Here’s a SMALL sampling of some of the things I discovered…
May have to open that etsy shop back up!
And imagine my surprise when I uncovered this full-size keyboard, hidden behind one of my old robes…
I forgot I even OWNED a full-size keyboard!
I’m gonna see if our niece or nephews want it- because I’m certainly not shoving that thing back in there again.
I also managed to fill one 40-gallon trash bag, and one huge box, full of clothes I can’t fit into/can’t imagine ever wearing again.
We brought them over to Goodwill last night and I can’t tell you how good it felt to get that stuff outta the house!
Since the bedroom has become a complete and total disaster work zone in the past 48 hours, we’ve temporarily moved our king-sized mattress into our dining room so that we can sleep in there while we re-do the bedroom.
(What’s that ya say? Where’s our dining table? Why that’s in the living room, next to the piano, of course.)
Having to “camp out” isn’t so bad though.
The dining room is the coolest room in the house (our HVAC died earlier this year, and we have a window unit in there), and I’ve enjoyed waking up to a pretty blue ceiling in the morning, and having a Wonder Wall as a headboard night…
So for the time being, the dining room will act as our bedroom, and the living room will act as both our living room and our dining room.
Needless to say, it’s a little crazy around the ol’ cottage this week.
But we’re okay with crazy.
Especially when the end result is a kick butt (keyboard-less!) closet.
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