“There is heartbreaking beauty everywhere. If you get good at anything this year, let it be learning how to sit under a tree and look at the clouds.”
―Theron Humphrey
The photo stopped me in my scroll, but it was the sentiment underneath that really made me think.
Get good at learning how to sit under a tree and look at the clouds.
I loved that so much. It doesn’t say, “make more time for” appreciating Beauty. It says get good at it. Like, actually be consistently intentional about fine-tuning our marveling skills.
I want to get good at that. Marveling and being appreciative of the heartbreaking beauty everywhere.
Friends, I’d love it if you’d share a simple, beautiful sight, sound or sensation you’ve experienced recently too. A kind exchange. A big klunky lab. A moment in the sun. Just something simple you noticed (maybe amidst the not-so beautiful? or amidst pain?) that made you feel grateful and/or Loved. I may ask you weekly from now on so we can get really good at it together. 😉
Hope your Thursday is fantastic, dearies!
Peonies! We have them everywhere, they have the most amazing smell:) Also the other night, as I climbed into my clean bed, I was super thankful for a place to rest & for clean sheets and shaved legs! LOL
I’m sitting inside admiring the GORGEOUS greenery outside. It’s still too cold to plant flowers up here in Manitoba, Canada. We have to wait till June or you’re pretty much committing murder. 🙁
But I’m loving how everything is greening up and garden centres are full with lovely flowers of every variety, colour, height, and light requirement. People who buy at this time of year do so to get the best variety and because they have a greenhouse or garage where they can shelter the lovely darlings for a week or two yet.
And each time I walk into a garden centre and see pansies, I smile.
Pansies love the sun. They bravely withstand the cold. They grow and flourish in the heat. They don’t complain. They show off their beautiful colours; purple & yellow / dark purple & light purple / orange / red / yellow – no colour combo competes to be the best. One isn’t more beautiful than the other. They stand together in all their variety and say welcome spring, isn’t it an amazing day? They are awesome.
I’m sitting beside my garden doors, looking out at the apple tree, sipping my tea, and admiring the pansies sitting on the dining room table, eager to make the house look lovely and summery.
(P.S. I totally want to hug the precious dog in the photo above. He’s darling! And wise…)