Kevin started priming the armoire in the sunroom this week:
The wood is really drinking up the primer, so I think he’s going to put on a second coat and then paint it with a durable semi-gloss paint. (Simply White by Benjamin Moore. The same color as our trim.) I’m still trying to decide what color he should paint the doors. I wanted to leave them natural, but the wood was super-inconsistent (pink in some parts and green in others), and I didn’t like the way that looked.
And speaking of the sunroom, I don’t know if you remember or not, but when I hung up the collection of plates in here (two years ago this very week!), I attached a little “tag” to one of them:
I mentioned that I was going to add Sweet P’s name and “Gotcha Day” date on it whenever I knew what they were. It’s exciting to think I *do* know his name now, and that there’s a *chance* that date could end with the number 15! 😀
My friend Suzanne took me to an estate sale Monday afternoon. She goes to them all the time, but I think I had only been to one before yesterday. There were gobs of people roaming from room to room throughout the house. Everything had a price tag- except the architectural details, which of course, I was most drawn to. 😉 You should’ve seen the marble tile on the floor in the foyer- WOW! 😀 I also couldn’t help but notice how much wrapping paper and ribbon (rolls and rolls of ribbon!) the person who lived here had. There was one small room and a large walk-in closet FULL of the stuff. It made me think about how much she must have enjoyed giving. I smiled thinking about her making other folks smile. 🙂
I spotted a beautiful, vintage seascape painting hanging on the wall in her sunroom. It was quite large (maybe 24×36?), and it was framed. It reminded me of the ones Katherine and Jay collect, and I just knew Kevin would absolutely love it. He was inspired by their collection, and would like to create one of our own because the ocean reminds him of God so much, too. The price tag on it read $125, but Suzanne told me everything would be marked down to 50% off the next day. (Apparently that how these 2-day sales work) I’ve been researching seascape paintings online for the past couple of weeks, so I knew that was a great price, but just a little more than we could spend. $62.50, on the other hand, would be quite the deal. The Monday sale was only open for another hour when we left, so Suzanne and I made a plan to swing by again after she dropped her girls off at school on Tuesday morning.
We pulled back up to the house around 8:40am and there was a pretty big crowd gathered in the circular drive out front. We were all asked to sign in, and when the clock struck 9, we shuffled in through the front door and made bee-lines to the items we had come back for. I followed Suzanne through the foyer, into the hallway, into the den, into another short hallway, and then into the sunroom. My eyes went straight to the spot where the painting had been hanging the day before- and then to Suzanne, who had turned around to tell me, “it’s gone”.
And it was. It must have sold during that last hour of the sale the afternoon before- can you believe it? I was only not there for an hour! What an adventure though. I’ll never forget it! 😀
I didn’t come home totally empty-handed though. I found a sweet little blue and white dish that had been marked down to $1.50 by the time I bought it…
…and a great big blue and white bowl ($20) that I’m currently using to hold the extra bath towels that were previously stacked on the shelf in the laundry area:
And last but not least, here’s a (fuzzy) cell phone pic of “the one that got away”:
You can almost feel the breeze right through the screen, can’t you? Here’s to the thrill of the next seascape-related hunt! Which, according to Suzanne, is coming up soon. 😉
PS- The winner of The Best Yes book giveaway is Cynthia Taylor!
(Cynthia, be on the lookout for an email from me later today! XO)
Also, Kevin’s Shoot Fly Shoot business has partnered with the folks at The Ultimate DIY Bundle this week. If you’ve been thinking about taking his Photography 101 class, now is a great time to purchase it for less, and get TONS of extra e-books and e-courses along with it. The bundle, which includes offerings from some of the most popular home decor authors and bloggers on the web, will be available through the banner link below for the next 6 days.
Maybe you’ve just recently moved into a new place. Maybe you’ve been living in the same place for a while and want to refresh your surroundings. Or maybe, you’re just really creative and are constantly changing things up. Maybe you feel “design-challenged” or just need some new design inspiration. Whatever inspires and motivates you, The Ultimate DIY Bundle has put an incredible depth of resources at your fingertips.
*banner links to affiliate link
Love the painting. Wonder if the artist has another…………
I had a similar experience at an Estate sale too. So sad. If it is a good deal the first time around someone else will know it too. At least that is the lesson i learned.
Love the shot of the little step stool in the down bath. I got leaky!
I absolutely love estate sales! My favorite finds are usually the small things like your little blue and white dish. So sorry about the painting. I have experienced that same hope and disappointment, but it must not have been the painting for you and Kevin and your home. =) Looking forward to hearing about the hunt!
Beautiful seascape, Lala … next time, right?
I discovered the fun of estate sales last year and now I love to go! My mantra to keep myself from getting upset when I lose out is “there is always another sale and plenty to go around.” Sometimes the opposite happens – last week I went back on the last day just sure a gorgeous mirror was going to be gone on the 1/2 price day and it was still there! So fun-I scooped it up and just smile every time I see it. It sits on top of the chest I bought from Miss Mustard Seed at Chapel Market which makes me extra happy!
Love the blue and white bowl and dish! We attend estate sales most weekends and often if you are there at the very end of the first day and you ask quietly and kindly, they will let you have it at half price then. The people who run them don’t like that word to get out though so a discreet inquiry is best. Good luck and be careful, estate sales are rather addictive 😀
Like everything in life that doesn’t happen…it wasn’t meant to be. Something even more perfect is waiting. <3
Love your reply, Ann! (It wasn’t meant to be.) So true!
I really like the tag hanging from your plates…you knowing his name and praying the date is soon!
Morning Layla. I can not believe it has been 2 years since you have started the adoption process. I wished it had been a quicker process for you, Kevin and Sweet Pea. I also wish there was something everyone could do to help make the adventure of a lifetime for a baby and his new family happen much sooner. ( prayers are first and paperwork and system adjusting are second) You are so positive and upbeat and faith filled. You and Kevin are going to be the best parents ever!
Totally love your bowls, plates and armoire. If I ever come across that beautiful and peaceful sea scape picture, it will be yours! Have a wonderful day looking forward to the day you run out with those already packed suitcases. Hugs and Prayers
estate sales are so fun! i was able to get a lovely grandfather clock for half price before the official “half price time” simply because i quietly suggested that i doubted anyone would buy a broken clock other than me. then somehow i got it for $90 which is crazy, but all i am saying it ask because the worst they can say is no. (i worked for an estate sale company and wow, people ask for a lot worse!)
the large bowl you scored is wonderful. forgive me if it is rude to inquire, but i am rather curious as to how much you paid for it. i never know if i am getting robbed or getting a great deal on pieces that size so i usually don’t pull the trigger and purchase them, even though i “need” a few.
still praying that this is the year your sweet p comes home…
Oh! The big bowl was $20! I need to add that to my post! 😀
I bet you will find a seascape painting when you go to meet Sweet P and it will have even more special memories. There are usually local artists who paint for the tourist trade; you may even be able to commission a painting to commemorate this special time. A seascape with the three of you walking on a Haitian beach perhaps? Something to think about.
Wait until you see the gorgeous paintings you can get in Haiti. Then this one will seem a million miles away…
I love estate sales! I don’t always buy anything, but half the fun – for me at least – is just walking around and seeing the house and the things other people buy. Plus you can score some great deals. Also, as others have mentioned, it never hurts to ask if they can give you a discount on that first day, especially with you being there late in the day.
I had that happen at an estate sale that was at one of my neighbor’s houses. They had a beautiful vintage stained glass window over the kitchen sink that I had to have – but was not willing to pay full price for since they were asking a bit much. I love about four houses down and raced over the next day to find it gone. 🙁
But, I had to tell you I found a painting similar in style to that one that you wanted at the Goodwill. I think it was about $5. It had an ugly-colored frame, so I took it off and painted it, and now it’s hanging in my master bathroom. Be sure to check the Goodwill! 🙂
I’ve never been to an estate sale. It sounds like an exciting adventure! 🙂 Sorry you missed out on the painting. I love that bowl, though!
I just read about the Ultimate DIY Bundle on another blog and was thinking about buying it. I didn’t notice that a Shoot Fly Shoot class was included! That alone makes the whole thing worth buying! Kevin and Josh are GREAT teachers.
Estate sales are the best, so sorry you missed out on the painting, though. 🙁
The armoire is looking great, I can’t wait to see the finished product!! Keep up the good work, I can’t believe the difference you guys have made in your home in just a few short years.
Estate sales, garage sales, yard sales, barn sales, thrift stores, antique stores, craft fairs, auctions…they are all so much fun and highly addictive!!!
And then there is Craigslist…I have seen so many great deals there!!!
Gosh do I love LOVE your posts Layla, I’m certain even though we’ve never met we are soul sisters:) when I read your words, your thoughts, you describing how you “see” things like the stuff that’s not for sale! Your speaking to me…I see things and think OH what I cou do with that:)
My heart is sad you missed out on the ocean picture , and I so get what Kevin thinks about the ocean . And although I can count on both hands how many times I’ve see the ocean, every single time I think, this beauty is gods creation, can’t be nothing else! It talks to me, makes me at peace!!!
Thank you for stealing my heart with every single time you post!!!
And I pray sweet pea comes sooner than later!!!!
Lisa W.
Hi Layla
One of the comments on a recent Elemnts of Style post led me to Deborah Randall. Way out of my price range and probably yours but her large seascapes are so beautiful. You could enjoy a bit of fantasy shopping!
Love your armoire, just beautiful.
My wife and I used to get to more estate sales, and miss them. The others are right about asking for half off at end of first day or if they won’t do that they may offer etter than full price. It can be hard to say no to a buyer right now vs tomorrow.
One other source we have tried is the Hospice store sales and the sales connected with assissted living communities. We had one in town that had a house tour (5-6 houses) and a treasure sale. The vintage and antique items are plentiful, the prices fair and many times there are just plain useful household items for a great price. Check you paper or ask around, they are fun.