This morning, in the hush of dawn, I slipped out of bed and left Kevin to sleep. (Brrr…it’s chilly in here! Should I turn on the heat? No…that’s silly…it’s only October 3rd) Instead, I welcomed the opportunity to snuggle into a pair of fuzzy, gray pajama pants and a long-sleeve thermal shirt. Then, I pulled out a fresh, new pair of thick, white socks. There’s something so great about slipping into a pair of new socks, isn’t there?
I whipped up a bowl of oatmeal and filled a small wine glass with orange juice. I love to drink orange juice from wine glasses. It makes me feel like I’m on vacation. 🙂
Then, like I so often do, I found myself tiptoeing towards the Reading Room.
I love to sit in there, first thing in the morning. Just me, my breakfast, a magazine, and birdsongs outside the window.
It’s peaceful, and inspiring. The perfect way to gently stimulate my brain into the day.
Like our Mothers, the Reading Room reminds us to slow down every now and then, and at the same time, encourages us to be creative, and continue to learn.
So when I started hanging things on the wall in here, it seemed like the perfect place to use things that reminded us of our Moms- the women whose eyes always seem to sparkle with the look of loving, and whose smiles always radiate such a comforting warmth.
One of the first things to go up on the wall was my Mom’s Shellbox
I hung it low, so that visitors would feel welcome to interact with it…
I love the laminated key that sits on top of my Shellbox too. Skinny, silk ribbons, hang down from it- each adorned with a tiny shell. The key makes it so much fun to learn the names of each of these sweet little specimens, hand-collected by my beach-combing Mother.
The Lettered Olive will always be my favorite. 🙂
Speaking of favorites, the photos of our Moms are among two of our favorite things in the whole house….
Their images remind me of this poem…
Her love is like an island
in life’s ocean, vast and wide.
A peaceful, quiet shelter
from the wind, the rain, the tide.
‘Tis bound on the north by Hope,
By Patience on the West,
By Tender Counsel on the South
And on the East, by Rest.
Above it, like a beacon light, shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And through the changing scenes of life
I find a haven there.
Whether it’s a reading room, a craft corner, a breakfast nook, or a simple window seat, I think it’s so important to carve out and create special places like these for yourself. These areas can often help put things into perspective and they encourage you to be you.
Henry Miller once said, “the moment one gives close attention to any thing, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”
Now go on and create something indescribably magnificent for yourself- you deserve it!