“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
-Jane Smiley
That’s not true. I’ve never been much of a “big kid” book reader. Don’t get me wrong, I want to be- I just haven’t ever made much time for books that are longer than 20 pages and don’t have cute illustrations- ha!
A writer once said, “I don’t like writing. I like having written”.
I think that’s how I feel about reading non-fiction books. I like having read them. 😉
But here’s the thing: I don’t want to let another year slide by without having read any great grown-up books just because reading them doesn’t feel automatic to me. I want to make time for twelve non-fiction books this year. One per month. And I don’t want to read them just to force myself to read them. I want to really absorb them so that I can (hopefully) learn from and (hopefully) be challenged by them. I want to discover why my family and friends recommended them in the first place, and hopefully be able to recommend them to other folks that are looking for similar stories.
My friend, Suzanne, gave me a book called Fervent for Christmas.
It was written by Priscilla Shirer and I decided straightaway it would be my January book. I thought, surely, it would take me the whole month to finish, but Priscilla made it easy to finish two weeks ahead of schedule. Her writing style is conversational and clever and she kept me interested from start to finish. That reminds me, did you see War Room? Wow. So, so good! And that reminds me, you know what I like about movies? No reading. (Kidding!) 😉
Okay so, I’m no professional book reviewer (clearly), but here are three things I really enjoyed about Fervent:
- I am very interested in aligning my weakling spirit with the full force of God’s Holy Spirit, and this book is all about tapping into the power of heaven through intentional, deliberate, strategic prayer, so that we can watch it reverberate in our experiences.
- Chapter 1, or as Priscilla titled it, ‘Strategy 1- Your Passion, Getting It Back When It’s Gone’ was incredible. I don’t want to spoil it, but in a nutshell, Priscilla shares and unpacks a story from 2 Kings that I had never heard, and I couldn’t read it out loud to Kevin fast enough. SO powerful and SUCH an impactful message.
- Through this book, God used Priscilla to remind me that He doesn’t want something from me, He wants something for me, and that my value is not in what I do, but in who I am.
- She challenged me to think about what dominates and defines me. Is it life’s pressures and demands? Or will my service and adoration of the Lord determine how I operate — determine what fills my plate?
My February book is The Hole In Our Gospel (which, so far, is one of the most thought-provoking and important books I have EVER read!) and I can hardly wait to share a blog post about it next month. After that, I’m excited to read (an advance copy of) my friend Shannan’s book, Falling Free, (which comes out in September!) and For The Love by Jen Hatmaker (she wrote the Foreword in my friend Shannan’s book, by the way!). Beyond that, I’m not sure. I’d love to hear which other non-fiction books you highly, highly recommend. Thanks in advance if you have any “most impactful book EVER” titles to share! 🙂
I also wanted to read books but don’t get inspired to do so, probably because I have this short attention span to reading without pictures or drawings. I have read for a day or two but was unable to make it a habit. So I decided to become a member of book clubs/reading clubs. I met like minded people and I was surprised to find people who were in my shoes some time in their lives.
LOVE WINS by Rob Bell. Absolutely revolutionary. Amazing, Amazing book.
Ah, so many good books! A few favorites, both old and new…
Discipline by Elizabeth Elliot
The mission of motherhood by Sally clarkson
The envy of Eve by Melissa Kruger
Future grace by John piper
The pursuit of holiness by jerry bridges
Transforming grace by jerry bridges
Putting amazing back into grace by Michael Horton
The meaning of marriage by Tim Keller
You will LOVE For the Love!! One of the best I have ever read for light-hearted, belly laughs AND thought-provoking faith matters. I am finishing Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly and it has been amazing. About vulnerability and shame and connecting. So eye-opening and helpful in my own life, where I just THOUGHT I did vulnerability well.
I can’t wait to read Fervent too! I’m LOVING Audacious now by Beth Moore. Amazing.
War of Words by Paul Tripp
Instruments in the Redeemers Hands also by Paul Tripp
I second – The Meaning of Marriage – Tim Keller
One that has changed my life and marriage: Ezer – Biblical Femininity –
I’m currently reading Not By Sight by Jon Bloom. It’s a great choice for someone who’s not a big reader with short meaningful chapters. I typically read a chapter a day since each chapter is about a different character in the Bible. Some of my all time favorite past reads are Believing God by Beth Moore, Discerning The Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, and Love Life for Every Married Couple by Ed Wheat (an older book that had a profound impact on me during a dark time in my marriage). A fun read is Black Heals to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond (the Pioneer Woman). Found myself laughing out loud a lot with that one!
“Translating God” by Shawn Boltz and “I Am Your Sign” by Sean Smith. Both will mess you up (in a good way) and change your life. The first is about hearing God and the prpise of prophesy and the second is about what God is doing in the earth and the revival that is coming–SO HOPEFUL!! These are game-changer books that communicate a kingdom message that lines up with the Gospel Jesus preached.
Love Does by Bob Goff — I read it aloud to my husband on a road trip this past summer. Funny and inspiring!
Audacious by Beth Moore, friend and mentor of Priscilla Shirer.
Happy Reading!!!
I second Love Does. Easy read and so inspiring about taking chances.
Circle Maker by Mark Batterson is the most important, most inspiring book Ive ever read. Also the book Wheat Belly changed my life. 🙂 and for a nonfic thats just fun–A Girl Named Zippy.
Daring Greatly – Brene Brown
Thanks for the great ideas!
(For The Love is awesome, by the way!)
Good a.m. Layla, I would recommend The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, it deals with the issue of judging people without knowing them and how much we loose in the process. It really is by far one of the best books I have ever read. Which ever books you choose, happy reading!!
Great books I have read fervent, yes an amazing must read! I am a avid reader for the past two years. Some great recommendations would be the storm inside by Sheila Walsh and you’re amazing by Holley Gerth , and overextended by Lisa Harper. (And pretty much anything by Beth Moore) I will pick up the two books you have mentioned as well. it is always nice to find a fellow reader . I would love to start a Christian book club.
Jesus Is ______. By Judah Smith is one of he best books I’ve ever read. I think I have given away 20+ copies! I also love Flesh by Hugh Halter. It’s another one of those life changing books. Unstoppable by Christine Caine is fantastic too. Can you tell I like to read?
Wow, all my life I have been surrounded by readers & wondered what is wrong with me? Thanks for sharing this post today. I could have written it! You and your readers have motivated me to read this year,too! Thanks!
I too decided to read a book a month for 2016! Now that I’m a stay at home mom, it has become easier to indulge in my love for reading. However when I was working full time, I never got to read. My January book is “One Call Away”. A memoir by NFL Hall of Famer Kurt Warner’s wife Brenda Warner. The book reflects on her early years serving our country as a marine, then married with a special needs child, divorced by 22, lost both of her parents in a tornado, and meeting and marrying Kurt and eventually starting the First Things First Foundation. It is truly moving! Good luck and hope you meet your goal of reading more in the new year! 🙂
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
Not exactly a “non-fiction”, but it could be! The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Spiritual, easy to read in story form, and a lasting message of positivity, strength and hope for all ages & forever. “The best is yet to come”, now my life’s motto. I’ve read it twice and often pick it up randomly for a few pages. Highly recommend.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp.
Where did you get your copy of The Hole in Our Gospel? I have had mine on back order from Amazon for about 4 months.
I ordered mine on Amazon and got it a few days later, Donna. I wonder why it’s showing up “back order” for you?
I often see copies of The Hole in Our Gospel at the library sale table. I loved that book, it left a mark on my soul.
2016 will bring big changes in your home! My favorite book to give mothers of young children is “Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry” by Katrina Kenison.
Here is a link to the author’s website: http://www.katrinakenison.com/books/
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges and Crazy Love by Francis Chan… both books will definitely impact your life!
Also, for when Sweet P is older… I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot were must reads for both of my kids.
I hope you love The Hole in Our Gospel as much as I did. It rocked my world, changed my life and how I view my place in the world, and even understand God a bit better.
Oh, I already do, Jennifer! Phenomenal, life-changing read.
Mindset by Carol Dweck. It changed my life. I have shared it with many others who say the same thing. It is an excellent tool for parenting and a quick but powerful read. I highly recommend it!
I’m not a big reader either. But in my college years I fell in love with Christian Fiction author Francine Rivers. I could read her books over and over (and I have). I highly recommend Redeeming Love, The Mark of the Lion series, and The Atonement Child in particular!
Crazy Love by Francis chan. It’s a life changer. Google Francis chan balance beam for an intro of the book. It’s amazing. I don’t even loan my copy out, I buy it for people. It’s truly that good!!! Fervent is on my list too for this year. We are doing her Armour of God Boble study and it’s amazing.
Whoops! Bible! 🙂
Also Hole in the Gospel is good and Too Small to Ignore is good too! By Wess Stafford.
Little Cabin On The Trail by Denise Mahr Voccola is a fantastic quick read. For you and Kevin, about to have a little one to make memories with, you will want to start your parenting journey story-telling your life to him. This book helps us to remember that our stories need to be passed down to our kids. I would love to send this book to you. Send me an email with an address and I will get it mailed.
I can highly recommend any book by Mark Batterson. I loved his first book, “In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day” (catchy titles always intrigue me) and I’ve read each one of his books since then. They are all good and I think you would like his writing style.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown!
Also….your blog is compatible with Feedly now!! Yes!!!
One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp is one of my very favourites! Her book The Greatest Gift is the best Advent devotional ever!! Her blog is aholyexperience.com I hope you love her as much as I do!
Anything by Sally Clarkson is fabulous, Love Does by Bob Goff, anything by Timothy Keller is great and the Pilgrimage By Lynn Austin
I was also going to suggest One Thousand Gifts. I read it at just the right time in my life, just when God knew I would need to know how to be thankful.
I just bought this one for my expecting daughter and son-in-law: The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family (goes with Sticky Faith) by Dr Kara E Powell. Over 100 ideas to build lasting faith in kids. This is excellent for developing a strategic plan to teach your children to trust Jesus and develop their own faith. I cannot praise this book enough…start early with Sweet Pea coming soon! Sticky Faith is good too in helping one develop a philosophy. This one helps develop the strategy that is needed to parent …especially today!
This is great, I need to read more ‘grown up’ books too! Two of my favorites from last year, “Newton on the Christian Life” by Reinke. Loved this, so encouraging!
The other is “Reflections of God’s glory” by Corrie Ten Boom, she is just such a great example of a godly woman, I enjoyed reading her thoughts. Happy reading!
One of my all-time favorites, and just about the only book I’ve ever read more than once is “Same Kind of Different as Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. I never wanted it to end, and yet it broke my heart in such good ways.
Lucky you, getting Shannan’s book so early! I have it on pre-order and cannot wait!
Fervent was one of the most impacting books I read in 2015. Jesus Is __ by Judah Smith is one you may want you read. Thanks for sharing!
I’m reading Choosing Joy; Finding Hope and Purpose when Life Hurts by Sara Frankl and Mary Carver. Actually it’s a collection of Sara’s blog posts that Mary has beautifully collected – Sara’s story and her message are changing my heart as I read it. I think you would like it!
Hands free mama and hands free life. Both very easy to ready, extremely relatable and so good!
Are you including biographies? If so, Stepping Heavenward is wonderful!
First time commenter…But For the Love is one of my faves. You’ll love it.
Flash! By Rachel Anne Ridge. Boo Mama listed it on her favorites for 2015 and it is SO inspiring and just a wonderful way to look at life (through the eyes of a loving family and a donkey who “adopted” him).
You will LOVE it!
Love Does by Bob Goff is one of my faves.
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. Must. Read. Really! A story of daring to love and forgive in the face of cruel hatred.
For the Love is one of my lifetime favorites. A group of friends and I formed a book club to discuss it because it’s that good!
Kisses from Katie is another good read.
The hole in our gospel caused me to be responsible for a world I truly didn’t know existed. It is one of my favorite books, although it was hard! I can’t wait to read your post on it! I have tried to read books and biographies that tell a story only God can write. I don’t know if you have ever read “Through the gates of splendor” and “the end of the spear” but I would recommend them (they are a continuing story of Gods faithfulness in hard circumstances). Also “the hiding place” is another favorite.
Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
and I agree with others about Daring Greatly by Brene Brown (her Ted Talk is awesome too! If you don’t decide to read the book.)
Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman
The Meaning of Marriage – Keller
If – Batterson
The Greatest Gift – Voskamp (for month of December)
The Best Yes – Lysa Terkeurst (also has a wonderful parenting book called Unglued)
The Shack – Paul Young
One more but can’t think of it. Enjoy Layla!
A non-fiction book I read last year and couldn’t put down was “Kisses for Katie”. It’s the true story of what God amazingly did in a high school girl’s heart from Tennessee. Very very inspiring. You will love it!