Meredith emailed our adoption update around 1 o’clock on Friday. She said that IBESR did have a meeting about consentment letters last week, but that no one knows exactly what was discussed or if any decisions were made. Or if anybody at the meeting was feeling signature-happy. 😉
Needless to say, our prayer this week is that IBESR has figured out best way to proceed with everyone’s consentment letters, and that someone will be ready to sign them all soon.
Throughout this process, I’ve started to notice that those “no new news” updates always seem to trigger the need for a quick change of scenery. If I’m out and about, I usually feel like heading home. If I’m home, I usually feel the need to flee flea. There’s just something about wandering around 60,000 square feet of previously-loved stuff that feels like such a great distraction, ya know what I mean? I know you do. 😉
For instance, if you had gone with me after that email came in on Friday afternoon, there’s no telling which one of us would’ve pointed out the INSANELY PERFECT paint job around the top of this little table first:
I mean, look at that line!! #PrecisionPainting
I think it’s also pretty safe to say that we probably would’ve high-fived every time we passed one of these babies:
“You can put SO much stuff in them, but they don’t eat up a lot of floor space, ya know?“, says me.
“I know, right? And they’re so much fun to decorate!“, says you.
#ThisIsWhenTheHighFiveWould’veHappened 😀
I think we would’ve stopped to talk about this old iron table base, and we would’ve decided that grass green is definitely one of our faaaavorite colors:
#ThenWeWould’veSteppedAwayFromTheTableBase #NeitherOfUsHasRoomForItAndItDidn’tHaveAPriceTagOnItAnyway
We definitely would’ve discussed this glass-topped metal biscuit box…
…and how the SUNSHINE lettering (our favorite part) would be covered up you put anything inside the box.
We would’ve passed these wire baskets and decided that we may love mint green just as much as we love grass green:
I would’ve said “Ooh! Ooh! That bookshelf would look so cute with a colorful coat of paint!”
…and you would’ve replied, “Yeah, but aren’t the music notes upside down?” 😀
I think we would’ve decided that we both have a thing for old, wooden crates- but that vendors must be onto us because they’re just too expensive these days!
We would’ve played a round of “I could see that in a Pottery Barn catalog”…
We would’ve thought about Traci (again) when we spotted yet another cool, old croquet set:
We would’ve decided that one of us HAD to buy this jewelry case because it was ONLY 15 bucks:
Until we discovered that we were both looking at the wrong sticker, and that it was actually $75.
#LOL 😀
Last but not least, there would’ve been my experience with this glorious thing…
All folded up and looking just like sunshine sitting on a sideboard. *sigh* You would have witnessed pink puffy hearts actually flying out of my eyeballs the second I spotted it…
Begin slow motion sequence, set to Chariots of Fire music: I would’ve shoved my purse into your arms and ran full-blast towards it…yelling full-on Braveheart-They-Will-Never-Take-Our-Freedom-(Or-Our-Vintage-Quilt)-style. Arms outstretched…nostrils flaring…eyes narrowed and locked straight onto it. Vintage dishes and knick-knacks would’ve crashed down to the floor in my wake.
…but, once again, you would’ve reminded me that I’ve got enough vintage quilts. #That’sWhatFriendsAreFor. 🙂
Shanna J
Layla, you’re such an inspiration! Your faith, kindness, and your style! You are the kind of person that makes the rest of us want to be better! Thank you for sharing!
What a great post! Love the iron table. Where is this store located?
Thanks, Patricia! It’s in Montgomery, Alabama. 🙂
Raylan White
Which flea is this? I’m coming down from Opelika on Sunday, because I want to hit up a couple of flea markets. Angel’s is five minutes from my house, so I go too often and only see the same ‘ol things. I need a change of scenery (and would love to find a quilt like that)!
Amanda N Mann
Yes where is this!?
Eastbrook Flea Market in Montgomery, Alabama. 🙂
Christine berends
I just died with excitement a little bit. Go back and buy the glass topped biscuit box. I have been looking for something similar for months now.
One day sweet p will grow out of a pair of shoes. The first you ever bought for him. And you will want to frame them. And hang them on the wall. And you will have a beautiful box with the word sunshine embossed in it, and a sweet pair of shoes nestled underneath, for you to look at for the rest of your days.
I have serious box envy.
I love the really narrow buffet tables and would never pass by a wire basket! lol
Jana Huntsinger
How funny….that EXACT conversation was happening between us in my head too!!! Too bad California is so far away because I would totally come shopping with you anytime!