I’m feeling artsy-fartsy today. Handsy-wandsy if ya know what I mean. I think I’ll play with some of this milk paint I got from my friend, Marian, a.k.a Miss Mustard Seed…
Kev and I picked up a sweet little secondhand secretary for the sunroom a few weeks ago, and it’s just beggin’ for a coat of something fun!
At first, I thought it was missing a shelf (which was totally fine), but upon further inspection, I discovered that the upper shelf had just fallen, and is actually sitting on top of the lower one right now.
I’m not sure if I’ll use both shelves or not though. I kind of like the idea of using some tall things on that lower shelf.
I’ll probably replace the drawer pulls, but keyhole hardware will stay…
I love that it came with its original key. There’s something so magical about those old-timey ones, don’t ya think? I love the feel of them…and using them to open things. It makes the whole experience so much more…Narnia. Ya know what I mean? I’ve locked and unlocked that sucker probably fifty times so far. Never gets old!
Here’s to magic and milk paint…and (hopefully) a fun adventure with both, today!
PS- Did you know Marian released a book this month? I just ordered a copy and I’m so excited to read it!
Yay! You got a secretary! That was my vote. 🙂 The key! I’ve seen lots of secretaries in flea markets, and never even thought about the key. I had an antique secretary in my bedroom growing up (did all my homework in high school there), and I loved it. As soon as I read about your key, I immediately imagined locking and unlocking mine and the feel of that key in my hand. I haven’t thought about that in years! 🙂
ohhhh! it’s almost just like the one i picked up and painted with chalk paint. can’t wait to see what you do with yours. i painted the outside aubusson blue and am planning to paint the inside of it old white. procrastination…:) everything you do is lovely. do you like milk or chalk paint better? i paint everything that sits still, so i’d love your opinion!
pretty piece! can’t wait to see how it turns out! which MMS color are you going to use?
this looks like a beautiful piece, I can’t wait to see it when you are done 🙂
I saw a glimpse of the result on Instagram and it is gorgeous!!! I’ve heard such good things about milk paint…I’ve got to try it. Awesome job as always!
Is this chalk paint along the lines of the Annie Sloan paints?
Hi Vicci!
I’m actually using Marian’s milk paint on this piece. Here’s a link if you’d like to learn more about it:
I cannot wait to see what drawer pulls you choose! I have a dresser and high boy that match your secretary and want to update them. I am so looking foward to this project of yours so I can get some inspiration!
Like other posters I have a piece almost just like this and I’ve been searching for a posting from someone that re-painted, either with milk or chalk Paint. With all the nooks on the inside I’m curious to see and hear how it was handled and see the finished product. Hope you will be posting the finished piece soon.
OOOhhh! Can’t wait to see what you do with this beauty! I have a secretary, passed down from hubs’ grandma… and I’m considering (painting!) it. (gasp) 😉 It has locks, but the key is long gone. I’ve put Marion’s book on my Christmas list, so I’m hoping! Love your blog, Layla. Thank your for sharing your life, thoughts, and talent with us!
Can’t wait for you to finish and pst.
I’m excited to finish and blog about it, too! 😀
Did I miss the update? I need to know the outcome LOL…. I love your blog!!