Happy Friday!
On Monday, I showed you some photos of the desk area we’re working on in our master bedroom- but I forgot to tell you the details on the desk!
It’s five separate piece (2 desktops and 3 base units) and they came from Ikea.
The base units are called ALEX, and they were $89 each:
I chose them because they have hanging file storage in the bottom drawer:
I was a little concerned about how close the bottom of the drawer fronts were to the floor, but they slide open and close without a hitch, and don’t scrape against the floor. I may re-face the drawer front and add bin pulls to each one at some point, but they work great for now.
The table tops are called LINNMON:
They were a little too deep, so we asked one of our neighbors if he could chop a few inches off the back side with his table saw. He also cut out holes for us in the center of each table top so that we could run our cords down through them. The tops are a black-brown color, and I love the way they pop paired with all the white around them, and how they tie together with our black shelf brackets. I’m not, however, crazy about how quickly they look dusty. Within a matter of hours, you can see every little piece of lint, dust bunny, pet hair, etc, so I have to take everything off and dust it at least once a week. They weren’t expensive ($29.99/each), so I may replace or re-clad them sometime. For now, I’ll just get used to a little more housework than usual. It’s probably good for me anyway! 😀
PS- Still no news from USCIS about our I-600 being approved. We did send them a “just checking in” email on Wednesday afternoon, so maybe we’ll hear something soon? I’ll keep you posted! ** Updated to add: WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT! It came in this afternoon!!! I’ll blog all about it on Monday!**
Also, we’re hosting our monthly 4-day pre-order sale at PikeRoadSouthern.com this Monday (August 1st) through Thursday (August 4th). Here is a sneak peek at one of my favorite new designs!
We’re offering it in gray or white and it says, “If it involves sunshine, sweet tea, a front porch and a farm house- count me in!” 😀
Layla, Try dusting with a used dryer sheet. Google it. Love your new space!
I know you are a prayer warrior, and I’d sure appreciate prayers for my mom, Donna. She was hospitalized last week and they are doing a colonoscopy today. We are praying for completely normal test results, and healing in Jesus name!! Praying for you and your Sweet P! Jesus is so faithful! Blessings from Missouri!
Love the new desks! We have the dust issue with our dark surfaces too! I’m so going to try the dryer sheet thing to see if it helps. Hang in there with the adoption process, It’s happening soon for sure! Can’t wait to hear that you will be on your way.
Our 9 and a half year old son (adopted from Japan) shared in tears last night that he desperately wants a brother. That was a killer…we are 49 and 50, and tried to explain that it may be too late. I had cancer when he was a toddler, so we feel like after the 5 year window (to be cosidered cancer free) we missed the boat on another. He is normally so happy and lighthearted. He almost never mentions wanting a sibling. The door is still cracked open, but the situation would have to involve some serious divine intervention…
We love hearing any little tidbits about Sonny and your family’s adoption journey. It’s going to be so wonderful to have him home with you!
Love that t-shirt and the so cute button-fly bottoms too!(Are they pants? Where did you find them?) You are teeny-tiny!!!
Hang in there! Prayers for His perfect timing!
Our only child asked for a sibling at about that time in her life, too. We, also, were unable to have any more children and it was a tearful moment to try and fully explain that to her. Flash forward 20 years to the present and she is glad she is the only one and doesn’t feel ‘alone’ or ’empty’ without a sibling. Maybe it is something that 10 year olds feel and will lessen with age?
Does your son have any pets? Perhaps allowing him to pick out a dog or cat that is his very own will help.
Best wishes.
We have custody of our 8 year old grandson. This week (again), he had an extended crying period as he begged us to adopt another child so he has a sibling to live in our home with us. We are 64 and 68 so don’t think most adoption agencies would look at us as adoptive-parent candidates. His sorrow breaks our hearts. He has friends and cousins but nothing quite like an in-house sibling.
I grew up as an only child, and I think it was perfectly fine. My parents chose to have one child so they could focus all their money and energy on just me. When you go through more trying times, the lack of a sibling can become more apparent. When I moved out of the country, my parents were left very much alone. When my mother died, there was no one to support my father until I arrived on a long distance flight two days after the fact. The effect of being an single child is much stronger when you’re an adult. Luckily, my husband has sisters and they have become like my siblings now.
We have an only child who is now 30, married, and lives in Singapore (we are in Massachusetts). I’ve given some thought to what would happen when either myself or my husband passes. Like your parents, we would be very much alone.
Having one child is probably my deepest regret. Growing up, my daughter never mentioned that she wanted a sibling, so I never gave it much thought. Like your parents, I wanted to give her everything she needed, and ‘most’ of what she wanted. Big mistake. Family is what matters in the end. Everything else works itself out.
Layla, I have the EXACT same office configuration. Sitting there right now as a matter of fact. Very handy, with lots of storage. Love it!
Love your new desk and accessorues. And love your new “T” desingn!!!? And Layla YOU ARE a beauty!!!!? I’m hoping you get that email back real soon!!! Happy weekend?☮?
Lisa W.
When I was waiting to hear from China in my adoption of my daughter Abigail, it seemed like it was take two steps forward and wait….and wait….and wait. Then suddenly, it all fell into place and two weeks later, I was standing in China with my darling baby girl in my arms. Two months ago, she graduated from high school and in another month, she heads off to college. And I swear, only an hour has passed since they put her in my arms!!! LOL!!!! It will happen and in the years to come it will be wonderful, terrible, joyful, and frustrating, tiring and exuberant! But God will be there for all those days because He put Sonny and you together to be a family, just as He did for me and Abigail. And it will all be perfect….trust me, and more importantly, trust God!
Thanks for the inspiration Layla! My hubby and I redid our office today and yours was one of our inspirations! http://www.morningswithpenny.com/#!Office-Overhaul/dd20t/579bf97f0cf276b3ba07cc3a
How exciting….. congratulations on the email news for the approval. Yay!!!!!!!
Can’t wait to hear more on Monday. And yes, a plan is exactly what we need.
Love KAM
Congrats on the approval! I’m soooo excited for your little family of THREE! I can’t wait to hear about the details.
Also, when at a furniture store once, we asked how they kept their dark furniture so dust-free looking. They said they use a rag and windex. Worth a try?
Did you cut your desktops to be flush with the top of the file drawer, or leave a little overhang like a typical desk has?
Ok…I got my hubby to pick up an ALEX drawer storage unit with the hanging file just like you have here! Have you tried to hang files yet? My regular letter sized ones don’t fit! They’re too wide! Have you had this issue or have you found some that fit?