🙂
Happy days. 🙂
On a different note–that pie is a work of art! Did it taste as good as it looks??? My pies are tasty, but not pretty.
Give us the deets! What’s all the fun photos about?
It looks like love in action whatever the event. I’m SO excited for you!!!! You are so beautiful. Both of you. All three of you.
It feels like I’ve been waiting right along with you. I’m super duper thrilled you’re SO close! This is so awesome!!!! I want to fly down there with y’all!
Yay! So very excited for all 3 of you (and beyond)! Congrats!
Triple, quadruple LOVE this! 🙂
This is wonderful news! Enjoy every day!
Oh my goodness! Don’t know about you but those timelines seem do able!!
Such wonderful news! So happy for you!
Cheering with you!
I can’t wait!! I have been following along the whole time. 🙂
So thrilled and excited for you ALL!! 😀
This is truly getting real!! Soooooo excited and happy for you guys – oh my goodness, that precious grin on Sonny’s face is going to be there for a WHILE when he comes home to such a love-filled reception! 🙂
On a completely frivolous note… I love your lipstick in these photos. Care to share the brand and color?
It has taken so long, I do not know how yu have remained so patient! I know I will be happy to see the conclusion come!
Patience is a power from the Lord, and “if He calls to you it, He’ll get you through it”! 😀
So happy that you will be able to have him home soon…being parents is a wonderful thing (exhausting) but wonderful. Wishing you both all the best from Brisbane, Australia
Jump..Jump…Jumping for Joy!!!
He is able to do more than we could ever hope for or imagine..
Love the T-shirts..what a wonderful community you have around you.
Sweet P, Sonny will have that village to help too..
To God be the glory, great things He has done! and will do.
So exciting!!! 🙂
I check in on you guys every week just to get an update on your family! This is the happiest news! Can I get a Sonny shirt, too? I feel like I need to be part of the blue shirt crew, too! My heart is exploding with love for you guys and prayers are overflowing…all the way from California! (Maybe I’ll be visiting my family in Alabama when the welcome home rolls around!!! I’d feel that much closer to the party!) Much love… 🙂
Thank you, Julie! 😀 We appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement so much!
And I will be offering the Bring Sonny Home shirts on BlogThreads.com this weekend if you’d like to scoop one up! XO
Omogsh that’s such amazing news!! That also looked like a loving fun bunch of family & friends, he’ll be going to a wonderful family 🙂
Can’t wait to see him home with you!
Lauren | Lovely Décor
Thank you for sharing your journey with us and in turn gives me a reminder of God’s love for each one of us. Sonny is adorable, he is SO loved and I’m so happy for your beautiful family.
Thrilled for you all! We serve a MIGHTY GOD!