“You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.
-Pablo Picasso
Our Sweet P is THREE!! 😀
His birthday was today (Sunday), and you know what’s really wild? I dreamed about him last night! Like, a lot. Like, I woke up two times in the middle of the night and continued to dream about him BOTH TIMES I fell back to sleep! It was awesome! The details are fuzzy now, but I know there were “I love you” s, and there was at least one diaper change (ha!), and I remember being on a plane with him one time, and in my Grandma and Grandpa’s house another time. November 23rd is his birthday, but MAN did that sure feel like a Present to me!! 😀
I had so much creative energy this weekend. It was like my body knew it was supposed to be in party mode. On Saturday morning, I woke up and told Kevin I was heading out to the flea market because I just had to do something fun with all that energy. Before I darted out the door, I took a picture of the wall to the right of our front door. We still need to swap the ivory-colored switches, switch plate, and outlet for white ones, (and lengthen my curtains with a little more fabric!), but it’s one of those walls that’s been whispering, “have some fun with me” for a while now.
Since that area is right next to the front door, I set out to find some kind of entry table/mirror combo, but I didn’t know if it would actually end up coming together that way, because you never know what you’re going to find at the flea market.
I lucked out though! My (vague) idea and I hit the road around 10 o’clock, and a few hours later, I was back at home, calling Kevin downstairs to help me lug my secondhand treasures into the house.
I came home with an old table and two antique window frames (from New Orleans!). After we had them inside and in place, I propped one of our mirrors up behind the window frames, just to see what they’d look like with mirrored glass in them. Sometimes you have to do that kind of thing to get a visual, ya know? The light switches will have to move over to the left a little, but I think it’ll be worth the trouble.
(Why do cats immediately have to sit on any “new” thing you bring in the house?) 🙂
I really like the way the mirror adds depth to that chunk of drywall, so I think I’ll check into how much it costs to have two pieces of beveled-edge mirror cut and installed, just to make them a little fancy-schmancier.
When I originally spotted the table, up on the second floor at Eastbrook, buried behind two other tables in a booth full of all kinds of other stuff, I thought maybe I would cut it in half and mount one side of it to the wall to create a shallow two-legged console table. When I got it home, Kevin and I noticed that there was actually already a seam down the center, so if we wanted to just use one side of it, all we’d have to do was remove a few screws and it would come apart. But then, light bulb moment. Kevin had a better idea. He said, “What if we DON’T separate the table so that we can use it for extra seating when we have more than…one, two, three, four, five, six…people over.” (He was counting the chairs around our dining table and thinking back to the conversations we had had about wishing we could fit a few more people around it.)
I squealed and grabbed the tape measure out of my purse. I checked the measurements and BOOM. The new table is the exact same height and width as our dining table, so we can pull it over and butt it up to the end of our table the next time we have more than onetwothreefourfivesix people over!
I don’t mind that they’re different tones, but I guess I could always cover both of them with one long tablecloth if I wanted it to feel like one long table. Either way, I’m pretty pumped about the quirky new “leaf”! 😀
And when we’re not using it as a dining table extension (which will be most of the time), I can see a lidded wicker trunk underneath it. I think it would be a great place to stash shoes and bike helmets. I’d love something that looks like this…
..or this:
And then there’s the top of the table. That thing’s just begging to be accessorized! I have a tiny, potted evergreen tree, so I think I’ll use that as a jumping off point…and maybe I’ll get my “idea man” involved again since he seems to be on a roll. 😉
Layla, these pieces are just so beautiful! You give me happy inspiration, thank-you 🙂
What a silly question about why cats have to check out new things…first of all, all new things must pass kitty inspection, but more importantly, everyone KNOWS that any pictures that are taken of new items look much, much better with a kitty in the picture. Especially, tuxedo kitties, as my friend, Steve is telling me.
Dreamy hardware on the new window/mirror!
What more do you need on that cute table, than your cat?
I love successful treasure hunting for that “have some fun with me” wall space!
Hi Layla, I LOVE your home and LOVE reading your blog. You inspire me in so many ways! I have a question: could you share what color that is on your living room walls? It looks so pretty! Thanks!
love the beveled mirror idea. and WOW Kevin, BAM, what a man. Spacial and foresight. Keep that guy!!
Beautiful!!! I love the brightness of your living room layered with your great furniture and accessories! I would love to know about your window blinds, are they bamboo and where did you purchase them? After remodeling our house two years ago and building a brand new living room to our existing 1930’s beach cottage I am ready to finally get some blinds up on our windows! Our house is a modern/cottage/industrial farmhouse style so I probably won’t add curtains but love the texture and look of your blinds! Thanks!!
Maybe, just maybe, your creative energy is that burst of energy many women have before giving birth……he may be coming sooner…..
Carol, that’s exactly what came to my mind. First that burst of energy and then that nesting phase and then……comes the kiddo!!
The frame is perfect and what a great memory of creating a welcoming entry to your home while “celebrating” the little one you will be welcoming soon. I like the mirror behind it too – hope you can find a bargain. And the wicker basket beneath for shoes – love that idea! Happiest of Thanksgivings to you and yours. Thankful for you Ms. Layla!
love it when a plan comes together…and then exceeds the plan!
What is the wall color called?
A wicker hamper in an entry way–fabulous idea! And I was just at IKEA last week. Looks like I’ll be heading back soon!! Thanks for all the great inspiration. The frames your found for a mirror are gorgeous, especially the hardware. Enjoy!
What a great birthday party that boy will have next year with ya’ll. I know he will be there. All good things happen in their right time
Love it all so far! Keep us posted on what else you do in that area!
I’m never a good treasure hunter at flea markets. I love seeing what other people find though. I also love furniture with dual purposes. It’s pretty cool that you now have extra seating for dinner parties.
i have a trestle table that can become very long for big groups, and then a twin sheet works well as a cloth
Would it look bad to put 4″ pipe (copper or galvanized maybe) spacers behind them to hold them away from the wall and be able to slip your hand behind it for the switches? Just thinking.